sn0wd0gg Member


  • Welcome, Dan!
  • I've been here off and on for a year or two. I back after trying WW for a while. I like the community here a lot more and the tracking of calories, fat, protein, etc rather than boiling it down to just a single points number. 1. Where were you born? Marietta, GA (outside Atlanta) 2. Where do you live at the moment?…
  • Here's another one - I'm open to friends as well! :-)
  • Really nice progress!
  • You need to have at least 8 glasses of water every day. Hrumph. No one even knows where that came from. Most everyone agrees you need to stay well hydrated, but there is no simple 8 glass minimum.
  • I don't have a problem that he posted it in the forums. I think it's stupid the way some people act so righteous about "friendships" if something doesn't match their expectations. Big deal. She didn't have to go drinking diet sodas. She could do whatever she wanted. Instead, she decided to dump the connection altogether…
  • Reminds me of a guy i know - he and I were arguing some point about Doppler shift in light. Don't ask me the details now as I've forgotten them, but we were at an ice rink when the debate came up (go figure!) Anyway, at one point he pulled the degree card on me and just says "I've got a PhD!" .... silence. This same guy,…
  • Check out too - they have a number of slow cooker recipes that are good!
  • Welcome! Like everyone else, feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • That's great you decided to jump back into it. I'm betting you'll be playing like you used to (or close to it) not long after you've been at it. I never played growing up (grew up in the Atlanta, GA area so hockey was pretty limited back in the day) but got started about 5 or 6 years ago in my early 50s. I'm not great, but…
  • Nicely done !!
  • Feel free to add me as well!
  • It can be a real pain having to always log food. And especially when you have food that's not easily categorized or found in the database. I think one can learn to eat well and not have to depend on logging, but it seems that it becomes easy to stray off target and not realize how many calories you're taking in after…
  • Be wary of what you read about sweeteners. There is a TON of disinformation out there. For example, you'll hear that certain sweeteners are made out of chlorine or that they are one molecule away from being plastic - things along that line. The whole "chlorine" debate is because there is a chlorine in the molecular…
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • GW: 185 (Goal Weight) CW: 203 (Current Weight) SW: 210 Starting Weight) Height: 5'10" Age: 59
  • Guess it just shows there are all kinds of irritating people at the gym. One of my favorites (not) is a guy who comes into the steam room and does stretches and bends and then lies on one of the benches (occupying space for several people). I mean, come on - do your workout in the gym and leave it out of the steam room.…
  • Fitbit has this interesting note on my food report and I'm not sure the "science" behind it ... "Good eating habits spread calorie intake throughout the day and skew toward the morning. Right now dinner takes up 33% of your calories. Try to keep dinner and evening snacks to below 30% if you are trying to lose weight and…
  • I like mine too. It's basically a pedometer although a small one and information is automatically uploaded to the Fitbit site when you're near it's base. It cannot be used to accurately count calories for upper body type exercises, but it's great for tracking your steps each day, runs, stairs, that kind of thing. I can't…
    in FITBIT Comment by sn0wd0gg February 2012
  • I dunno - I think it's a fairly good rule of thumb for the most part.
  • Hmmm .... I've been taking fish oil capsules for a few months and I don't really recall any change to my appetite when I started. Of course, different people may have other experiences, but nothing noticeable for me.
  • I have a Fitbit and you're right in that it's basically a fancy pedometer device. Their newest version is a little more complex and is better at tracking movements such as climbing stairs, etc. Overall, it seems to be relatively accurate and it provides some interesting input if you've ever wondered what your base level of…
  • The main thing CC seems to have over MFP is the extensive information in reports. I find the reports here somewhat useless. There is basic macro nutrient information, but not much else. And the Reports tab has a lot of items you can select to report on, but only ONE item at a time, which I find rather ridiculous. Trying to…
  • There has been a lot of discussion recently about the 8 glasses of water "requirement". A lot of experts say that number (8 glasses) didn't come from any particular scientific study or known requirement and some go so far as to say it's bunk. I think the best thing you can do is try to stay hydrated - drink what you can…
    in BLEH! Comment by sn0wd0gg July 2011
  • Hey folks, Like the others here, I'm new to MFP and I decided to give it a fair shot. I've been comparing (and using) several different sites up until now and it seems like they all have strong points and weak points. So, I've been trying to narrow down my search for the best site by using several at one time to see what…