

  • Beachbody coach here!!! Its the only thing that worked for me after 3 kids in four year.....and I was active my whole life. I do Piyo, T25, Asylum, Insanity, P90X, and P90x plus!
    in Beachbody Comment by kernjamie July 2014
  • Hi....its nice to meet you. The only thing that has worked for me is adopting a Paleo eating style. I have done vegan...vegetarian....raw....fasting....low fat...low calorie....Atkins...etc. Atkins worked for me but I am looking for a healthier approach. I have lost a little over 30 pounds in the last 2 years eating this…
  • Hello and welcome!!! feel free to add me too.....what kind of eating plan and exercise plan are you doing? What are your motivations for wanting to lose the weight?
  • I am new here but would like to join in..... Me : 6 Binge: 0
  • When I was stuck in a plateau (was eating about the same amount of calories, btw,) I actually added more calories and started to lose weight again. You seem to be very active and you are probably not eating enough calories for all the exercise you are doing, thus your body is holding onto those 5 pound. I didn't think it…
  • Hi, I have had 3 kids in the last 5 years....I gained a good amount also. Good old fashioned eating clean and working out hard is what did it for me. I do a couple of different programs including P90X, Focus T25, and Insanity....they have really helped me keep off the weight. How your body looks is 80% what you eat and 20%…
  • Hi Anthony, I can understand not feeling motivated to work out. I too battle depression from time to time. I know how hard it can me. One thing that got me going is thinking about what I NEED to do...not what I FEEL. Sounds easy...ok...maybe not. I started to realize if I do things based on my feeling then I probably would…
  • I am currently not doing Insanity right now....but I have in the past. I am doing T25 and P90X doubles...I plan on moving back onto Insanity then gonna try Asylum. Im gonna add you!! Good luck!
  • Hi, Ive had three kids. Youngest is 22 months...oldest is 5. I have about 20 more pounds I'd like to lose. Congratulations on making the changes for your health and to be good role model for your little one. How are you planning on losing the baby weight?
  • Welcome, Jumjutikawex This is a great place to keep motivated and meet new people. I am down 30 pounds...would like to lose 20 more.
  • How are bodies look is definitely based on more how we eat then how much we exercise....I think its 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. What does "eating healthy" mean to you? What does your food look like each day. I agree with yarmiah, that calories could be a factor.
  • Im doing it too....on day 4 and drinking my shakeology as well!! Feeling great!
  • Welcome Larry! You sound like you are determined and you have some great goals and tools to help you along the way. Nice to meet you.
  • So...I am still maintaining my 25-30 pound weight loss. Life is great and not great all at the same time. I have been having such a hard time getting things going again. I started a challenge group on FB and I am starting a new challenge on Feb 3, but I am scared I am going to let people down. I think I have been having…
  • I am a single mom of 3, and I also am trying to take classes online. I am home all the time and I still can't seem to find time to workout. I used to try to wake up early but then someone would always wake up too. I gave up on that idea...was thinking of trying it again. Some days it seems like the effort to put in to…
  • Back eating clean/paleo/low carb today. I didn't wake up very early and I have a load of HW to do. I plan on going grocery shopping later to get some more appropriate food in the house. Another reason why i give up....get tired of food I have or I don't have any food that is diet friendly. I know I am going to have a hard…
  • Hi there everyone, I haven't been on here for 4 months...that's pretty bad. I am still maintaining my weight loss...but not doing to good with eating or exercising. I need to get back into it. My life became very hectic all at once and I didn't adapt to the changes very well. I let a lot of things slide that I should of…
  • are starting swimming lessons tomorrow morning...and then in a few more weeks after that preschool. I am just gonna have to bite the bullet and wake up early to exercise. I hate it!!! I feel tired all the time already. I am not sticking to paleo eating style...which was working great for me. I am messing up…
  • Just finished up my first fit test for this round of Insanity.....feeling out of shape :-/ Insanity Fit Test D1 1. Switch Kicks 55 2. Power Jacks 48 3. Power Knees 80 4. Power Jumps 28 5. Globe Jumps 10 6. Suicide Jumps 15 7. Push Up Jacks 20 8. Lo P Oblique 56 Starting weight 157 I am not looking to loose too much weight.…
  • Hey Lenny. I am not new to Insanity. I also have P90x and P90x plus. I am embarrassed to say I have never got through any of the programs. The furthest I have gone is one month....or I will restart cause I miss a couple days. I am a single mom of three, trying to go to school, I have a job at night so I am up late and then…
  • So...last week I tried to restart insanity...and failed. Kids are still sick and now with pink eye, I got additional work with my job.. got messed up. I am surprised I am not back in the 160's because that is how I feel. I think i move around so much at my job that i burn off more than I realize, but I…
  • WOW!! I have been MIA for a while...I wanted to keep this journal going. I had a lot of things happen to me back in April. It all feels like a dream to me now. I will try to make the story short. It started about 12-13 years ago, I was 17/18, got a job around the corner of my house. Met a great guy.....developed the…
  • Totally messed up the food today. I had too many days in a row of unorganized chaos with activities, food, and then an accident with my son. I need to get more consistent and organized for my own sanity and health, not to mention, my kids as well. People don't realize that three kids can't go all day with activities and…
  • WOW!! Hello To everyone that wrote to me:) I am sorry I don't have time to reply individually right now, but I am happy to have all the encouragement and motivation from you all. I know I am not alone in this, and others have it worse than I do. I think this website is great! I was a part of a low carb site about 6 years…
  • So, today is day 7 of me being consistent with watching calories and exercise. I am holding on white knuckled today. Weekends are always very stressful. I am alone most of the day with the kids. I had a busy week and only got about half the workouts in, also my dad was home, so I will have to make up next week. Today is…
  • You should look into or, They are the same people that run both websites. I like the daily hiit, it is intense interval training, for max fat burn, and its frrrreeeeeeee!!!! I love free. I am doing Insanity right now, and I have been adding some of the dailyhiit when I am feeling up to it as well.…
  • Today is going well. I was up with the littlest one last night, but still managed to get them out to the park and then worked out later. It is impossible for me to binge because my dad is home all week. I am a little worried about the weekend because I will be alone with the kids and that is when I tend to give in. Me: 3…
  • Hello, How are things going? I am on day 3 here back on the food and exercise. Didn't get much sleep last night. The little one kept me up till midnight and then woke me up at 4-6, then the other two got up at 7. That's just how it is sometimes. My dad is home all week, uuuuhh, I hate working out in front of people, so I…
  • Hello, I am new to the group and so glad I found you guys. I messed up tonight :( I am newly divorced mom of three little ones and they are all at home with me. I also have a long history of eating disorder. I just want to be healthy for my kids and not eat over how others treat me, or how stressed out I am feeling that…
  • Hey, I have had the program for a while and haven't got through it once, lol. I was pregnant my first go around and I didn't know until the end of the first month. I still lost 13 pounds that month. I am doing it now, just finished up week one. I really want to get through the whole program. I have honestly been doing it…
    in insanity Comment by kernjamie March 2013