shannonewallace Member


  • i quit a year ago now, and because i changed my whole lifestyle to become a healthier person i didnt gain any weight due to not smoking. just stay strong, stay positive and remember why you are doing this! eating healthy and excercise will be so much easier without all that smoke : )
  • I do get flare ups when I exercise, mostly when I sweat alot (even when not exercising but just being in the heat). Luckily showering after the gym helps, but when i am out and about it's harder for me. I also find it hard to be able to wear deodorant (which i need when i exercise) because that will cause flare ups for me…
  • I’m not sure how asthma really effects HS, but some of the medications you take for asthma can, like steroids or cortisones.
  • Hello everyone, and thank you Kathleen for starting this group! My name is Shannon, I'm 30 years old. I'm not sure how long I have had HS because I believe my long term use of Advair for asthma hid most of my symptoms. After my weight loss I was able to stop taking the Advair about a year ago and that's when my symptoms…
  • What's the Color Run??
  • I'm a little late to this NEPA party... but wanted to say hello from the Lehigh Valley (Easton) : D
    in NEPA Comment by shannonewallace May 2012
  • so this may not be the healthiest response, but you can make an awesome po' boy using oyster mushrooms. if you coat them in a little flour, old bay and some corn meal, fry em up, and put them on a roll with lettuce tomato and spicy mayo - yum! we also like making a quesadilla with mixed mushrooms. just put them in a pan…
  • congrats on making the change to vegetarian, and on the 20 lb loss so far! im sure you'll do great in the days to come :)
  • I don't ride a Harley, but I do ride a motorcycle! I currently have a Suzuki TU250. I'm hoping next season I can upgrade to something around a 600cc. Im going to have to sell the 250, even though it's hard since it's my first bike, lots of connection to it. I know what you mean: "Nothing worse than being at a stoplight on…
  • Nice thread! I want to share this Naughty & Nice Vegan Enchilada Casserole recipe. It's part of the 12 Days of Healthy Dinner Recipes from the blog Oh She Glows! It's super easy and pretty healthy :) She even suggests a few different ways to utilize the base mixture - it's SO GOOD.…
  • It says on the website, "Each monthly box includes at least eight organic and healthy snacks picked by our nutritionists. We source snacks from all different places, and work with brands big and small. The one thing they all have in common is that they are good and wholesome."
  • The day I stopped eating meat was the day I read Eating Animals - by Jonathan Safran Foer. I feel like I had always had the beliefs in me to become vegetarian and I don't know why I ever waited. The thing I love about the book is it doesn't take the normal PETA stance that we are so used to hearing and most of our friends…
  • i totally didnt even realize it called for fake meat, because i use it without and have the recipie down pat LOL we are not fake meat likers ourselves, i never would have realized substitues have gluten though, good to know!
  • i love this post! i am not glute-free, but i am a vegetarian! i had my first experience cooking vegetarian for my family this holiday! i hope you get a lot of easy and yummy recipes as feedback, im excited to see them myself. my suggestion may take a little work on the flour substitution, but if you take the time i promise…
  • *bump* i am bumping my own post because im afraid i wasn’t being inclusive enough to get any response lol all friends, no matter what your location, are welcomed :)
  • i heard a quote once that going to mc donalds for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug LOL but in all seriousness we all have to do what we can some days when things dont go 100% how we want them, the good part is your initial choice was a salad over all of the other things on the menu that you probably would have…
  • socks are a good idea, but i would be afraid they'd slip around your feet, what about something like this? "performance rubber soles are razor-siped for flexibility and slip resistance over a variety of terrain."
  • im going with all the veggie delight lovers above me! i get the veggie delight on herb and cheese bread with a bit of honey mustard. as a vegetarian sometimes it's hard to get away from the typical "cheese sandwich", love all the choices at subway for sure. about 230 cals, not a bad deal for lunch!
  • I am going back to school for my second degree, and working full time, it's SUCH a challenge. I'm only just finishing my first semester, and I definitely noticed a change in how i was loosing weight once the stress started and my schedule changed. The nice thing about school is having access to a gym for free....but…
  • you should try Bentos! this site has tons of ideas and theres lots of different combos that you can make depending on what you feel you need!
  • wow. i guess thats the trouble with acronyms ... i was thinking national hockey league. although, someone i know was diagnosed and is just recently celebrating a remission from non-hodgkins lymphoma, and I am a supporter of cancer awareness (specifically brain cancer)!
  • oh wow, freezing rain and ice, that doesnt sound too fun, but it's nice you still get out to hike! that's what we have done in the past, just some nice hikes with our dogs, atleast it's still getting out in the open fresh air!
  • I won't be dogsledding in Alaska, although that would be the place to really get the experience! Snowboarding has always looked fun, someday I may give that a try, but for now I want to stick with something I could do often, make it part of my "workout routine".
  • I would love to be friends, I am also a Vegetarian, 29, from PA, with about the same weight loss goal! ... I love your profile pic!
  • Thats awesome, I had a similar nsv when I ran for the first time since high school this year. It feels so great right!
  • I almost had tickets to the Flyers vs Devils preseason game next thursday, but I'm going on vacation! All this hockey talk is making me reconsider lol
  • NICE! I went to an Islanders game last season, it was a good time!
  • Hey anyone that loves the NHL, regardless of the team, is cool in my book :)
  • so far so good i think!
  • wow, excited to see the post, even more excited to see all the responses! i understand your struggle, i used to wear my hair seriously short, and just about 6 months ago decided to grow it out again! its so hard to go through the akward lengths when your hair is curly, its driving me nuts, but i think it's going to be…