Summer Challenge: Run 20 miles in two weeks(:

Okay, so now I had joined, and found out my trail is 1.25 miles. if I can run that everyday i can almost accomplish this goal. I am going to start today if anyone would like to also set this goal for yourself you can post here. ^_^


  • ange_mechant
    I need all the motivation I can get, so I'll play with you! 20 miles, 2 weeks. Sounds like so much...but I guess if it's not all at once, it shouldn't be too bad. Only about 1.5 miles a day right? Not too bad.
  • beutiful5678
    beutiful5678 Posts: 58 Member
    i'm in! :) i'm just about to run 1.35 miles anyway...
  • catrinav2005
    I'm going to try and do this too!! It's about 2.5 km for me.... which is kind of my max right now lol. Seems like a lot for 2 weeks but I'm up for the challenge!!
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    I'm in! I am going to the beach and REALLY want to run on it.. Thanks for the goal :)
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Count me in! I think that's a great goal!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'll join. Do you have to run the whole way? I do C25K and I'm up to 2 miles, so 10 miles a week is no problem for me right now (I go to gym to do program Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, and Sat)