Running Shoes

I'm looking for a good pair of running shoes; my shins have been hurting because my shoes now weren't meant for running. :(
I have been looking at the Reebok Runtone shoes and they seem like they would be supportive and comfortable. But they are $79.99 which is a bit pricey for me. Do you have a pair, do you like them? Or do you have a different pair of running shoes that you love?

Keep in mind: I am poor. Money is tight and I realize that I'll have to save up for a good pair. Thanks everyone so far! I guess I wanted to be in denial that I could get a cheap GOOD pair of running shoes.

Thanks in advance!! :)


    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    My daughter and I LOVE our NIKE Frees...a true crosstrainer type shoe! They are great for INSANITY with lots of support for the side-to-side movements. We also run in them ...they are very light weight and the soles are flexible as we live in a rural area and our road surfaces leave much to be desired. We do not run long distances...only about 3-4 miles not sure if they would be as good for longer distances. Do know that several on my daughter's track team mates use the Frees for practice runs. Even though I'm not an expert, I don't think you will find much quality for less than $80...unless you find a good sale with last years color/style.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Here is the thing with a "GOOD" pair of running shoes, they wont be cheap, and the right shoe for you depends on how you walk your stride etc. I would go to a running store and have them find the right shoe for you. I would save up some money because as you can see if you get a cheap pair of shoes you pay for it with the extra wear on your body. I just got a pair of Nike Volmero + 6 ($140 OTD), they were costly, but I can run and it doenst jar my knees or ankles, very comfortable and not the shoe I was expecting, but the guy at RunOn in Dallas helped me see it was the right shoe for me.
  • Emismom77
    Emismom77 Posts: 56
    Nike Shox are great shoes... but like jrich said... good shoes are not cheap! BUT they will last alot longer than a cheap pair & won't hurt your body.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    What's right for someone else may not be right for you. Go to a running store and get fitted for a proper shoe for you that's within your budget. Most good shoes are around $100 retail but worth not being injured.
  • erylie
    erylie Posts: 34
    Ryka revive 2.

    I got these a few months ago at DSW, and I love them! I believe they were 60$. What I love about them is that they're meant for women... the whole company only makes women's shoes. Honestly, I got them because they seemed breathable, and they were really cute... silly me... BUT when I started running in them, they were awesome. They're supposed to help with hip allignment, and stance while running... Revive 2 Lady Gry/Dark Pink/Orange&utm_campaign=Google_Base
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I had Nike Air but my ankles were always hurting me. I went to a store that evaluated my step, stride, etc and made recommendations based on my current fitness level, etc. I paid a little more than a hundred dollara on a pair of Asics Gel-Fortitude4 and other than getting a blister the first time I went on a long walk I have been very satisfied.

    Here's a link:
  • littleleagues3
    Do yourself a favor and go to a "real" running store. The people there will help you find shoes that work for you - the problem with running shoes is that just because one is good for one person doesn't mean it will work for you. When I started running, I bought a great (ie. expensive) pair of shoes and could not go for more than a mile. When I went to the store, I found that the ones that worked best for me were not the most expensive. I have had three knee surgeries and had a lot of shin splints, I will not buy shoes without going to the store and speaking with a runner/salesperson. Remember all of the shoes are "perfect" for somebody, but not necessarily your body! Also remember, don't buy shoes based on looks - I have bought some that had colors that I would have never picked, but they were the best ones ever :O) Good luck and happy running

    Oh yeah...If you find the shoe at the store that is right from you, many times you can find the same one online, much cheaper :)