30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member

    What size weights are you all using with the program? It looks like Jillian and the girls on the dvd are using maybe 5lb weights throughout? I am using 10lbs on everything and the wife is alternating between 3's, 5's, 8's depending on the strength exercise.

    They sell a box with weights and a mat to go with the program..I know!...anyway it comes with 3lb weights so that is what I figured they are using. I also alternated between 3lbs and 5lbs. For Ripped in 30 right now I am using both,
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Andrea - Life gets in the way, but you are still here. Try Level 2 again. The first night I did it, I felt like I was going to die too (same thing for Level 3) - I think it's your body of being all "wtf, I just got used to you kicking my butt that way, now you want me to do what?!?!?!" If you go back to Level 1 and build up to Level 2 again, THAT'S OK TOO!!!!

    I think the good thing about this thread is that we're all at different places in the workout, but we're experiencing the same things in our own ways. I wanted to be done with the shred by Sunday. It's not going to happen, and I'm ok with it. I couldn't do the shred yesterday morning bc when I don't sleep, I overeat (it's a weird thing that sometimes I take a sleeping pill, and if it doesn't work to put me to sleep, it makes me hungry and I basically blow my day late at night. When that happens, I'm bloated and sluggish in the morning and I KNOW I wouldn't be able to do the workout). It's life. I sometimes can't sleep and eat, it happens. I hope that whatever is going on in your life is manageable and you have a strong support system outside MFP. No matter what you do, we'll still be here for you.

    As for the weights - I had no idea that there was a weight set and mat!!! I've been using 5 or 10lbs. I can really see that my arms are beginning to get cut because of the 10lbs. I hope that means I'm boosting my metabolism and am burning fat even when I'm sitting on my butt! :smile: Yeah, I'm ready to move on from the shred too! Laz and many others have said that there are some of the same moves in Jillian's other workouts - that is great to hear.

    Happy Friday, my Shredders!!! Be like 27 and Laz and have totally awesome NSVs this week!!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Hold the phone - I just realized I did Level 3 7 times already!!! Ummmmmmmm, I think, no, I KNOW I can shred 3 times before 11:59pm on Sunday. YES!!! SCORE!!! <Happy Dance!!!>
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Way to go MO...yeah I was at Walkmart after I first started shred and saw a box the said 30 Day Shred on it with weights and a mat...cost $14.00.....knew i didn't need it but was nice to know what pounds she was using. If your using ten pounds holy cow you must be getting shredded..i took a nice long walk with friends today so i will not be Ripping...this can be my day off...Have a good weekend my friends
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    I've got one week & one level left. I'm determined to complete this thing before August - that's when hubby and I begin INSANITY - lordhavemercy. The thing about it is, I'm super excited. I'm hoping he'll be motivated enough so I don't have to motivate the both of us to stick with it and finish.

    You guys have been so helpful and I can see and feel the changes in my body - more flexibility, a (teensy bit) leaner body, and just all around feeling better about me. Gotta love the journey. Wish me luck on my last week!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi guys, I'm back! We had a wonderful time on vacation, but unfortunately the internet service we were suppose to have was not working! :( So, we just got in this evening - we were gone for a little over a week. It was a nice vacation, but the kids kept me very busy. I did get some exercise time in & need to check my results. I have to unpack tomorrow and do laundry, so I will post later in the morning/afternoon.

    Glad to be back, I really missed you guys! What program is everyone on? Are you still finishing up the 30DS or have you moved onto something else. Need to figure out were I'm going from here.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Welcome back! I'm glad you had a nice time on vacation. Everyone is at different points in their "Shred Journey" - we even have some recent graduates. :happy:

    I am somewhere in the middle and I am on vacation myself after Friday. We are going camping so 30DS will be on hold for a week as there is not quite enough room in our camper to do what Jillian would like me to do! I am going to continue with C25K while on vacation, get in some bike rides, and try to eat as few smores as possible!

    I am going to start 30DS over again when I get back and attempt to make it the whole 30 days this time. Fortunately, everyone is sticking around and doing their own Jillian programs even after they finish 30DS.

    Welcome back again!

    And Keda - I willl be thinking about you on August 1 when you start the Insanity!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    Paramedic - you were missed!!! Glad you had a great time!

    Andrea - Good plan! And look and you incorporating exercise into your vacation. I tried to run in the mornings when we were in Boston, but that just didn't happen. It was a combination of exhaustion and "uh, you think I'm going to let you leave this hotel and run in the streets of Boston at 6am? I don't think so!" Hey, when he's right, he's right. But, there was lots of walking throughout the day. It sounds like it's going to be an active vacation!

