Lacking motivation

I seem to be lacking the motivation I had in January. I lost 15 pounds, busted my butt exercising and watching my calories closely. Then, I had interruptions in my life in the form of buying and selling homes. We moved, we are settled, I have to be on the beach in less than two months, and I totally lack the motivation to get off my butt and exercise. I don't want to be this person...but I am stuck!


  • catrinav2005
    I hear that! I hate exercising but just think about how good you'll feel about yourself when you're done your work out! Maybe just start with a good speed walk to get you started. Just make yourself do it, ignore that little voice in your head that tries to make it OK to not exercise.

    You can do it!!
  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    Maybe an "exercise buddy" would help? Finding someone to pull you out of the house and make exercise more fun? I know because this is my problem - I live alone and don't have anyone close by to share this challenge with. My only exercise consists of jogging/walking the stairs at work, and at home somewhat. (I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment bldg).

    Of course, the people on this site can help to motivate you too - just checking in and reading what others are doing helps me. Good Luck and congrats on the new home!
  • brandy130lbs
    brandy130lbs Posts: 10 Member
    I know how it goes. I lost 5lbs and have been slacking for the last couple of weeks. I have managed to keep the weight off which is good for me, I usually seem to gain it all back because if I am not counting I am overeating. We are going to San Diego and the beach in two weeks and I want to lose 5 more lbs. So, you said you're not motiviated to exercise. So I say DON'T. If the thought of eating right and exercising right now sounds like a lot more than you want to take on, then just go with the eating right and counting calories. I also know that the thought of it all can feel very overwhelming, and when I am overwhelmed, I simply give up and do the opposite. Since eating right is 80% of losing weight, I say skip the gym and just focus on eating healthy. I would guess that once you get into the swing of things, you'll start to feel better about yourself and naturally want to exercise.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm with you! I have gained back some of the weight I worked so hard to lose!:sad: I have also gone through buying and selling houses, and moving for that matter. I have been taking it one step at a time! Today I actually exercised and logged it!

    Tell yourself that you only have to do 15 minutes. Thats all you need. Once you do that you may find you want to do more, or you may want to stop. But promise yourself you will do 15 minutes of exercise. Thats a start!

    I have found I have to get up first thing in the morning and exercise or I won't do it. I have made it a part of my daily routine. That means I am getting up before 6 am everyday but I feel so much better when I do.

    You can do this!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    Nicole, you lost 15lbs which is great and you should be proud of yourself. At this point, you just have to ask yourself if you are happy at the weight you are now and if it is good enough for you. Remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place. Moving is definitely stressful and it throws off a person's daily routine....and you particularly, in the midst of this new lifestyle. Now that you are settled into a new place, it's time for you to recharge yourself or possibly get into a new 'groove'. Perhaps you need to look into other forms of exercise than what you were doing before to get you kickstarted into a new routine. You can do it, you already just need to refocus and move ahead. Good luck!
  • Garrettsmom
    Garrettsmom Posts: 35 Member
    You guys are really great. I am so glad I posted how I was feeling because you have given me something to come back and read. I will be printing your responses to help me along and remind me that I can do this. I have done it before. I just gotta do it!