Not enough time in the day, help!

This whole semester has been extremely hard on me. I figured I would schedule my classes later in the morning so I could hit the gym early and be good for the day. But I have found that because my classes are later, I have to work later. Which means that I'm up every night til 2 am doing homework. I really need 8 hours of sleep or else I feel extremely tired and I get sick more often than I would with less hours. Does anyone have a good way of scheduling everything into 24 hours?!?! help please :)


  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Im in the same boat, I have so much trouble finding time to work out.

    If you can go to a gym, maybe you can bring a textbook to read while you're there. I have read while doing the treadmill, i don't read very fast, but at least its something.

    Or if you normally watch a tv show every day at a certain time, you can go to the gym and watch it there, if they have a tv that is.
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    Most people in the world have the same problem: making time. Everyone on MFP has coursework, jobs, a lot of members have children, and tons of other obligations. But working out is just something you have to fit in! I too just started a new job and I've been having a hard time creating a new workout schedule for myself, but it's still happening since it's a priority of mine, I won't make excuses to not eat healthy, exercise most days, and sleep 7+ hours a night.

    When I was at university and was slammed during the end of the semester, I would bring any books/notebooks to the gym with me and read for an hour on the elliptical. It's quite easy to do, once you get your balance figured out. If you watch a lot of television, you could always do a workout during your TV time (like pop an exercise DVD into your laptop on low volume and set it up next to the television so that you can follow along). You could also use your weekends as days to do a super-intense or long workout, like a few hour hike, long ice skate session, indoor rock climb, or ashtanga yoga (just examples of what I often did). There's also the option of partying less, if that's something you spend a lot of time doing; Friday nights are GREAT at the gym because you'll be the only one there.

    I know it seems hard! I'm finding it difficult to adjust, too, with my new job. But exercise is important, and the more you make it part of your routine, the easier it becomes to find time for it-- because you'll learn to love it! I promise! Good luck.
  • kya101
    kya101 Posts: 37
    10 minute trainer by tony horton will be your best friend if you don't have time and using myfitness to track your food... you'll be amazed!!!! Helped me lose my preggo weight plus some!!!! It's a good starting point too!!!
  • radlosing
    Have you tried "time-blocking"???? It's so incredibly effective if you plan your day out every night and set aside time in CHUNKS to do everything you need. I can't write properly enough so I'm giving you the link to Cal Newport's awesome time-management blogpost:

    There's really a lot to learn from this guy and I recommend everyone read his other blogposts too.

    Hope it helps!
  • radlosing
    Oh, and also I forgot about BodyRock! Have you heard of it??? It's literally less than 20 minutes long per work and it's sooooo intense and wonderful. You'll literally feel the burn for a few days. Check them out at
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I think the most time consuming part of exercise is the meal planning. The only idea I have to save time with that is to cook all the food at once and pack it up into tupperware to eat later. Of course, if you're in college and live on campus, you probably don't cook.

    Exercise isn't too hard to fit in. You can burn a lot of calories very fast by jumping rope. You just need a good space to do it in. I like to go outside and do it on the pavement, but when it gets cold out, I do it in my garage.

    I agree that you do need your 8 hours of sleep. I learned that the hard way.

    Try to bring a bottle of water with you and sip on it between classes. Try to have only healthy snacks, like fruit, in your backpack, and avoid convenience stores at all costs. I remember when I was in college, I frequently got a snickers bar at the book store when I was hungry. At the time, it wasn't big deal, but now that I know more about nutrition, that was an awful habit to start.
  • moonnstarz60
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    By the way, in college I used to use a planner. Sometimes it helps to write out your to do list out into a schedule so you won't stress about when you will have time to do what. Of course, now a days, all the kids have fancy smartphones, so feel free to schedule it in your phone if that's easier.

    Make the most of your weekends too. Surely you can cram in 10-20 minutes here or there on Saturday or Sunday for working out. You don't have to get dressed and go to the gym if you're pressed for time. You can just do some exercises right in your living space.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    Next semester maybe you could try to schedule your classes with a break in the middle to workout. I'm sure you already have your study routine worked out but maybe you can look into it too to be more efficient. Maybe get up early to do some homework in the morning so you can go to bed earlier. Or, try shorter more intense workouts. 30 day shred is only 20 minutes and it kicked my butt.

    I have the same problem, I'm a full time student with a part-time job. So, I'll be honest and say what I do. I'm logging food because food is 80% of your loss. I hate exercising and don't have time to do it either. So I'll slip in little activities like walking the long way to class or waking home from the bus stop. (For me it's about 0.7 miles with a backpack at a brisk pace. It has to burn something!) I have cleaning days where I get the whole house looking nice and can log it as exercise. Or I'll do leg lifts or something when I'm stuck in my chair studying.

    Hope this helps and you find something that works for you!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I am a full time nursing student coming close to the end of my program (like 5mos left!!!) and I have had the same problem too-and I finally decided enough with the excuses. You have to make being healthy a priority if it's going to work. Bike or walk to class. Do something between classes. Get up 30 minutes earlier and work out. You will may find that as you eat better and exercise, you'll have more energy even if you sleep a tiny bit less.

    I sometimes have to work 12hr shifts but I still make sure I do something. It can be hard! But then I think about the people who are parents and I stop complaining. Because they have similar commitments as everyone else PLUS kids to look after yet they still manage, so I use it for inspiration. (Don't have kids, don't want them. Love my nieces and nephew and that is enough for me!)

    Do you live in residence? If in residence you probably at least have a bar fridge. You could buy a rice cooker (the small ones are super cheap) and in a little rice cooker you can cook rice (obviously), quinoa, and steam veggies. If you have a meal card there are hopefully salad and veggie options. Keep apples or other fruits around. Celery sticks, carrots, beans in your bar fridge. Wraps and nut butter.
  • moonnstarz60
    How is the 30 day shred? I recently bought mine and am starting saturday.