introducting and need motivational help

Hello everyone, Im a new member and im looking to make some changes in my life. i've recently become unemployed and as a result i've had time to reflect and do alot of thinking. im 29 years old, single with no kids and i weight 435 pounds. ive always been a large guy, growing up i was always large, it wassnt the lack of exercise, i played multiple sports, worked 2 jobs even during my highschool years. im not sure why i havent been able to lose the weight, i know it partially has to do with genetics, but im not going to blame everything on that. the past 10 years ive been trying to work on fixing things with myself but seem to run into mental roadblocks. im not sure if its just me or something to do with depression or a combination of the 2 but i just cant seem to push myself into working out, and im not even talking about anything hardcore. simple walking on the treadmill at my local gym, ive done that for afew weeks and i saw afew pounds drop, and even my stamina increase, "i started out just walking, then walking with short bursts of jogging, then more jogging. but something happened and i stopped going, and im not even sure why. it has to be a mental issue of some sort, can it be im just lazy?


  • kernjamie
    Hi Anthony,

    I can understand not feeling motivated to work out. I too battle depression from time to time. I know how hard it can me. One thing that got me going is thinking about what I NEED to do...not what I FEEL. Sounds easy...ok...maybe not. I started to realize if I do things based on my feeling then I probably would never get anything done. No one feels like going to work, no one feels like getting up early in the morning, no one feels like doing homework, etc. We do it so we can get to a better place in our lives...make a living etc.....there are consequences if we don't do these thing. You have to start asking yourself what these consequences are if you don't start taking care of yourself. A large part of how we look is because of our eating behaviors as well. That is why I like this website so much...and the app is very handy as well. Its easy to track food and calories to see where you need to improve. I also think its great to meet new have others here who will motivate you. Its hard doing this on your own. Good luck to you and you've come to the right place for support :smile: