prdough Member


  • I think you have to find what keeps you motivated for a prolonged period of time. What has helped me is the Diet Bet website, which makes you put up money up front, and if you lose 4% of your body weight in a month you get your money back, plus the money of all those who failed. I turned 35 bucks into over 100 in 2 months.…
  • Whenever I hit a plateau or stop losing even when I am measuring food accurately and eating at a deficit, I take 2 days and eat a ton of fruit and vegetables and have a homemade smoothy for dinner (just fruit, spinach, some greek yogurt and a little milk). No salt, nothing prepackaged, all natural fruit and vegetables for…
  • Every morning right when I wake up.
  • I think people are saying you aren't eating enough because you said you are eating 20% below your TDEE on average (even though you go over sometimes) That means that you are burning more calories then you are eating, even though you have a baby inside you. A doctor typically will tell a pregnant woman to eat more calories…
  • here is an interesting article I read while doing some research on the topic. I'm not that knowledgeable on Science, but this was interesting.
  • if you lost 1.75 lbs a week until April 12th you would be 178. If you lost 1.75 lbs a week until July you would be at 162 Obviously you could lose faster then that at the beginning, and more slowly towards the end, hence the average at 1.75.
  • What I realistically think is possible is to tell MFP that you want to lose the 2 lbs a week, and then maybe manually set the calories 50-100 lower. It should create a weekly buffer of about 700 calories. I think this is useful because a lot of people don't weigh everything they eat, and a lot of people overestimate how…
  • Keep it up! Don't let the naysayers detract from your success. Listen to your body and keep going strong.
  • 3 Months has around 12-14 weeks in it. Losing 4 lbs a week gets you to that number. If you have 10 lbs of water weight and a full gut full of food, that would leave you with 40 lbs of fat in that amount of time, which would be about 3 lbs a week. Not that weird if the deficit is large. I've lost over 30 since oct 21st,…
  • Everybody's weight fluctuates at different times of the day based on their meal timing and food habits. Pick one time and weigh yourself at that time of day every time. That will become your "real weight". It sounds like after work is when your previous meals have the least amount of influence on your weight since your gut…
  • try eating a bunch of fiber and drink a smoothy with only fresh fruit and vegetables and maybe some greek yogurt for dinner for a couple of days, avoiding salt as much as possible. Drink lots of water! Hopefully that can shed some water weight out of you pretty quickly and make the scale move. I think if you aren't eating…
  • I'm almost at 35 and I started on October 21st of this year. so about a month and a half. (note, I'm also a 6'4, 27 year old male and I weighed in today at 260.4 lbs) Working out 5 days a week before work (my office has a gym inside it)- burning 900 calories on the eliptical/running and weight lifting Eating back 75% of…
  • I think you just have to fight through the cravings. Will Power! The more you fight it and succeed, the easier it gets. I tend to get cravings after 9:00 p.m. If I start getting one, I just go to bed! You've lost 50 lbs, so you have to know that it isn't easy! It's hard work and takes a significant amount of mental…
  • I burn about 1000 calories a day but only log it as 800 for fear of the machine being too high. 45 mins on an eliptical plus weight training and a warm up walk can easily result in 1000 burned. Granted, I'm a 27 year old, 6'4 male who weighs 265 lbs.
  • I would lift heavy 2-3 times a week with the large compound lifts, and throw in some jumprope in between sets. On the days you don't lift I'd run/eliptical and do pushups/pull ups/Burpees after every mile or after some measurable point in the workout (whether it be time or distance) I'd workout 5-6 days a week, with at…
  • I would cut to bring that body fat % down into the teens, then bulk it back up after. I wouldn't stop lifting though. Maybe add some plyometrics in there to help with the football. Just my opinion.
  • I agree!
  • I used to think Cheat meals/days were okay until I started on this journey. Using junk food to "Treat" yourself or "reward" yourself after a week of good eating puts my mental relationship with food in an unhealthy place. I start to associate "bad for you" foods as rewards, and it just makes me crave them more. And…
  • My input for what its worth: Losing weight isn't easy, it isn't comfortable, it isn't fun. especially at the beginning! It is even harder when the change is more drastic. The first couple days of eating at a defecit I got headaches, had that upset stomach feeling, felt lethargic, etc. After about a week I started feeling a…
  • Chia seeds in Chobani Yogurt fill me up for a couple of hours. Works for me for a 2:30 snack. (drooling as 2:30 is 15 mins away! yay!)
  • I weigh in every day. It holds me accountable for daily food intake. I know weighing and logging weight daily is not for everybody, but it works for me. Keeps me motivated/on track. I also put together a spreadsheet that shows my end goal with time frame, and where I should be based on that goal and timeframe. I have…
  • I like eggs. put a little franks red hot on there and boom. I eat 4 or 5 in one meal.
  • Rocky! Rocky!
  • azackary, regardless of what arguments you are making, do you really think you will change people's minds? If you believe that you are correct, use this as fuel to prove it to everyone! follow your program and get muscular without lifting! If some actress can do it in 60 days, give it 90 days and post an update. You will…
  • I think he's just showing us all that he's a tough guy. Thats all. :tongue:
  • wow! Quite the accomplishment! congrats! :smile:
  • It matters to some I know because the amount you have lost shows that what you are doing is working! And if you are giving advice, and people think that you lost 15 more lbs than you actually have, it can be misleading. Who are you more likely to take advice from, someone who has lost 25 lbs by doing what they are…
  • I say that all the time to people who say they are trying to lose weight. If my fiance ever says, "i need to start working out to lose some weight for the wedding". I try to give her a compliment by saying "oh you look gorgeous the way you are". The whole conversation always seems to be awkward and someone seems to be…
  • what kind of aerobics are you doing? and how are you measuring calories? I believe the burn is from you using your muscle in a more rigorous way then when during your aerobics. Do both!