I need help w/ Realistic Goal Numbers

Ok, I posted a topic as I was thinking about doing an extreme calorie reduction for a boost... after reading all of the responses I changed my mind and will focus on logging and eating better. My B-day is April 12th and I am in a wedding in July... I am currently about 208 lbs, and only have about 45 min to spare for a work out, which I will try to at least get into 5 days a week.. (hard with kids but I need this) I always set a goal and let myself down :cry: Give me your thoughts on a realistic number I should shoot for by my b-day (April) and by (July) by the wedding. Mind you I am a current size 16 my ultimate goal is to be a size 8 never been that small and don't know what weight range I will need to be to get to that... I'm 5'2 anyone with advice on that will be great as well.

Basically I'm trying to re-set my calorie and weigh goals and I don't know what my ultimate goal should be.... at a size 8. I initially added a goal based on my BMI which would put me at 135 but that could be smaller than a 8 or should I shoot for smaller? Just not sure what to think... I have never been smaller than a size 12/14 and then I was still 177lbs!
#Confused :huh:


  • prdough
    prdough Posts: 76 Member
    What I realistically think is possible is to tell MFP that you want to lose the 2 lbs a week, and then maybe manually set the calories 50-100 lower. It should create a weekly buffer of about 700 calories.

    I think this is useful because a lot of people don't weigh everything they eat, and a lot of people overestimate how many calories they burn, or underestimate the amount of calories they are eating. (don't do this if MFP automatically sets your calories super low. This is coming from a 6'4 male, so I'm not as familiar with how a woman's body would work)

    I'd then make an excel chart and go week by week, subtracting the 2 lbs per week. After every 5 weeks, id adjust the weekly weight loss down by a little bit.

    Do that until April 12th, then to the wedding in July, and see where that puts you.

    That would be a good target to shoot for.

    Then I would look at your weekly targets and see how you are doing against them. If as the weeks go by you keep missing, look back and evaluate your efforts. If your initial targets are too low, adjust them to where they make sense.

    This is what I do and it has been working for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Why do you need an ultimate goal number right away?

    I know everyone's different in the way they view their goals. In my ticker you see my "goal" is 199. I am 5.6 lb away from that. I have no intention of stopping there, though!

    When I started MFP at 262 lb, my goal was 220. I am one of those people who likes attainable shorter term goals! I do not have the foggiest idea what weight equals what clothing size for me. Right now I'm 205.6 at 5'8" and wearing a 16 for the most part. I don't know where I will end up. If I had to guess, I'd say around 175-180 lb and size 12? But who knows!

    My highest weight was 307. If I had decided "I want to get to 175" back then, it would have felt way too overwhelming and I probably would have given up. Instead I decided I'd get to my "usual" weight of 260-ish. And I did. Then set a new goal.

    Good luck with your future goals and congrats on your progress!!
  • prdough
    prdough Posts: 76 Member
    if you lost 1.75 lbs a week until April 12th you would be 178.

    If you lost 1.75 lbs a week until July you would be at 162

    Obviously you could lose faster then that at the beginning, and more slowly towards the end, hence the average at 1.75.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I would say instead of concentrating on weight goals, concentrate on composition change because would you rather have abs at 150 lbs or skinny at 135 lbs. Ultimately, it's much better to concentrate on losing body fat and maintaining muscle that just losing weight. As I always say, weight loss will make you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked.

    Honestly, at this point, i would set your account to 1.5 lbs per week, set macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and fats, and do a combination of weight training (probably 3 days of full body routines or start with body weight exercises) and some cardio (HIIT if possible). If you exercise, eat another 200-300 calories. Realistically, you probably won't burn a ton more than that. If you fuel your body from the beginning, then you will reduce the chances of a plateau.
  • kaylanlynnNW
    kaylanlynnNW Posts: 122 Member
    Why do you need an ultimate goal number right away?

    I know everyone's different in the way they view their goals. In my ticker you see my "goal" is 199. I am 5.6 lb away from that. I have no intention of stopping there, though!

    When I started MFP at 262 lb, my goal was 220. I am one of those people who likes attainable shorter term goals! I do not have the foggiest idea what weight equals what clothing size for me. Right now I'm 205.6 at 5'8" and wearing a 16 for the most part. I don't know where I will end up. If I had to guess, I'd say around 175-180 lb and size 12? But who knows!

    My highest weight was 307. If I had decided "I want to get to 175" back then, it would have felt way too overwhelming and I probably would have given up. Instead I decided I'd get to my "usual" weight of 260-ish. And I did. Then set a new goal.

    Good luck with your future goals and congrats on your progress!!
    Great Idea, I will set my first goal to 199... that will make more sense... then go from there, I will feel like I wouldn't have such of a mountain ahead of me!