

  • I agree that eating too few calories can have serious repercussions, but as for 1200cals a day, my DOCTOR says it is a healthy amount for a weight loss program and I am a 5'6" lady who is certainly not tiny. You should eat back your exercise cals, but even today. I worked out, I had a busy day, it's now after 8pm here, and…
  • try a different class. i have only done zumba once but i really liked it. and it was fun. but i think the instructor makes a big difference. i have lots of friends that really like it. so i would give it another chance. :)
  • you could try ensure or one of the meal replacement drinks that is not for weight loss but only nutrition. those will have lots of vitamins and nutrients you are missing out on. sorry to hear about your accident. that sounds awful. maybe say something to your doctor, he may have ideas or suggestions too.
  • cascandian farms cinnamon squares! only 110 cals for 1c of cereal and 1/2c skim milk! if you like cinnamon toast crunch you will love it! super tasty. its also really good crumbled over greek yogurt.
  • I try to build in some extra calories for the day and just look for things that are comparable when I put them in later. You are already making the right choices by eating small portions. Just be honest with what you ate and go with it. If you are still losing you must be doing something right!
  • Maybe look up some new healthy recipes or vary your workout a little. Sometimes something as little as changing the playlist you work out to can help. What were the things you really enjoyed when you first started? Try to make those interesting again. You are still here and that's what matters. Keep up the good work!
  • I would try the shiritaki noodles at your local supermarket first before spending all that money. Fair warning- they come in a really foul smelling liquid and you have to REALLY rinse them, but combined with the right super flavorful food they aren't bad. Kinda springy in texture and you can never get rid of that "funk".
  • if you aren't hungry then don't eat it! it really takes a lot for your body to be in "starvation mode". I think that MFP is trying to protect itself from encouraging people to diet in a negative way. They want you to eat, if you are hungry. I think a lot of people believe that they are speeding up weight loss or cheating…
  • Sliced cucumber and other veggies with them would be tasty. Mixed into cottage cheese, or mashed potatoes. Salsa and eggs. As a low cal spread for a veggie pizza. Salsa might be able to brighten up a bland soup. Hope you find some awesome ways to use them!
  • Maybe do some extra exercising, drink lots of water cause all that sugar will have dehydrated you, and just put it behind you. Next time you feel a binge coming on try to remember this feeling, and maybe it will help you. It's a lot easier said than done, just keep trying. I'm sure you had "skinny" days while you were…
  • It awesome on some air popped popcorn! All the crunch and "cheesy"ness makes for a super filling and satisfying snack.