Lady to give out "you're too fat for candy" letters?



  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    Thoughts on this news article about a woman giving fat kids a letter scolding them and their parents?

    Fat shaming like this to little kids gets us nowhere as a society. Give out healthier alternatives than candy, that's what we do here. Animal crackers have less calories and sugar than many candies. If I could I would hand out apples or oranges but most of the time parents would just pitch them. I've thought about doing pencils and paper or little toys too, which some people already do in our town. There are too many alternatives than to shame and embarrass a kid.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    >Insert little girl and buring house meme here<
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    If someone ever handed my child a letter that said they are too fat for anything I would most likely punch them in their slim, uppity face. If they want to have that conversation with me as a parent, that is one thing, but you make my child feel bad and I will eff you up.

    X2... I expect that lady will have a lot of shaving cream and eggs to clean up November 1st. :laugh:

    I'm not a violent person but would also smack them. Does she hand out more to 'skinny kids'?
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    She doesn't give two figs about obesity. She just wants attention.

    I've seen Fargo. Put her in the wood chipper.

    She can keep her figs, they're gross.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    What a crazy b***h.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    So.. a letter explaining that your child is a little overweight
    getting your *kitten* kicked
    Getting your tires slashed
    getting your house egg'd
    getting thretened to the point of needing to move.

    And we wonder whats wrong with society today....


    Yes, an adult handing out insulting, passive aggressive notes to children gets parents annoyed and protective.

    Your point?

    I dunno if you are asking me but I agree with you - thats a sarcastic Conan.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Double post
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    She's entitled to her opinion because her tax dollars will be paying for your obese child's healthcare.

    She is entitled to her opinion. It's America and tax dollars have nothing to do with it. The issue most of us are having is with the way she is planning to express her opinion. Give out cheap Halloween trinkets or even little booklets on good health, but handing one child a chocolate bar while another child standing beside him/her is given an envelope (Which I'd almost guarantee will be opened so the kids can see what the second child got so they can compare.) containing the sample letter is cruel and unnecessary.

    The "my tax dollars" argument is irritating. We all pay taxes and do not get to decide what we support. Her tax dollars are pooled with your tax dollars, my tax dollars, and the rest of the work forces tax dollars to provide different things. Honestly she'll never know one way or the other exactly where 'her' money was spent.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Well, I guess we can all predict who's gonna get a buttload of flaming bags of dog **** on her porch tomorrow night...


  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    So.. a letter explaining that your child is a little overweight
    getting your *kitten* kicked
    Getting your tires slashed
    getting your house egg'd
    getting thretened to the point of needing to move.

    And we wonder whats wrong with society today....

    Don't be dense. It's not a letter "explaining that your child is a little overweight." It's an insulting, demeaning, humiliating slap in the face of a child. A child who may already be feeling crappy about being obese and is just out having some fun with his/her friends. Really. Don't be an *kitten*.
    I am being an *kitten*?
    People are saying that they would resort to physical violence for getting this note.
    And I am the *kitten*?
    I am not saying that this lady is right however; assuming that the kids are right there, punching this lady in the face is really the wrong message to pass to the kids.
    What is going to happen when she decides to stand her ground and defend herself from the physical assauly with deadly force?
    Won't that be a wonderful lesson for little Timmy?
    "Look, Daddy got his heart blown out because he decided to punch a housewife."
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    So.. a letter explaining that your child is a little overweight
    getting your *kitten* kicked
    Getting your tires slashed
    getting your house egg'd
    getting thretened to the point of needing to move.

    And we wonder whats wrong with society today....

    Don't be dense. It's not a letter "explaining that your child is a little overweight." It's an insulting, demeaning, humiliating slap in the face of a child. A child who may already be feeling crappy about being obese and is just out having some fun with his/her friends. Really. Don't be an *kitten*.
    I am being an *kitten*?
    People are saying that they would resort to physical violence for getting this note.
    And I am the *kitten*?
    I am not saying that this lady is right however; assuming that the kids are right there, punching this lady in the face is really the wrong message to pass to the kids.
    What is going to happen when she decides to stand her ground and defend herself from the physical assauly with deadly force?
    Won't that be a wonderful lesson for little Timmy?
    "Look, Daddy got his heart blown out because he decided to punch a housewife."

    this is valid.

    but i still think that lady is nuts. why not just not give candy at all? or maybe give a healthy snack. or something? its not so much as insulting to the kids. as the parents i think.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I actually considered getting a healthier non-candy snack to hand out like Snyders Pretzels makes mini halloween bags for Halloween... only 110 cals/bag... and less sugar. That would be a better decision than handing out letters telling people how to parent and/or making the poor kids feel bad about themselves.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Did anyone else notice that they dont even show a picture of the lady in the video or the story?? Whose to say she herself is not obese or a heavy person??

    Trick or Treating is supposed to be fun for our kids. They dont need a lecture on obesity. If you dont want to give the kids candy then turn your light off. Otherwise, she should mind her own business.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    :noway: :frown:
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    She's a mean hag.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Well, I guess we can all predict who's gonna get a buttload of flaming bags of dog **** on her porch tomorrow night...


    Don't put it out with your boots Ted!

    Don't tell me my business Devil Woman!
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    She is going to get egged and TP'd!!!


    I so hope she does. If she is against kids eating candy hand out dental floss or something else boring! On Halloween, at least those obese kids are running, yes running or at least walking, house to house. Yes they going to consume calories, but at least they are taking a step in the right direction by walking to get those treats. I think it would be worse if they stayed at home and did nothing at all!
  • I live in ND and it's all over the news. I really think that instead of being and adult bully and handing out nasty letters to kids she could have pasted out healthy snacks or don't answer the door at all. Really not sure what this lady is thinking. This could be very damaging to a child. What a witch no pun intended.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I've always preferred Can't Understand Normal Thinking .. it's just so .. apt.

    Never heard that one before, but I love it!
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member

    I think she's a ****ing *****.

    It's ****ing Halloween, either hand out your version of healthy, hand out a toothbrush, or hand candy out to everyone. If you're going to be an *kitten* about Halloween, be an *kitten* to everyone.

    If I found that in my kid's bag I'd kick her in the taint.

    lmao! yes!