New and need some guidance..

Hi...I am relatively new to MFP....and have read lots of threads of very useful information!!
I am trying to lose the weight that hasnt gone down in 2 years now...infact it has gone up by 14 pounds! I was initally diagnosed with a thyroid condition, but after being on meds for a year it is now in control.

Some of my questions :

-If you glance at my diary -it seems I am eating too little. I am usually full at the end of a meal. What can I eat other than nuts (dont like them) to increase my cals? The only thing I like eating are sugary sweets and baked goods (I am a hobby cake baker!) Also I am a little scared to eat more.

-I usually take a bite here and there (which I know adds up) but have not recorded that yet. But will start doing it too. Like today I had one strawberry and 3 almonds.

-My friend reccomended having Benefiber. Does having fiber help with anything?

-My excericse varies quite a bit...but i record it with circuit training. I have a HRM and it tells me how many cals I burn. I usually do a mixture of strength training and cardio and use different machines for cardio (elliptical, treadmill, bike) and use excercises by Jillian Michaels for my strength training. I workout 5 times a week for about an hour. But I have always worked out...its the food that triggers my weight gain!!!

-I usually feel bloated. I dont know why or what causes it. I drink plenty of water. Always have. And havent had a diet soda in a long time!

Also...I am 5'1' and weigh 145.9 pounds.


  • sheer_abulous
    I had the same issue when I joined last week. I was full and bloated and eating about 600 calories a day but do persevere putting the calories in! loads of users stepped in to help me out and I feel better now having lots of different meals, whereas last week I couldn't imagine putting the amount of food in that I am now. Since starting I haven't lost any weight but really I'm trying to lose fat and gain muscle so that's fairly understandable I'm a hobby baker too so I know how difficult it can be at times to resist having a treat, so what I've started doing is baking for other people. You get all the enjoyment of baking and none of the calories! (there is nothing wrong with the occasional slice of cake however...).
    bananas and sushi are fantastic for getting good calories in! satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit salads but don't have it any after dark and make sure you don't have too much of it!
  • codyyde
    codyyde Posts: 36
    -in my experience I don't need to eat 1200 calories in a day to feel full (that is my reccomended intake, so it just depends on what you're eating but eating less won't be THAT bad unless you're eating very little for a long time
    -Maybe go for higher calorie whole grain breads if you are REALLY worried
    -fiber is good because it burns calories as you digest and is overall very good for your digestive health which is important trying to lose weight because you're excreting all the nasty stuff within your body, also if you're "regular" you'll notice you're weight decreasing more (notice it more, not losing faster) because you can empty your bowels more often
    -Your working out sounds great and if you have a HRM obviously you know its accurate
    -Maybe look at your salt content? But eating fiber could also help bloating. Also if you chew gun you can swallow a lot of gum.

    In general if you bake and eat a lot of the batter or icing then don't worry about having extra calories at the end of the day. However if you completely cut out the sugary stuff for a couple weeks you might find that you crave it less. Also having a good amount of protein curbs sugar cravings.

    Hope that helps!
  • codyyde
    codyyde Posts: 36
    -in my experience I don't need to eat 1200 calories in a day to feel full (that is my reccomended intake, so it just depends on what you're eating but eating less won't be THAT bad unless you're eating very little for a long time
    -Maybe go for higher calorie whole grain breads if you are REALLY worried
    -fiber is good because it burns calories as you digest and is overall very good for your digestive health which is important trying to lose weight because you're excreting all the nasty stuff within your body, also if you're "regular" you'll notice you're weight decreasing more (notice it more, not losing faster) because you can empty your bowels more often
    -Your working out sounds great and if you have a HRM obviously you know its accurate
    -Maybe look at your salt content? But eating fiber could also help bloating. Also if you chew gun you can swallow a lot of gum.

    In general if you bake and eat a lot of the batter or icing then don't worry about having extra calories at the end of the day. However if you completely cut out the sugary stuff for a couple weeks you might find that you crave it less. Also having a good amount of protein curbs sugar cravings.

    Hope that helps!