    Keda - You bet your sweet happy self that you can put the Shred to bed by the first. Please!!! You have a week. Come on now!!! You've come this far, don't you want it under your belt before you start your insanity?!?! Oh yes you do! :wink:

    So, I finished 30DS yesterday. I was about to not do it on Saturday because of flood clean up in my brother and boyfriend's basement. Lots of cleaning and moving and up and down the stairs. I went by them right after my morning workout, so I was all sweaty and nasty!!! My brother had me going up and down the stairs - if it wasn't to move stuff, it was to get him stuff. Those stairs were workouts in themselves!!! Got home and thought "I'd walk through burning coals to get that burger, nachos, whatever, back in the day, I'm doing my shred." Jillian made me her biotch for 56 minutes that day. I was spent, but I only had one more workout to do!!!

    I did the Ripped in 30 today and will incorporate that with the Metabolism DVD too. I'm liking what these workouts are doing to my body.

    Here are my stats:
    LOSSES (June 15 to July 25 - 30DS)
    Weight: 5.2 pounds
    Chest: .5 inches
    Left Bicep: 1 inch
    Right Bicep: .5 inches
    Waist: 6.5 inches (HOLY CRAP!!!)
    Hips: 1.5 inches
    Left Thigh: 0
    Right Thigh: 1.5 inches

    So weird since my thighs feel smaller. But, I'm happy with the results!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Good morning to you all.
    Paramedic - you were missed!!! Glad you had a great time!

    Andrea - Good plan! And look and you incorporating exercise into your vacation. I tried to run in the mornings when we were in Boston, but that just didn't happen. It was a combination of exhaustion and "uh, you think I'm going to let you leave this hotel and run in the streets of Boston at 6am? I don't think so!" Hey, when he's right, he's right. But, there was lots of walking throughout the day. It sounds like it's going to be an active vacation!

    Keda - You bet your sweet happy self that you can put the Shred to bed by the first. Please!!! You have a week. Come on now!!! You've come this far, don't you want it under your belt before you start your insanity?!?! Oh yes you do! :wink:

    So, I finished 30DS yesterday. I was about to not do it on Saturday because of flood clean up in my brother and boyfriend's basement. Lots of cleaning and moving and up and down the stairs. I went by them right after my morning workout, so I was all sweaty and nasty!!! My brother had me going up and down the stairs - if it wasn't to move stuff, it was to get him stuff. Those stairs were workouts in themselves!!! Got home and thought "I'd walk through burning coals to get that burger, nachos, whatever, back in the day, I'm doing my shred." Jillian made me her biotch for 56 minutes that day. I was spent, but I only had one more workout to do!!!

    I did the Ripped in 30 today and will incorporate that with the Metabolism DVD too. I'm liking what these workouts are doing to my body.

    Here are my stats:
    LOSSES (June 15 to July 25 - 30DS)
    Weight: 5.2 pounds
    Chest: .5 inches
    Left Bicep: 1 inch
    Right Bicep: .5 inches
    Waist: 6.5 inches (HOLY CRAP!!!)
    Hips: 1.5 inches
    Left Thigh: 0
    Right Thigh: 1.5 inches

    So weird since my thighs feel smaller. But, I'm happy with the results!

    HOLY CRAP is right!!! Good lord, lady! You whittled your middle right down didn'tcha? WOOHOOOOO! So proud.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    6.5 Inches?!?!?!?! Whoa! Did you take before and afters? That has to be a HUGE difference. Way to go once again!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I can really see the difference in my stomach and my arms. I think my legs are getting more muscle on them (thanks to the running) - I'm happy with the results.

    I did take pics, but, well, I think they're for my eyes only at this point - there's still that self-conscious girl in me who would rather have a root canal than post a pic of me in my bra.

    Where is everyone at with their shred? I'm going to try the metabolism workout today. I think I'm going to vary the workouts and not just do one for 30 days, we'll see how that goes. I had no idea there was a "30day Slim Down." Did you? I think I'm going to do a "30day Moslim Modown!" Tweet things and do the Ripped and Metablism workouts along with the Bridge to 10K program I started today (which, btw, kicked my butt). It's so funny, how you complete one thing (like C25K and move on to something more difficult like Bench to 10K) and think it's going to be a piece of cake and you get kicked in the butt really quick. "Pffffft, I was running for 30 minutes straight, I can run 4 times at 10 minutes each." LOL - I ran for a total of 30 minutes, the other 10 were speed walking!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Good Morning ladies.....Awesome results Mo......I am on Level 1 day 7 of Ripped in 30....I realized yesterday that there are 4 levels which means in order to get it done in 30 days you don't get to do each level for 10 days...imagine that! So I layed it out and am doing 8 days of each and a redo of some of the levels that will be harder at the end...I really can only stick to something like this for 30 days, if I tried to do it for 40 there is no way I would finish it.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Ok..so I started Level 2 of Ripped today....she is a trotal B@tch in this level...no way does Level 1 prepare you fo level 2...damn PLANK..PLANK....PLANK! ButI feel it today, especially in the arms..OUCH!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    I am restarting 30DS tonight. I was going to wait until after vacation, but I thought there is no better time than now. I will get 2 or 3 days in before vacation, and then I will miss 7 days. But I think by starting today it will give me the momentum to stay active while on vacation.

