July was AWESOME for me

I started of July by setting a new personal record (PR) for a sprint triathlon. I finished in 2:08:47. (1/2 mile swim, 16 mile bike ride & 3 mile run). Not a great time, but definitely respectable.

Next I changed doctors and decided to have blood work done. It has been almost two years since the last time I had it done. My cholesterol dropped from 248 to 196.
Triglicerides went from 225 down to 123
LDL from 157 to 131
HDL from 40 to 46
Fasting Glucose from 104 to 99

And finally...I ran a 10k on Saturday and set a new PR of 1:13:27. I know that's not really fast, but it is for me. I was so excited when I came up to the finish line and saw my time that I started hyperventilating before I actually crossed the line. A running friend of mine snapped a picture for me and posted it on Facebook before she actually looked at it. Soooo not a pretty picture but I'm proud of it none the less.

I've been on MFP for about 4 1/2 months and only lost 14 pounds, but I've gone from a tight 14 to a comfortable 10. It's not all about the number on the scale. It's also about the numbers in the blood work and the other NSVs we all love so much.

Thanks MFP!! Hopefully the rest of the month will be just as wonderful.


  • sheer_abulous
    Well done! keep up the good work!
  • akh426
    akh426 Posts: 7
    Great Job! It's not about the time, it's about the laps your running around those people who are sitting on the couch! :smile:
  • mimi2kk
    mimi2kk Posts: 75 Member
    AWESOME! So happy for you!
  • mimi2kk
    mimi2kk Posts: 75 Member
    AWESOME! So happy for you!
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