

  • How's everyone doing? We are coming to a close of this challenge but the work is just begining. I know this has changed me and my oulook on life. I have lost 41.2 pounds so far during this push and Thursday September 22 will be a new start. I hope everyone has enjoyed this 75 day push and as we maintain for a few weeks I…
  • alright how's everyone doing......this week we are doing a BOOTCAMP week which means loads of work. let's get those diets streamlined and work-outs scheduled....GET IT DONE... September 22 is this last day of the 75 day challenge, but it is only the begining.....Set your eyes on the mark and fight .....it is yours for the…
  • Ok here we go....I hope and trust everyone is sticking in the challenge. I haven't been able to be on here as much between work and workouts and that is probably a good thing... So week 6 results are 23 lbs lost for the week and 291.8 total for the group in 6 weeks.....We have about 29 days counting today before the final…
  • Wekk 5 results...39.2 pounds with a total of 268.8 in 5 weeks Awesome Job. 37 day push starts now.....Get It Done
  • Hey, hey....How's everyone doing this week. It's hard to believe we are in week 5 and still rocking. I trust everyone is still keeping those diets stream-lined and work-outs hardcore. Remember we have goals...We have determination....We will be the individuals that change our world and the world around us. With all the…
  • Alright How is everyone doing. I trust you are working your diets to put you in the burn zone and you are killing it at the gym. If not then GET UP AND GET IT DONE....The week 3 results are 51 pounds as a group. That is awesome!!!! We have had many that have been consistent each week with checking in and many that you can…
  • ALRIGHT....Weigh-in day. send those pounds down to me and we will try and have everyone checked-in by tuesday morning and I will calculate the loss....I must be honest with all. I went out of town on the 21st to my sisters wedding and I pigged out...I weighed in last sunday and I had a 7lb gain....Now that will bring your…
  • Hello all. I hope all are rockin right along. It is so exciting to see everyone reaching for their goals. If you haven't friend requested me yet please do. Most of my communication has been going out through my profile and I have been trying to blog my passion for this challenge in daily. I will start updating this thread…
  • Ok I'm off the eliptical and getting ready for work. welcome aboard the losing train......make sure everyone weighs in every sunday at the same time and send it to me....I am soooooo ready...
  • ok one more thing....EAT........ You gotta EAT to lose
  • Awesome awesome AWESOME.....This makes me want to run as hard as I can and scream as I go lol.. This is gonna be the best hardest most grueling days of our lives and we are gonna love it...LOVE IT... So GRIT YOUR TEETH and LET"S DO THIS... make sure I get your start weight so I can track your progress with mine and pray…
  • Welcome...You are welcome to friend me for some motivation. also I am starting a 75 day challenge today maybe you can get in on that..
  • I think my food journal is viewable. You can check what I have been doing. I log anything and everything I put in...I have lost 14 lbs since June 25th. It may help or may not. check it out. let me know if it is not viewable and I will fix that thing lol.. anyway you got this...
  • Hey hope you enjoy this site..I sure do.. you can add me if you like .
  • Welcome
    in New Comment by cedarbrook July 2011
  • Hope you like it...
  • welcome. we are here for diferent causes but one reason,, health.. add me if you like and I will try to be some encouragement on your journey
  • count me in...i got this
  • Heard. if ya need daily encouragement add me. Im on a mission and will try and help motivate as much as possible
  • Well lovin the site so far. Watching the intake and hitting the gym good ideas. add me if you like.
  • I can try and help. I am on a BIG mission. add me
  • Welcme. I have been on the site like 3 days and lost 6 pounds. I guess from having to log my stuff...add me if ya want and I will try and send motivation your way
  • Hello from Virginia. Losing weight is tuff here too...lol Add me and I will be sure to send ya some encouragement on your journey
  • You can do it. My wife and I are trying to lose it as well. we have put on quite a FEW pounds since we got married and had kids. It has to go. Add me as a friend and I will send encouragement your way