

  • LOL! I see what she did there too! :laugh:
  • AH-HA! THAT is what I'm doing wrong! I just kept figuring the more negative I was on the calorie intake, the more weight I'd lose. I'm not fueling my body enough. No wonder I have zero to less than zero energy!! Thanks! :smile:
  • Where would one find powdered peanut butter and are there other recipes it could be used with? Also, are the nutrition stats for 1 serving?
  • Certainly wishing you luck!! I have the Supreme 90 Day program which isn't near as intense as Insanity and I have a super hard time with it! Don't forget to do the before, during, and after pics to chart your progress. From what I hear, if you put your all into it, you'll be amazed at the transformation!
  • I'm in... and BACK!! My goals for this week are: 1. to drink all of my water daily (at least 72 oz.) 2. to get in at least 30 minutes of hardcore exercise daily and 1 hour of easy movement (such as housecleaning or laundry. :sad: 3. eat 1 protein, 1 veggie, and 1 fruit for 5 small meals per day and for breakfast have 2…
  • and the reason you hear it so often, is because more muscle=more fat burn, but when people see #'s on the scale some of them shy away from food. That's why personal trainers will tell you to pay attention to how you look, feel and how your clothes fit more than paying attention to the scale. Instead of getting caught up in…
  • I'm sorry to ruin your rant, but you're wrong.... ask any personal trainer or nutritionist that you come across. Take any volume of fat vs any volume of muscle, the muscle will weigh more.... possibly because more muscle can be packed into that volume since it's leaner. I don't know the scientific reason but I DO know that…
  • The "zero calorie" claim is probably per serving... a lot of companies advertise like that.
  • awesome, thanks for the info!
  • I AM!!! I'm doing Zumba toning today. 6-7pm,baby!!! Favorite time of the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays!!! I :heart: ZUMBA!!!
  • i get that sometimes. There is a name for it, but it escapes me at the moment. A friend of mine is a licensed massage therapist and she does a deep tissue massage on it when it acts up. She recommends alternating ice and heat on it throughout the day. Also, a great stretch she gave me is to stand in a doorway with your…
  • I agree with the consensus... definitely not pathetic. I actually have that same dream. Here's to NO MORE SHSHSHSH NOISES WHEN WE WALK IN JEANS, and NO MORE CHAFFED THIGHS WHEN WE WEAR SHORTS!!! :drinker:
  • Pam we would love to have you join us for July. You are welcome to weigh in with us this week and next. However, I wont add you to the spreadsheet until we start July. Good luck on your journey. [/quote] Awesome! Thanks! But I filled out the thingy wrong, so here's my correction: Name/Real name: pamarnold/Pam Arnold June:…
  • Thank you so much! that article has the exact information in it that I was looking for!!!
  • Real Name Pam Arnold GW: 120 CW: 163 would love to join this group. Are you doing a challenge for July?
  • Oh, I'm so sorry! I totally forgot that there is a Davenport, IA as well. @dorisholaway... it sure is a small world. But don't worry, your memory is not failing you. You don't recognize my name because I've only lived in Davenport for 4 1/2 years. I'm originally from Michigan, but the weather and I don't see eye to eye so…
  • awesome, thanks!
  • 1st time trying your challenge. My goals this week: 1. Get at least 2 Zumba sessions in. 2. Ride my bike at least 4 miles. 3. Get all of my H2O in every day this week. 4. Lose 2 lbs. Starting weight beginning of this challenge: 163 WISH ME LUCK!
  • I don't have a BMR calculator, yet (but I'll be getting one)... I have a scale that measures BMI though, and mine is really high.... like 43!! I'm starting to wonder if the "too few calories" is the reason my energy level isn't up to par to sustain the exercise intensity I want to put forth?? Oh, and my food diary is…
  • Oops, ok now my diary is public. I'm not on any specific diet, I just limit bread, pasta, sugar, snacks and such. I basically eat chicken, avocado, veggies, nuts, sesame sticks, advocare products, fruits, eggs, and greek yogurt. I try real hard to stay away from breads (except whole grain) and sugars especially. I try for…
  • I think it's more of a habit then a matter of hunger for me. I even remember clear back to when I was a kid and my dad would make popcorn every single night (in one of those old fashioned popcorn makers that used TONS of oil, complete with salt and butter!) and we would watch tv and munch on the 'corn. Back then, I was 98…
  • Welcome! I'm new to this site, only 3 days, but have already found it an invaluable tool to help keep me on track. The members are very supportive of each other. I have 43 lbs. left to lose to goal weight. My plan is to lose it by Christmas, and Santa's buying me a whole new wardrobe if I do! I look forward to reading your…
  • That is good to hear... I love black beans.
    in Protein Comment by pamarnold June 2011
  • Neecie: Thank you for asking that... I was just getting ready to post the same question! I'm thinking that besides meats, eggs are a great source but then I'm wondering about cholesterol and all that. Peanut butter is another good source, but then you have to worry about sugar and fat. So, like you, I will be sitting here…
    in Protein Comment by pamarnold June 2011
  • Marie: Might I suggest the dark chocolate flavor of Silk Almond Milk? That definitely curbs the chocolate craving without the added empty calories of the chocolate syrup. Even when something is advertised as "sugar-free", there is always something in it that our bodies turn into sugar (usually something ending in "ose"…
  • I have NEVER liked the taste of milk (whether it be whole, skim, 2%...). Then my doctor told me that I was in the early stages of Osteoporosis due to lack of calcium (because I don't like cheeses either). She recommended Silk Almond milk. I tried it and LOVED IT!!!! Now I get my daily dose of calcium, my skin looks better…