What has worked for you?

Hi All,

I'm looking for others who are currently losing weight or maintaining their desired weight, and that are keen to share encouragement and/or tips they may have.

I'm looking to lose 11% body fat over a 3 month period in a sustainable manner. This will take me back to my desired 14% body fat total.

My first concern with this app is that it's advising me to reduce my calories drastically to 1200 per day. That seems counter productive to me, so I've manually increased it to 1500 per day and i'll be monitoring my measurements (rather than weight), and my energy levels closely initially to make sure that is a suitable calorie intake. Would you agree that 1200 calories is too few to provide sustainable fat loss? If I adopted this model would I plateau too soon or suffer metabolism slow down and fatigue? I'm keen to hear your thoughts.

I recently began working out 5 days a week - 3 days strength training and 2 days cardio, and make sure I get plenty of rest in between. I'll be maintaining this throughout the next 3 months. I used to follow this exercise regime up until 2 years ago, and it worked well. I mix my routines up monthly to make sure my body is always guessing!

The main change I'm making is to my diet. I'll be significantly reducing the amount of alcohol and chocolate I consume and I'll be increasing my daily protein intake. As a vegetarian I sometime struggle to eat enough protein, filling instead on plenty of 'bad' or 'uncomplicated' carbs (whatever the technical phrase is!).

I'll be sharing my progress with anyone who is interested to help keep me motivated, and would love to meet like-minded people to help encourage them also.


  • kernjamie
    kernjamie Posts: 37
    Hi....its nice to meet you. The only thing that has worked for me is adopting a Paleo eating style. I have done vegan...vegetarian....raw....fasting....low fat...low calorie....Atkins...etc. Atkins worked for me but I am looking for a healthier approach. I have lost a little over 30 pounds in the last 2 years eating this way and also changing up the exercise. I do cardio, weights, and yoga. I have a couple different workout programs I do, including P90X, P90X Plus, Insanity, Insanity: Asylum, Focus T25 and Piyo....in addition to those I also like to go running. So, basically I am never doing the same workout twice. My eating hasn't been perfect....I've had times where i have fallen off the band wagon. I struggle with the eating the most!! I also am a single mother of 3 little ones so that is stressful.

    I love red wine and 90% dark chocolate once in a while....its hard to stay away!!!

    I think you are doing the right thing by changing your calories to 1500....and also monitoring measurements. I believe on 1200 you would be losing both fat and muscle....no body likes that! Don't wanna slow down the metabolism. Also, if you are increasing your protein...you will burn fat quicker....so you need more calories to compensate for that as well.

    Hope you reach your goals!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    First of all, if your profile pictures were taken recently, you don't have much bodyfat to lose. In fact, you should probably be bulking if you're unhappy with the way your body looks.

    Yes, 1200 is too few calories. In fact, 1500 is as well. 1800-2000 sounds more right to me, just judging by your age and how tall you look in your photos, as well as your activity level. I am losing weight while eating 1850 calories per day and I'm a 5'5" female with a desk job.