

  • I am looking for a lifestyle change I believe that is important and key, but I was thinking this could jump start things a big...but I am unsure of trying something that I know is so low carb.
  • Welcome:) Its a great tool to have, I love it! Add me as a friend if you would like:)
  • I am 177 lbs and I wear size 14 dress and pants
  • Welcome back! The important thing is you havent given up on yourself!!! You can do this!! My prayer for you is that you will learn to see yourself through God's eyes!
  • LOL started my period today and it was not a great eating or working out day for me... Over ate by about 200 calories ( just had to have a browine that was 400 calories) way to go!! But to me it was worth it today lol... I think its okay to have thoes days sometimes, for me I just have to be careful because it doesnt seem…
  • Welcome! I enjoy using my wii fit as well... its lots of fun, and can still be pretty challening! My favorite at the moment is The Biggest Loser Challenge, I love it!
  • I have this struggle as well... I have found that I really enjoy vanilla yogurt with some walnuts topping it! It tastes yummy and give you a little sweet and a little salt:smile: One cup of vanilla yogurt is only 100 calories and usually I only eat a half of a cup:smile:
  • I was just looking at your profile and noticed you are from Waterford MI, I was born and raised there! Small world!
  • Thanks! I do know that its still important for me to keep eating well and working out. A friend of mine suggested this and I thought I would give it some thought, I waant exactly sure what they did, however your info has helped me a lot thanks!
  • I am not necessarily looking for a quix fix, I know its all about change and I am totally up for it. I just heard that these were good in getting you on the right track and to jump start things a little... but I am sure you guys are right and its going to be a waste of money! It can just be so depressing when you only see…
  • I guess I dont really understand what these body cleansing detox things are... I have looked into the one Bob Harper endorsses I would think his would be legit, but maybe not? I guess I just want faster results then my body wants to give me. however drinking more water is def. something I need to do, not a big water…
  • Good job! Keep up the good work! You look great and I bet you feel even better:smile:
  • I am right there with you... I dont think dieting is ever easy. I have tried and tried to lose weight many times over the last 10 years. It never seems to stick, I get frustrated and my life gets busy and I give up. There is nothing worse then feeling like a failure. And I am sure that family and friends around me are sick…