Shout out to college students :)

Hey everybody!! I'm lookin for a small group of friends going through the same struggles I am w/ college and the hecticness* that runs our lives! So if your lookin to loosin a big chunk and in your college year, send me a request!! :))


  • aquapussy
    I'm in school full time, but am not your average college student. Add me if you like! :bigsmile:
  • InfoSecChick
    InfoSecChick Posts: 37 Member
    Nice progress girl 99lbs is no easy feat :happy:
  • aquapussy
    Thanks, what's your major? I think losing the weight helped with my confidence in going back to school. I was a web designer/developer but I want the magic piece of paper so I am in school for Comp sci.
  • kythemodel
    I'm a full time university student and trying to lose the weight I gained during my freshman year :)
  • pumpkinmoccasins
    We're already friends but I'll check in to this thread in case other college kids wanna add me :) I'm a full-time studio art student (minor in creative writing that I'm finishing up this semester) and I graduate in May! The final two semesters have been super hectic, definitely, but I'm definitely excited (and a little sad) to finish school.
  • shannonewallace
    shannonewallace Posts: 52 Member
    I am going back to school for my second degree, and working full time, it's SUCH a challenge. I'm only just finishing my first semester, and I definitely noticed a change in how i was loosing weight once the stress started and my schedule changed. The nice thing about school is having access to a gym for free....but honestly finding time to get there is a challenge in itself!

    First Degree: Media Communications and Rechnology (I work as a Graphic Designer and Video Editor)
    Second Degree: Biological Science (Want to work in an environmental field i.e. park ranger, education specialist)

    Good Luck in your journey, open to friend requests : )
  • bornforthis1
    bornforthis1 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a college student and trying to keep up with life amongst the chaos. Feel free to add me, I like having friends =)
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Penn State Student and I'm struggling with stress for obvious reasons... Let's help keep each other accountable!
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    I'm done with academia. I have my Ph.D. in finance. I lifted weights all through highschool and undergrad, it wasn't until my master's program, marriage, post doc, kids, businesses that I really put on serious weight, so I know the hecticness...

    Always nice to find other motivated people... Some more motivation is Lect's thread of just before/after success "stories" even though there are no stories, it's a picture-only thread:

    And there's mine:

    Feel free to add me,
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    Feel free to add me. I work full time, but I am back in school 3 nights a week starting in January. I already have two associates degrees. One in business administration and one in psychology. I am going back to get my bachelors. I'm going for a dual degree in finance and risk management and insurance.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm in college majoring in Pharmacy. I also have a son who is 1 and a half years old. You can add me if you want! I just came back to MFP three days ago after leaving months ago. I'm hoping having friends will encourage me to stay this time. =)
  • MrsVDDS
    I am in dental school right now so I feel you on the stress! Definitely adds another obstacle to losing weight. Feel free to add me!
  • cassh24
    Heyyy there! I'm new to this thing as well and can't wait to get started! I'm in occupational therapy school so I feel the pain ;) Add me if you'd like!
  • InfoSecChick
    InfoSecChick Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks, what's your major? I think losing the weight helped with my confidence in going back to school. I was a web designer/developer but I want the magic piece of paper so I am in school for Comp sci.

    OMG!! I"m computer science too and info security lol as the screen name says :)
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Hey. I'm a university student hoping to reach my goal before I graduate in 2013. Feel free to add me :)
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Oh and I'm a double major in Psychology with a Neuroscience option and Crime, Law, and Justice and a minor in Biology!
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I sent a request! I'm also a full-time college student. Trying to lose the Freshman 15+ I gained last year lol. I'm going for Associate Degree in Science (RN). Anyone, feel free to add me.
  • NickyCat101
    I am a graduate student getting my second Master's degree. I have a BBA in Management Information Systems, an MBA, and I am now getting my MS in Information Systems. My goal is to get my PhD. in IS. I put on a lot of weight in college and even more when I started working there. I got a job at my undergraduate and MBA college in 2009 and have been working there since. It was hard to resist the pizzas, cookies, and other treats offered. I really hope the campus will offer healthier options to students at some point.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I sent a request! I'm also a full-time college student. Trying to lose the Freshman 15+ I gained last year lol. I'm going for Associate Degree in Science (RN). Anyone, feel free to add me.
    In science WTF was I thinking it's associates degree in nursing. Smh.