

  • Hi there everyone! I am back tracking after having my daughter 2 months ago. I used mfp after having my son 3 years ago and lost all my baby weight and then some. I am hoping to do the same again! Here's to the new year and a new you :)
  • Weight loss is 70% what you eat and only 20% working out and 10% attitude :)
  • I am 13 weeks and have already gained 9 lbs :( I don't know how it was possible to gain so much when I have hardly ate and throw everything up :( BUT I have only been able to stomache carbs and wasn't logging in. SO now I am working out again and eating way better. Hopefully I won't gain anything this trimester, or least…
  • I feel exactly the same way. Sooo tired all day long. I even nap when my son does and it seems to make me feel even more tired. Just want to get through the next few weeks and hopefully get some energy back.
  • Cassandra that is awesome, I also have a 2 1/2 year old son! We're going to be in the same boat :) Hopefully your son is more excited and good about the pregnancy, our son is already mad and says NO BABY Mommy!!!! :( LOL Hopefully the next 8 months he'll warm up :) Congrats again!
    in Due dates? Comment by kya101 March 2012
  • Thanks for sharing, that was really helpful and a good reference to look back at when needed :)
  • Hi Yall!!! I just found out 3 days ago that we I'm expecting number 2, I'm due Nov 9, 2012. I am soo excited we just started TTC and it happened really fast... wasn't expecting that, but sooo happy notheless :) Congrats ladies, here's to happy health, fit pregnancies :)
    in Due dates? Comment by kya101 March 2012
  • I have lost all my baby weight and then some... actually alot some prepregnancy. I was about 30lbs over weight before I got pregnant and then gained another 42lbs. I decided after I had my son that I was going to get back to "myself". My son is now 2 and I am finally beginning to feel comfortable in my skin again. My…
  • Drive a train!!! Always wanted to do that... I've never actually road one either... LOL
  • I'm going to give this a try!!!
  • I hate to suggest "drug" use, but whenever I fly I have to take something to knock me out. I had terrible fears of flying and would get scared at the sight of a plane over head. I had a friend how helped me through it (he is a pilot). He worked with me for years to over come my fear. I still take someting to knock me out…
  • I have a 2 year old and run a home day care, I know all about not having time!!! add me if you like!!!!
  • Congratulations!!!! That must feel very rewarding!!!!
    in DONE Comment by kya101 November 2011
  • Gelatin capsules, you can buy them at most pharmacies. I swear by them.... I used them back a few years ago after chopping all my hair off, hair grew back within 6 months!!!! And I'm talking 18'' + regrowth!!!
  • I think you are totally right and believe I need years of therapy to be happy with myself after being "miss piggy" for years : /
  • How do ya'll measure your body fat???? I think I need to focus more on BF now then actual weight now!!!!
  • Yeah, I totally used to do that when I went to the gym to see if I was slacking or how much more I needed to do to keep up. I'm pretty competitive by nature and can't help myself sometimes but to compare : /
  • 10 minute trainer by tony horton will be your best friend if you don't have time and using myfitness to track your food... you'll be amazed!!!! Helped me lose my preggo weight plus some!!!! It's a good starting point too!!!
  • Congrats!!! I am sure you will rock your dress!!! I just had my first fitting a month ago and that really gave me the motivation/butt kick that I needed to drop my last 10 pounds!!! Good luck girl and you'll look and feel fabulous!!!
  • Way to go!!!! You look amazing!!!!! That is great inspiration to see such results!!!
  • That is awesome!!!! You should be so proud and remember this feeling for future motivation!!! I like to think back to different mile stones I've met during my weight loss journey to help bring back my motivation when I'm feeling plateau!!!! Keep it up girl, you're well on your way!!!!
  • Oh, how I know what you mean!!! I've reached weight loss goals that I never even knew I wanted and for someone who was never "worried" about how I looked or what I weighed, I have a hard time looking in the mirror some days. It's insane, I know this and everyone around me tells me I'm crazy if I even mention anything about…
  • I'm not really new, but am committed more now then ever!!! Feel free to add me!!!
  • I have my weights in the living room so I can bust them out and do flys, curls and presses while watching tv or taking a break. I also do push ups and dips too. I try and do at least 3 sets of 12 reps of each... sometimes more if I have the energy!!!
  • I was just going to say the same thing. Punching, jabs, upper cuts, cross chest... all very good cardio for limited mobility. The key is breathing with your punches. Also sing and breathing exercises, cardio is all about breathing and getting the blood pumping through your lungs and heart!!! Good luck on your weight loss…
  • Staying motivated if my biggest problem lately!!! I used to be so committed, never missing a workout and never looking twice at "junkie" food, but lately (weird enough closer to my wedding) I have less and less energy and will-power!!!!! AHHHHH..... sometimes it really helps when my fiance reminds me of how dedicated I was…
  • That's pretty much all I've done is be creative at home!!! It's amazing the cheap videos you can get out there. I have done quite a few different videos and now make up my own workouts using something from all of them!!! I also did a lot of walking in the beginning of weight loss journey which I believe made a world of…
  • This site is amazing and is helping me to meet my final weight loss goals and hopefully help me maintain after too!!! Welcome!!!!
  • I lost 56 lbs after having my son doing 10 minute trainer, hip hop abs, Power90 and the 30 day shredd and walking everyday. I slowly had to change my eating habits, add more healthy foods while dropping the not so good foods. I would recommend any of the beachbody at home videos, I think they are amazing!!! And if time is…