Sporting a plaster cast and looking for exercise ideas

plummersmate Posts: 30
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I'm a newby (four days old) and have just hit my first hurdle. I've managed to fracture my ankle and damage the ligaments and now sporting a plaster cast for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Does anyone have any bright ideas on exercise? I have to say, hobbling about on two crutches is exhausing in itself and should at least increase my upper body strength but any suggestins welcome. Cheers! PP


  • Bub3les0
    Bub3les0 Posts: 47
    could you do some shadow boxing while sitting down?
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    walking on crutches is listed in mfp-- sorry about your injury-- you can actually do a lot of pilates- girl type push up- sit ups- many types of calisthenics and you can do "chair dancing" Richard Simmons has an aerobic work out for people in wheel chairs LOTS of different things you can do--be creative:love:
  • Good suggestion, I could try it with some hand weights - thanks!
  • Sorry, being a newby don't know what mfp is. Can you explain?
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    I'm right there with you minus the cast. I sprained ankle or more accurately, fracturing my fibula, a small piece of bone gave way when I twisted it simultaneously tearing the ligaments. I'm in a brace. I plan to use my fitness ball and small weights to do some cardio workouts using my upper body and add strength training in a few weeks. Add me as a friend if you want and we can keep each other motivated.
  • keenster
    keenster Posts: 16
    "MFP" is shorthand for "My Fitness Pal."
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    Sorry, being a newby don't know what mfp is. Can you explain?

    sorry mfp is my fitness pal--the web site

    When I started here I was in a cast and on a scooter for an achilles injury with surgery-- I just had to be creative and was able to do some exercise-hand wts are a great choice
  • wiebernaut
    wiebernaut Posts: 8 Member
    I can attest to how much work it is to get around with a broken ankle! I broke mine one and a half years ago with no weight-bearing for the first 6 weeks. For the first 2 months I was on a walker, then moved to crutches then finally to a cane. I lost 18 lbs in 3 months! Wouldn't want to to that again but I'll take it when I can get it! Most of my exercise was just getting myself around.

    Sorry to hear about your injury...take care!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    There is a young man at my gym who lost one leg from the knee down. He does his cardio on the ellipticals with the moving hand bars then finishes up with weight training.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I've never had a cast (of any kind) - so I'm not sure if this will work.

    Cardio ideas: Swimming, water aerobics, cycling, and believe it or not there are "chair dancing" videos .. view clips on ... maybe give you some ideas

    Strength training: pilates, some yoga poses (have a chair handy for safety), and obviously upper body & abs should be ok

    Good luck!
  • EffaJane
    EffaJane Posts: 17 Member
    I'm sorry to hear this news.I saw a tv show several times years ago though a gal doing exercise from a wheel chair..
    like arm weights etc..maybe you could google something in to find some exercises in this your
    profile pic..don't give up!!!!
  • Thanks for your reply. I think the non-weight bearing part is the hardest bit but I'm only a few days in and another six weeks to go so will have to get used to it. It should do wonders for my balance and stamina.
  • Thanks, some good suggestions, swimming and cycling are out though. Think I might google some exercise for the swiss ball. I could do with strengthening my core to help with balance whilst I'm non-weight bearing.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. The pic is my two boys, labrador called Bosun (I work for a tall ship sailing charity hence the name) and the other one is Finn my two year old Hovawart, both big softies. I injured my ankle whilst walking them and they didn't leave my side all the way home and it was a very slow 1 1/2 miles hobble back.
  • Thanks for our reply. I'm non-weight bearing for the next four to six weeks and not allowed to drive so cannot get to the gym. I do have a swiss ball and hand weights so will concentrate around those I think.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks for our reply. I'm non-weight bearing for the next four to six weeks and not allowed to drive so cannot get to the gym. I do have a swiss ball and hand weights so will concentrate around those I think.

    Not to be excessively gloomy, but if you are casted (I assume fiberglass) and non weight bearing for over a month (wow!), then you must have done something fairly awesome (medial malleolus, maybe a fairly stable bimalleolar). Are you set for surgery, or is it considered to be stable enough that the short leg cast is the actual treatment? Either way, you should get some professional info on your limitations. A physio ball is awesome, but you would be suprised at home much near weightbearing contact occurs on those things. Your fracture is not even sort of stable yet, and it sounds as if you have some soft tissue injury as well (hopefully no syndesmotic, or high ankle sprain, injury). Did you get an ortho consult?
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