

  • I'm trying to add pictures, anyone know how to do it in a post?
  • Thanks Azdak, I understand your point... it's not magic... but, for me, I can look at it and I burn a lot more calories on the arc machine thing then the elliptical, and a lot more on the elliptical then the treadmill... If I jacked the treadmill up as steep as it can go, and as fast as I can handle... then, sure, I can…
  • Thanks guys... I have other stuff I do for strength... I was looking more for a piece of cardio equipment...
  • I am still in the process (almost 17 months later) of adopting 3 young children... they were 3yrs 3 months, 22 months, and 3 months... now they are 4 1/2, 3, and 19 months... It is hard but a couple of "suggestions"... 1. routine... whatever works for you, keep the same plan... whether it's first thing in the morning, or…
  • UGH...I think BMI... for the most point.. is junk... it doesn't take many things into consideration... ESPECIALLY when you're short!!! I'm only 4'11"... so "technically" I should only be 98-123lb... I'm 31 years old... work full time... and have three kids... I feel a "healthy" and realistic goal is 130-140... and I don't…
  • My hubby tells me when he can see a difference somewhere... tells me I look good. When I tell him I've lost wait, he gets excited for me He picks up the kids when he gets out of work... to give me time to get home and work out... That's been a HUGE one!!
  • I don't know how others will feel about this... but it works for me... Burger King grilled chicken sandwich... 350 calories (plain)... I LOVE it...
  • I agree with the people who are talking about muscle... I think a LOT of it is muscle sore-ness. I did some different machines at the gym the beginning of last week. I weighed myself the next morning and I had "gained" 1.5 lb overnight! I was frustrated... but two days later it said that I had "lost" that 1.5lb PLUS…
  • Hi, this is awesome! I'm been in preschool/Kindergarten since 2003 either assisting or leading my own pre-k classroom for a few years. This year I'm back in public school in an Autistic preschool program. They have edible reinforcers ALL the time... from popcorn to goldfish, saltines, and cheese its... I have 100 calorie…
  • couch to 5 k! It is amazing! It gives you tips along the way, and it starts you out small and gradually brings you up to more running and less walking. You can search for it on itunes and it's free.
  • For me... I do 30 day shred barefoot (It cools me down a LOT to not have sneakers on!) HOWEVER, as far as machines and running... I always wear sneakers now. I was doing some jogging inside barefoot for a while, and hurt my ankle. I couldn't figure out what had happened , and then a friend told me the same thing happened…
  • 90 right now, could break 100 in MA... This is the 4th day in a row it's been over 90! I moved from Maine to Massachusetts in 07... but sometimes I'm still used to it being 5-7 degrees cooler then it is here...
  • Thanks for the encouaragement... I just wasn't sure if doing the 30 DS was doing a "dis-service" to my arms... I'll be patient :-) Oh, and what does "bump" mean??
    in arms Comment by erylie July 2011
  • I finished couch to 5k... but I still run 30 minutes (inside) 6 days a week. I also do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 6 days a week. I start with Jillian Michaels, because it's "harder" for me... then I take like a 10 minute break to cool down, and go right into a 30 minute run... I think once my inches lost/ and weight…
  • Every Sunday is a rest day for me... I think it's important, but it also depends on you hard you're working. I do the 30 day shred or other video for 20 minutes a day and a 30 minute run every day. That's 50 minutes a day, usually 6 days a week. For me, I feel that one day off is enough with my workouts...
    in rest days? Comment by erylie July 2011
  • calesthetics... then I put 25 minutes... the video is 30, but, it takes a bit to get going...
  • Ryka revive 2. I got these a few months ago at DSW, and I love them! I believe they were 60$. What I love about them is that they're meant for women... the whole company only makes women's shoes. Honestly, I got them because they seemed breathable, and they were really cute... silly me... BUT when I started running in…
  • I've done 30 day shred by Jillian... I also love it. Now, though, I find that I love trying new workouts through comcast's OnDemand. You can try out programs and trainers, to find out what you really like. There are hundreds to chose from, and you can customize it to what you want to work out, and how long you have to do…
  • I TOTALLY fill mine in in the morning. Especially if I'm going out. I look up the restaurant, and I know what I can have, and how many calories it is. I don't post it till like 8 or 9, when I'm done for the night... but it helps me know what the day looks like, and I look forward to what I'm going to eat. I think this is…
  • I just finished it this week, and I loved it! It starts off so gradually, that it really gives you a chance to get used to it. I have never really been a runner either, and didn't enjoy running. Now, though, doing a 30 minute run really clears my head, and I feel GREAT afterwards.
  • The thirty day shred videos are a half hr. They are amazing, and I think you'd be able to alternate... they're not too over the top..
  • Good for you! I started a week ago, and I'm loving it! The nice thing about MFP is that almost anything I eat is already in the list. All you have to do it search and click... and, yes, have measuring cups at your disposal. Good luck! :-)
    in Here I am! Comment by erylie June 2011
  • I was really out of shape when I started couch to 5k. I'm about 60lb over weight. I'm starting week 8 tomorrow, only 2 more weeks of it to go! The first week it was 1 minute jogging, and 1 minute walking... it was pretty "comfortable" to do. Each week gets more, and now I'm able to jog for 25 minutes at a time. To make it…
    in Couch to 5K Comment by erylie June 2011
  • I LOVE this! I am 4' 10"... I didn't realize there were so many other short people ... but I also climb... and I've gotten REALLY good at stretching to reach something that is really too high for me... I also bought "crop" pants in the petite section... and they're PERFECT pants :-) I just turned 30 but people think I'm…