

  • Be the guy who buys horse mats and deadlifts in the garage / driveway / street. Nod at the untrained as they stare :)
  • 5 - 10 reps on a weight equal to your body weight would be quite adequate for everyday life (i.e. functional strength) Going beyond that and you are building strength for the sake of building strength. There is much merit to building strength for its own sake but you asked for a goal and the above thought is but one way to…
  • I may have missed it but did anyone directly address bar placement on the back. High bar squats (sitting on top your trapezius muscles) tends to result in a more upright torso and that in turn focuses more tension onto the quads (simlar to a front squat). A low bar squat (with the bar resting across your back with the bar…
  • Mixing programs that are designed for endurance and strength should be OK for a while if you start SL 5x5 as recommend (i.e. the empty bar). As weights increase, your marathon training will impact your recovery from lifting heavier weights. I would recommend that you listen to your body and when you start failing reps,…
  • Agree -to accelerate loss don't eat back exercise calories. If you like tracking exercise in MFP - override the calorie burn to 1. Regarding protein - you are doing primarily cardio by rowing which is good for fat burn but not particularly demanding from a protein synthesis perspective. Always shoot for getting the minimum…
  • EZ Mode: Just have him eat a clean protein rich diet and supplement with 5g / day. Meat (especially beef) will have naturally occurring creatine.
  • ^ This. Tip that I've found useful - learn to go negative! E.g. Tare out the rice container or jar of nut butter - take out what you want and your negative measurement equates to what you took out. (Assuming the scale supports that - I have a digital scale).
  • Drop the sweets (cookies, ice cream, hersheys bars) even if you stay in your calorie range for the day. They are taking up vital calorie space that should be filled with nutrient rich whole foods. Once you get closer to your goal you can re-introduce the treats as a reward for making progress - but try to keep it to only…
  • Deadlifts. Ironically makes me feel the most vitality of any exercise I've ever done lifting or cardio.
  • I would recommend eating fats / protein before bed - avoid carbs. Carbs break-down to sugar when digested and if you are fully at rest (as would be the case while asleep) then you would produce insulin to pull the excess sugar out of your blood - into fat tissue. Fats and proteins take longer to digest and don't cause an…
  • Easy way is to consume less than 100g of carbs per day paired with a 30 minute daily walk. Replace carbs with healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, avacado, nuts etc.
  • 1/2 scoop ON Gold Standard chocolate whey protein powder mixed into a cup of plain Fage full fat greek yogurt. Based on my protein powder has the following: 280 calories Protein/Fat/Carbs (in grams) 32/12/11 Good mix of fast whey protein from powder and slow casein from the yogurt. Tastes like a chocolate dessert!
  • I've almost hit my goal - but maintenance will be a big change for me. I'm up for some adds.