What's your exercise schedule?

bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
I have been running the C25K Mon, Wed, & Friday. This is my last week, but I think I'm still gonna train on those days to run my 5K in October.

Tues & Thurs I do levels 1, 2, & 3 of the Biggest Loser Sculpt & tone DVD. I've been using 3lb weights, but thinking about moving up in weights because its starting to become easy.

What's your routine/schedule? Just wanna see what others are doing.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I go to Curves M-F. I do Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the weekends I walk or do a DVD at home.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I typically run Sunday to Thursday. If it's too hot or raining, I'll go to the gym.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I'm doing C25k but usually 4 days a week (since I like to have an extra day for each week before moving up). I also walk 2 days a week, and lift weights 3-4 days a week. Just off on Sundays.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Mon.- Spinning
    Tues- Upper Body & Lower Body workout ( using weights, medicine ball, bosu ball)
    Wedn- Spinning
    Thurs- Run for about 45-60 min
    Fri- Upper Body/ Lower Body Workout
    Sat. Running

    That's usually the schedule but of course some days life happens and it just does not happen, like today.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    gah...I need a schedule, right now I'm just running/step aerobics when I can fit it in. I have an ortho appt tomorrow so hopefully I can find out what else I can do with my torn ACL.

    BTW you have motivated me to try the C25K, and I found a 5K I want to sign up for!
  • erylie
    erylie Posts: 34
    I finished couch to 5k... but I still run 30 minutes (inside) 6 days a week. I also do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 6 days a week. I start with Jillian Michaels, because it's "harder" for me... then I take like a 10 minute break to cool down, and go right into a 30 minute run... I think once my inches lost/ and weight loss slows down, I'll probably switch it up. I'm a wicked creature of habit though, and I LOVE doing the same thing for every workout. Doing the 30 day shred, I lost an inch from my waist, and an inch from my hips in one week!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    My trainer suggest 2 on 1 off 3 on 1 off but that is not what I do. I typically workout 6 days a week. My off day can vary. This week I am taking wednesday off cause I have a meeting after work. I use to always take saturdays off but since i started Zumba that is one day I can usually make it to class so it now varies.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Tai Chi in the morning, before co-worker come in.
    After work at the gym: weight training, elliptical and cool down on the treadmill.
    Weekends add time in the pool at the gym.
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    BTW you have motivated me to try the C25K, and I found a 5K I want to sign up for!

    Awesome! Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • melindalamb
    In the mornings, I do Jillian MIchael's 30 Day shred(tomorrow will be Day 5 of Level 1). I also do mini challenges like pushups and situps.
    In the evenings, I take classes at the gym. I also work out on the Arc for 20 minutes and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

    My rest days are the weekends.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    Mon: SUP - Stand-up Paddleboarding (like surfing with a paddle) 60 min

    Tues: AM - Teach spin 45 min, PM - Ballet/Bellydance class (90 min), Performance Rehearsal (60-120 minutes - alternating weeks)

    *Wed: SUP - 60 min

    Thurs: Teach spin 45 min

    *Fri: Light ride (primarily flat), 60-90 minutes, 14-16 mph. 15-20 miles

    *Sat: Training ride (moderate hills), 2-3 hours, 16-18 mph -- building this up from 35 to 80 miles over the next 2 months in preparation for the San Luis Obisbo Lighhouse century ride - 100 miles, 3500 ft cliimb at the end of September


    * Wed., Fri or Sat (depending on when I have time): dance performance run-through appx. 45 min.

    *Fri or Sat night: (1 night per weekend), 2 belly dance shows (total 1 hour dancing).

    *Additional: 1 or 2 nights per month I have a band gig where I will sing/dance anywhere from 90 min - 3.5 hours depending on the gig.
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    I run a 5.6 mile loop on at least 3 weekdays (ideally 4, but life happens) plus a 'long run' on the weekend that as of this week is up to 8 miles. I also just started the 30 Day Shred, which I am trying to do 6 days a week. Due to my totally erratic work schedule (I'm a nurse and rotate days, nights, and weekends with some combination of 8 and/or 12 hour shifts) the day of the week that I do things on is rarely consistent.
  • theresa92594
    i go to the gym every day and do 30 mins of cardio then i'll alternate lower and upper body strength

    and on sun wens and fri i do couch to five k
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    Tues: a workout video like Jillian Michaels 3DS, I think I might switch to Turbo fire though
    W: Zumba
    Thur: Zumba
    Fri Another work out video
    Sat, a work out video
    Sun OFF

    Maybe I will do what someone else said, 2 on 1 off 3 on 1 off, sounds like a better plan. By Sun I am usually just whooped!
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    M, W, F - Cardio (Elliptical, Stationary Bike, Treadmill)
    T, Th - Personal Training + 20 - 30 Min Cardio
    Sat - Boot Camp
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    For the Summer:

    M: Ripped in 30 (or 30 DS) and Zumba or Running (some variation of 3 miles) -- basically, Jillian plus Cardio
    T: Ripped in 30 (or 30 DS) and Yoga -- basically, Jillian plus some extra strength/stretching, rinse and repeat.
    W: Ripped in 30 (or 30 DS) and Zumba or Running
    R: Off, randomly. It just worked out that way...haha.
    F: Ripped in 30 (or 30 DS) and Yoga
    Sa: Ripped in 30 (or 30 DS) and Zumba or Running
    Su: Ripped in 30 (or 30 DS) and Yoga

    During the school year:
    M: Insanity or something Jillian
    T: Running or Yoga
    W: Insanity or something Jillian
    R: Running or Yoga
    F: Insanity or something Jillian
    Sa: Running or Yoga
    Su: Running or Yoga
    ...usually skipping a Tues, Thurs, Sat, or Sun. I just try to go no more than two days without exercise.

    That's my ideal, and it's working so far!
  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
    I bellydance :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I bellydance :)

    Hiya, I'm a bellydancer too :)
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    I just finished c25k as well and still run M/W/F. I'm working towards a 5k in Sept. I started doing 30DS daily but have now dropped to doing it just T/Th/Sat because I was too worn out combining it with the run. I try to do elliptical or Zumba on those days as well as I don't find it as tiring. And then Sunday is for a family activity like bike ride or hike.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    My routine: Go to kung fu training at least three days a week.

    For the last 2 weeks, I have been exercising to various videos for at least 40 minutes in the morning, making a 5 day workout schedule.

    I'm trying to bust through a plateau by adding exercise and trying to eat back to within 200 of my exercise calories. Somedays it is nearly impossible without shoving junk down my throat just for numbers sake. However, I figure with a margin of error in calculating exercise and calories, maybe I'm doing it right. It has been a struggle this last few months to lose the last few inches off my stomach/love handle area.