vondelynn Member


  • I got the BodyBugg used from a friend. I have been wearing it about 8 weeks now and find their activity manager website pretty easy to manage - but I never saw the old one so I don't know what the differences are. I have been thinking of getting another large armband but I think because it's a bodybugg I might have…
  • My plan (which works for me) is to not go into the "I can't have it" mode. If I do that, I get sneaky with food, eat stuff and try not to log it, etc. So I allow myself one or two pieces of things I wouldn't normally eat. I also get in the habit of tracking 200 calories (or more) on days when I know I might graze between…
  • I can't really increase my water too much more - I already drink 3-24 oz glasses daily, 4 if I start my day with coffee. I think it's that bounce you get when you increase exercise, or at least I'm hoping, I'm also going to watch my added (and hidden) salt too. Thanks for encouraging... I know I'll get there.
  • You are awesome, amazing and fantastic yourself! Thanks for the words and keep working it!
  • Me too - it's not that I don't feel great for them, but when I would love to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks.. it's frustrating and hard to relate. Nothing should take away from anyone's celebration, so I just do my best to be supportive. I would love to kick these few lbs I've been yo-yoing with for the last few months and get…
  • The last time I work Spanx was on my wedding day (so 5 ish years ago). Those things are evil torture devices. LMAO
  • I have fibro type pains (ok, so I just don't want the doc to write "fibromyaligia" in my medical record), had chronic fatigue, and find I need to be (should be, it's still a work in progress) gluten and dairy free for inflammation too. Friend request sent - it's easier to stick to it when I have people around me (in person…
  • Well, it gets cold here in Ohio so maybe some more in the early Spring, LOL
  • Thanks! Yes, I listen to my body for sure - or else my Yoga instructor would get mad with me (when I finally get back to class!). I do and that's why I walk/fast walk instead of walk/run - my body isn't ready for running yet. Occasionally I'll get to the jog but only a little and not often. That's awesome you get out and…
  • I agreed to do this because I needed to kick my butt into gear. I think walking this in 60-90 mins is a real possibility for me, especially with my sis (who has lost 80# in the last year, now under the 200 mark) will be helpful to keep me on pace.
  • Fat shaming like this to little kids gets us nowhere as a society. Give out healthier alternatives than candy, that's what we do here. Animal crackers have less calories and sugar than many candies. If I could I would hand out apples or oranges but most of the time parents would just pitch them. I've thought about doing…
  • Linky to my doggies - love them - Loki & Zelda https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=599181350770&l=d9acf0dbd5
  • I'm getting ready to start the cleanse here in a week or so, I was thinking of doing a thread with updates and chatter along the way. Are you still doing it? I did the cleanse back in early 2011 with great results but fell off the wagon and have sputtered. I think it's a great way to kick start my summer time.
  • Did you get this book? I did the 21 day cleanse back in early 2011 and felt fantastic, as a side effect I also lost a little weight and my skin cleared up a TON. I am going to start it again in the next week, I'm re-reading the book right now. Let me know if you found anyone else interested, I'm thinking of doing a thread…
  • This. is. awesome. LMAO