    Mo and Laz - I am so impressed with your weight loss! 18 and 20 pounds - you must both be ready for shopping trip by now!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Ok so I am officially **** scared! I just ordered 30DS after reading about it for weeks now and being too scared...

    I've been doing Billy Blank's Tae Bo which I like but I hate the blonde shouting HEY all the time and the dirty daggers her and the other woman gives each other - such a power struggle haha and generally Im getting abit fed up with it. I need a change.

    So I also ordered The Biggest Loser 2, haven't seen any of it on telly though. But the rave reviews about JM30DS and The BL are superb.

    Bit of a bugger that I go away on holiday for 2 weeks soon so wont be able to do it then. I'm sorta lookijng forward to a new workout.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    No exercise this morning and I'm so hungry - two things that don't usually happen. But, you know, life. I think these two things are going to throw me off all day.

    I hope you shredders are shredding. I tried Jillian's Metabolism workout yesterday and HATED it!! I like the circuits and how it flashes on the screen that we're at a new circuit or a new portion of the circuit.

    YAY Andrea! There's no time like right now. Great attitude!

    Welcome Phinners! Tae Bo is a workout, I'm sure you'll be ok with 30DS. I think all of us on here were sore for 2 or 3 days, but you have to keep at it! It will get easier. You have to push yourself and even though Jillian is annoying and you really want to slap her for 20 out of the 28 minutes, she will put you on the road to get to where you want to me.

    Weigh in tomorrow - - - - come on 20lbs!!!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey ladies! You all are doing so well!!! Sorry I haven't been posting much. We have been doing some home remodeling and I've been spending most of my days painting and redecorating. Now for the bad part - our air condition pooped out, so we've been without air conditioning for the past 3 days and won't have it completely fixed until next Wednesday (boo hoo) It's also been some of the hottest days around here -- not at all pleasant.

    So, my workouts have been basically walking - I'm drenched by the time I complete it. I hope to pick up some of my other DVD's next week once our new air conditioner and furnance is installed. I can't wait to get back in the groove!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone,
    glad to see everyone's sticking to their workouts, and welcome to the new folks. I have a hard time keeping up with these threads (most of my MFP stuff is done on my phone), but it's nice to check in here once in a while.

    Started Level 3 of the Shred today, don't feel too bad. Had to follow Anita for a lot of it - I don't seem to have the arm strength for a lot of this plank stuff. I have been using 2 and 3 lb weights, alternating. I can at least do like three pushups (real ones, not the girl ones) so I guess that is progress from zero pushups lol. Also, how did they do those planks with the weights? It hurt my hands. Any suggestions?

    I have been disappointed by my weight loss in the past few months and so am seeing a nutritionist on Tuesday. I've been kind of doing a "weight watchers" type diet, sticking to my 1200 most of the time - but what I spend those calories on hasn't been great. Maybe paying someone to tell me what to do will make me stick to more nutritious foods and put down the pizza, who knows. lol My clothes are fitting better and I can wear some smaller sizes, but the scale isn't going down.

    Well, nine more days of the Shred and am wondering what to do after that. Input? How is the C25K? Ripped in 30? Other suggestions?

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Rakeda1210
    So, I didn't finish 30DS before 8/1...I still have like 3 days left. Life gets in the way sometimes...but I'm still going. Doing it in the mornings and Insanity at night. Just did the fit test last night...was breathing SOOOO hard! But it's good. The stretches in Insanity are so much more effective and helpful than those in 30DS. And I just love Shaun T to death, whereas I wanted to pop Jillian in the face at times. :)

    Butter - Those planks with the weights killed my hands too! I think I would have been able to do the full move without the weights, but because my hands hurt so bad, I had to follow Anita on that one (aaaaand it still hurt!). No suggestions from me, but I'm open to them! :)

    I'll check back with you guys soon. Have a beautiful day!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    So I gave Jillian a rest....Did level one of Ripped and then went on vacation and didn't have a chance to really do it...I'm gonna try some other videos and maybe C25K...I need to change it up...BUT I will be back an will finish Ripped! I finally hit the 20 pound mark! Yep, a true 20 pounds lost! I am so excited that in less than two months I lost that much, especially since my vacation got in the way and then I lost interest in excercise for about a week! but I'm back on tarck and last night when I was at Dollar Tree picking up balloons for my daughter's birthday, I found a whole bunch of exercise videos that I'm gonna give a try. I think I need some more variety and they were only a buck. Wondering where everyone else is on their journey? Have a great day ladies!