vick9180 Member


  • I haven't read too many of the responses, but here's my take...well, it's more of a story of something similar happening. I know of someone whose husband dated one of her sisters, married and divorced another one, and then he married and divorced her best friend. He ended up being a friend of her first husband (who passed…
  • I definitely don't want this to feel like I'm picking on you, but wanted to point out that Olympic caliber women run around 4:20...I believe the world record is around 4:15. I competed in the mile in high school and college and ran a 4:55....this was decent for a division 1 athlete, but I wasn't anywhere near qualifying…
  • I knew my boyfriend for 10 years before we became a couple, we've been together for 6 1/2 years and got engaged about 4 weeks ago.
  • One thing we all need to keep in mind when it comes to training for a goal is that it's not an exact science. When prescribing exercise programs, it's important to consider the fitness level of the person who is trying to reach a goal. At this point, the OP is looking for ways to push beyond a 2 miler, in which case, those…
  • Nobody?
  • Getting up on the balls of your feet is necessary for increasing speed. It's definitely different than a normal distance runner foot strike. When you're doing your intervals, focus on putting your shoulders slightly in front of your hips and keeping your body straight. That'll force your knees to come up and make you land…
  • Having a solid base of junk miles certainly helps covering the distance easier. But to really increase your speed, it's about adding in some speedplay (or fartleks) and intervals. Getting your legs used to turning over faster helps tremendously in being able to pick up the speed, and the base miles will help you in…
  • And this ^^ - wow...I took a peek and I saw one vegetable in like a month's worth of logging. Plus, there were several days with no logging. But, as much as it sucks, Edy's ice cream and Starbucks all day long doesn't make for very nutritious meals. If you're serious about getting healthy, some revamping of your diet is…
  • Doing this kind of extreme exercise and then getting frustrated with the results is what causes people to not go back. Many people feel like they should see huge drops in a short amount of time, and they become frustrated when all they have to show for it is extremely sore muscles and exhaustion. It's obvious that you've…
  • I can't think of any software-type thing that didn't have mistakes. Huge corporations that have multiple people working on the same project still make mistakes and have to fix bugs. All the apps that people download onto their smartphones have bugs and need fixes. It's just part of creating something...even products that…
  • Do you eat breakfast before you leave for work? If not, maybe you should try that. Then you won't feel hungry, and the temptation to stop there will be less. Eat at home, though. Make yourself a breakfast with some fiber, protein and fat so it'll stick with ya through the morning. You might have to get up 15 minutes…
  • Bump...most of these are blocked at work
  • :happy: Keep 'em comin! I don't mind a little immaturity either.
    in Rough day Comment by vick9180 March 2012
  • Have you increased the amount of carrots or other orange colored foods you're consuming? As crazy as it sounds, it'll start to turn your skin colors, which isn't that big of a deal medically speaking. If not, be sure to check the whites of your eyes. If they're yellowed at all, go see your doctor cause it means you're…
  • Applesauce is a good substitution for sugar as well...a lot of them use high fructose corn syrup though, so if you're trying to avoid that also, check the ingredients list before you purchase it.
  • I worked in a retirement home with assisted living, independent living, and special care. I was an activities director and fitness specialist. It was a tough job that required a lot of energy, but it was also very rewarding. The hardest part was becoming attached to the residents and then watching them pass away. Sadly,…
  • I have to admit, I keep refreshing the screen to read the responses...totally amused.
  • Nike Pegasus are a great neutral shoe with some cushion. I LOVE mine.
  • The medial and lateral malleolus are the actual ankle bone that you see on the side of your foot. The bursa is between the achilles tendon and the heel bone and is a really common injury in runners. If you push on either side of the achilles, you might feel a spongy resistance, which would be an inflammed bursa. And this…
  • You have bursa pads on either side of your foot between the ankle bone and achilles tendon...could be a little bursitis. If you notice a bump forming, then that's likely the issue. Very sensitive to touch as the bursa swells. Definitely ice and use anti-inflammatories, but check with your doctor to be sure. I can tell you,…
  • I went on a date with a guy in college. I lived at one end of the hall and he lived at the other in the dorms. I learned he was interested in me by a mutual friend who begged me to go out with him on a date. I, reluctantly, agreed. We went to a movie (which is undoubtedly a bad place for a first date since you can't get to…
  • Great eccentric training should be done with a spotter...if you're using other parts of your body to lift the weight, it could lead to injury. To answer the OP, working out to muscle failure is fine...but as someone else said, you need a good base first.
  • Go to the store and buy some little paper cups. Fill them about halfway full of water and stick them in the freezer. Once they're frozen, tear off the bottom half of the cup, grab and towel and massage the ice over your shin for 15 min or so. This is what athletic trainers recommend and has helped me with shin splints in…
  • I've perused through the responses and am surprised that only like 2 people suggested you get a workout partner. That takes the monotony out of exercising and keeps you accountable so you actually do it. Get a workout plan together, like Monday you go for a walk, Tuesday you lift, Wednesday is a pilates class, etc. You get…
  • Bump - can't see pics at work and wanna see them :)
  • Your strength training plan looks pretty good to me. My only thought is that I'm wondering if the website will switch up the exercises for you after a couple weeks of doing this program so you can hit your muscles at different angles and keep your body guessing at what you'll hit it with next. I just noticed little things…
  • If it were me, I'd probably act bored with the comments...and say something like, "Really? We're STILL talking about this? All this time and you can't think of anything better to talk about than my weight?" If he realizes he's not getting under your skin, maybe he'll stop...some people just enjoy pushing other people's…
  • To answer your question, yes and no. You wouldn't completely negate your workout by eating your exercise calories back since your get other benefits from exercise, but as far as a calorie deficit goes, then yes you would be. Depending on how much weight you're wanting to lose in a week will depend on your deficit. It's…