

  • I was diagnosed as Hypothyroid around 13 years ago. The medication does little for my metabolism so I've made a few lifestyle choices. (I realised there is no magic pill to make the weight fall off, it's down to me). The best exercise for me, for losing and keeping off the weight is running and step aerobics (with hand…
  • I was dignosed as Hypothyroid around 13 years ago. the best exercise for me, for losing and keeping off the weight is running and step aerobics (with hand weights). But for me exercise alone doesn't do it. The most effective way for me to lose weight is to lose the carbs, particularly sugar. This is the health plan…
  • Hi, (Yorkshire female living in Hampshire, UK). Have you tried measuring various parts of your body. I've found that when I don't actually lose any weight the tape measure tells me something completely different. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. I measure chest, below chest, waist, hips, widest point, widest point top…
  • Hi, I have had the same problem. I seem to wake up every two hours, sometimes with night sweats, sometimes without but I haven't managed to sleep through for a long, long time. However, I remembered about a Serotonin supplement (called 5HTP ) I tried a couple of years ago that seems to be helping. The last two nights I…
    in Sleep Comment by plummersmate May 2013
  • You don't have to stir "FRY", try adding a little boiling water to steam instead, or for a bit more taste try soy sauce, fish sauce or a little veg stock, it only needs a little and reduces your fat content (higher salt content for Soy and Fish Sauce though). Having said that, you do need some fat in your diet to help you…
  • Thanks for this bit of fun, I fall between Saint Lucia and Guatemala but aiming for between Equatorial Guinea and Estonia!
  • I've never really intentionally fasted before, its more a case of I've got so busy in work that I've forgot to eat; but reading this thread I think I might try and build in a day each week or fortnightly. I'm not a breakfast person and certainly can't exercise with food inside me. I tend to run most mornings before work. I…
  • I weigh every week or two, depending on how I feel. If I think I've cheated and won't have lost anything I wait another week. That way I can't be too disappointed and get demotivated. I weigh first thing in the morning. I also tend to measure different points around my body as this can sometimes show better results. I also…
  • If he worries you, you could always ask the management to speak to him. I'd be worried on my own. Are there security cameras about? They could say he'd been spotted on camera carrying and using a golf club in the gym. This is a health and safety issue and the gym have a duty of care. Is the gym un-manned? And if so, Is…
  • How about - Lady (Hear me tonight) - Modjo Sing it Back - Moloko Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana Hey Ya - Outkast Poker Face - Lady Gaga Just Dance - Lady Gaga Dancefloor - Kylie Get the party started - Pink Bad Influence - Pink Why did I ever like you - Pink U + Yr Hand - Pink Obviously a Pink Fan! Show me love - Robin…
  • Can I come work for your boss? What a great incentive. Good luck!!
    in Hey! Comment by plummersmate July 2011
  • Try oven roasting butternut squash or sweet potatoes with olive oi, salt and pepper to taste or cumin, chilli or cayenne pepper for a bit more of a bite. Takes about 40 minutes depending on size of chunks but very simple and tasty. And sweet potatoes have loads of vitamins and are a rich source of minerals. As well as…
  • When avoiding wheat products I cut aubergine lengthways in thin(ish) slices, brush with olive oil and top with tuna, mushrooms and tomatoes, top with cheese and bake in the oven on a rack to avoid it going soggy. A sort of veggie style pizza.
  • I've no idea about thyroid nodules but I have a small pea sized nodule on my scalp towards the top/back of my head and I've noticed that as I increase in size so does my nodule. I'm working on shrinking it at the minute as I decided I didn't want to grow a second head - otherwise I'd have to give it a name, lol.
  • I have to agree with low carbs. It doesn't mean no carbs, it just means that you get what you need from natures natural resources, fruit and veg. I have been hypothyroid for many years and the "normal" low fat, calorie counting diet just doesn't work for me. I still struggle to lose weight and only seem able to by taking…
  • Excellent info - have copied and pasted to an info sheet and printed it for my kitchen! Gold star to that girl.
  • Hi there, welcome and well done in such a short space of time. I have a similar amount to lose and have been on the site for two weeks now. I can't track my weight yet though as I fractured my ankle (in two places) and am sporting a (lovely Loud pink) plaster cast. I've started measuring inches instead and due a re-measure…
  • Have you considered taking a lunch box filled with salad and a protein food like chicken, tuna, eggs etc. If vegetarian chick pease are a good source of protein. That way you reduce your carb intake on a couple of days in favour of a fibre/protein mix. These will also keep you fuller for longer than bread.
  • Hi, it could be any number of things. You don't share your diary so cannot say for definite. It could be that you are not measuring calaroeis carefully, it could be that your not eating enough and your body has gone into starvation mode, it could be your body telling you you don't need to lose (I dont know your height), it…
  • Thanks for our reply. I'm non-weight bearing for the next four to six weeks and not allowed to drive so cannot get to the gym. I do have a swiss ball and hand weights so will concentrate around those I think.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. The pic is my two boys, labrador called Bosun (I work for a tall ship sailing charity hence the name) and the other one is Finn my two year old Hovawart, both big softies. I injured my ankle whilst walking them and they didn't leave my side all the way home and it was a very slow 1 1/2 miles…
  • Thanks, some good suggestions, swimming and cycling are out though. Think I might google some exercise for the swiss ball. I could do with strengthening my core to help with balance whilst I'm non-weight bearing.
  • Thanks for your reply. I think the non-weight bearing part is the hardest bit but I'm only a few days in and another six weeks to go so will have to get used to it. It should do wonders for my balance and stamina.
  • Sorry, being a newby don't know what mfp is. Can you explain?
  • Good suggestion, I could try it with some hand weights - thanks!
  • What a great idea, I have a Garmin 405cx with HRM and have started using it for walking the dogs to see what (if anthing) I burn(previously only used for running). I was surprised. I have just bought the Zumba CD's and wasn't sure how I was going to track that workout. Thanks!
  • I'm new and was wondering the same. I'm not hungry enough to eat the extra calories that exercise adds back (well, maybe just a few of them). It's been easy this weekend with hubby away so not had to cater for anyone else. Next week will be the test when I'm serving up foods I've banned for myself (bread, pasta, potatoes -…
  • Hi, try taking body measurements weekly instead of, or as well as weighing, you'll be pleasantly surprised those weeks you don't appear to lose weight. :-)