

  • If you suffer from back problems, perhaps it might be wise to start swimming first to strengthen the muscles in your back and start with something lighter like walking. walking is less impact on joints and areas that cause you discomfort and you'll burn plenty of calories based on how far/fast you walk. gradually build…
  • Well done! keep up the good work!
  • Best of luck!
  • Don't be disappointed in the mornings, we all have a treat once in a while and like everyones said Chinese food has high amounts of sodium so it's all water you're holding! You've lost 82lbs and that is commendable! don't knock yourself down, you're doing so well!
  • I hear vodka, lime and soda water is a low cal...
  • Hi! First off, I can completely empathise with your situation. My ex was bipolar and used to have this level of incidents all the time, which is why I ended up leaving (smashed crockery, violence, trashed house) but I have other friends with bipolar who are nothing like that. Firstly, I would hear the guy out, see what he…
  • I love myself a drink on a friday or saturday, so if I know I'm going to have a drink, I tend to beat the booze munchies by being extra good and eating smaller meals in the day, saving cals for the boozy night, that way you won't go theory. works for me anyway!
  • I would suggest when this next happens, a few days before eat a sufficient amount of sweet potato (not mashed). it absorbs a lot of water so when it comes to weigh in you'll have more of a clue as to what your actual weight is
  • I share your pain!
  • OH and 50% of your daily manganese intake! =D
  • If you wrap a sweet potato in foil and bake it in it's skin: 950mg potassium, 768.7% of your RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin A, 65.3% of RDA vitamin C, 13% fibre. It's low in Sodium, and very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. Vitamin B6 29% of RDA, 7% RDA vitamin E, 6% RDA vitamin k. really hope you like…
  • Hey! I'm new too and it's absolutely brilliant. Motivate yourself in as many positive ways as you can think of. Do what I do, take a photo of yourself now, then take another every 6 weeks - put each photo next to eachother somewhere you can see them all the time side by side. Provided you stick to the programme and get…
  • I had the same issue when I joined last week. I was full and bloated and eating about 600 calories a day but do persevere putting the calories in! loads of users stepped in to help me out and I feel better now having lots of different meals, whereas last week I couldn't imagine putting the amount of food in that I am now.…
  • OOO sorry if the question was in relation to exercising on holiday, don't worry about it, relax and enjoy yourself! I went to Gran Canaria for two weeks in May and I lost 3lbs over there from just swimming leisurely throughout the day. Plus, depending on where you're going on holiday, with the heat you won't feel like…
  • If you're near your target, go for a 50/50 mix of cardio and strength training, but just target any areas you specifically want to tone for your holiday. just remember strength training will make you weigh more (muscle weighs more than fat) so don't get disheartened if the scales weigh heavier (it doesn't mean you've put…
  • Porridge is great for keeping you full until lunch time as it's slow release. It is a fair amount of carbs but it's better to eat more carbs in the morning as you've got more chance of burning off the calories than if you ate carbs at night!
  • If you've unlocked all the running categories, you can just do the jog for half an hour, it's not that taxing and it really pays off!
  • it's all about fish...Sushi! it's fairly easy to make, really filling and so so good for you! alternatively you can buy small packs in supermarkets (never as good!) but it certainly does the job and averages around 250 calories a packet. Also if you like fish pie, they do a healthy living one in Co-op for 290 calories…
  • No, Not a vegetarian! I've had another go at it today and I really went for it last night to reach the whole intake. I suppose it takes some getting used to but I feel so full, tired and sick! thanks for your advice!
  • Thanks for the concern, but I'm not suffering from an eating disorder. I'm not going to go down that route to get a good figure, if anything I want to gain muscle and everyone needs fat in their diet to do that. I'll post a picture of myself when I get home later. As I said, this is my first day on the programme, I was…
  • thanks for all the advice so far guys! it's physically managing to eat that much that i'm finding difficult! i'm actually stuffed today!