

  • Hey! I practice hot yoga, the studio is called Moksha, they have their own series but I believe it is closer to the Vinyasa style. I started at a beginner class, but a lot of studios only have regular classes, and most teachers are good about showing you modified postures if you are a beginner. I have been practicing yoga…
    in Yoga Comment by catrinav2005 May 2011
  • Have you ever tried to 15 Minute Workout for Dummies DVD?? I actually love it, although I haven't done it forever. There are 4 15-minute workouts, one for thighs, butt, arms and abs.
  • :love: Canada!
  • Get out for a nice walk in the beautiful sunshine!! That will lift your spirits and hopefully motivate you to get back on track! We all have those days/weeks that we're bad but that's life! You're doing so great, wow! 50 lbs!!!
  • I've baked it in the oven whole before, just poke a few holes in it with a fork. Also, I've done it in the crock pot before as well. I'll put it in with a cup of water and let it sit on low for 5 or 6 hours (while I'm working or something) and that works too. MMMM I love spaghetti squash! ENJOY!
  • I'd say it's personal preference of course, but for me it's nice to meet the little goals and then re-set them once you achieve it. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, even if it's a little bit at a time! Constantly seeing your end goal can be discouraging when you're having a bad day. Good Luck!
  • That's the best feeling ever!!!! Great work!!
  • I'm going to try and do this too!! It's about 2.5 km for me.... which is kind of my max right now lol. Seems like a lot for 2 weeks but I'm up for the challenge!!
  • oh THANK YOU!! That's exactly what I wanted to know :D
    in Tivo Comment by catrinav2005 May 2010
  • I've been wanting to get another tattoo, on my side, up near my ribs but I can't show it off right now so there's no point in getting it! Once I reach my goal I'll be getting it and I'll be wearing a bikini to show it off!! :D
  • Although it is insanely over priced, I love to wear my lululemon gear. I have a pair of the long Groove Pant and the capri version of the Groove Pant and I also have a couple tank tops, which have built in bras. They seem to keep everything in and they hug in just the right places. I like the Groove Pant because the waist…
  • Wow that's an excellent trick! I've never ever thought about doing that but it makes so much sense! I'm starting to get sick of my fat-free raspberry vinaigrette. I need to go buy me some ranch!
  • mmm!! This sounds delicious!! Thanks so much for posting that :D
  • Thanks for all your replies!! I took a trip to the grocery store last night and got myself someBaby Bell Light and I found Monteray Jack with Jalapeno slices by Crackle Barrel, which are 6g of fat each, BUT I can cut them up to put on my triscuits and it's still less than my one piece of cheese sliced from the brick. I was…
  • mmm! I love baby bell! Thanks!
  • 15 Minute Workout for Dummies is awesome. There are four different exercises, one for abs, butt, thighs and arms, each is 15 minutes and that includes a warm up. If you did 2 a day a couple times per week you'll be good to go! I hate workign out so it's a nice DVD to follow if you don't have a ton of time (or want to spend…
  • Hanson - Middle of Nowhere. I don't care that I'm 25! I'll love them forever!
  • First of all, congrats on the weight you've lost already! That's amazing. Secondly, if you were never less than 130 lbs during your teenage years, it's very unrealistic to expect to get to less than that now that you're a bit older. When I was 16 or 17, I weighed between 130 - 135 and now I'm almost 25 and at about 150…
  • I hear that! I hate exercising but just think about how good you'll feel about yourself when you're done your work out! Maybe just start with a good speed walk to get you started. Just make yourself do it, ignore that little voice in your head that tries to make it OK to not exercise. You can do it!!
  • I have the most amazing recipe! You won't be disappointed. Place the ribs in a large roasting pan. Put lots of chopped garlic (I use the stuff that's already chopped in the jar) on the ribs, rub it evenly over the meat. When I say a lot of garlic, I mean a LOT of garlic, like 3 or 4 tablespoons for 2 racks. Then I sprinkle…
  • He got a big ego, such a huge ego. I love his big ego, it's too much. He talk like this cause he can back it up! - Beyonce