@AlishaGates 175?
I'm currently in Chicago, from the southwest suburbs! Feel free to add :)
Congrats on your success so far!!!!
I'm 5'3" and would like to get down to 140..then to 130 (ive never been 130 ever since junior high so I think that might be a shock lol)
Yup, settings, then click on "goals" in the blue banner towards the top of the page, then custom settings, then you can change anything!
Yup, agree, agree, agree with all of this! I just recently started upping my calorie in take and VOILA! The weight is coming off easier than ever. Funny how that works, huh? :)
Brush some extra virgin olive oil on them, sprinkle season salt, parsley, garlic pepper & basil on them, bake in a 400 degree oven for 40 minutes and MMMMMMMMM. delicious :) & easy!
I was. Up until a week ago. I don't really have any scientific reasoning as to why I was, I think it was more that I was at work during breakfast and lunch but then I would get home and relax and just stuff my face because I was 'comfortable'. My bf also wasnt'/isnt a huge healthy eater BUT I've just started making…
You look great!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!
I'm in Chicago!!! Work & Live..& Play :D
Last spring, I started going to the gym 5x a week. I was 148 pounds. I did cardio 3x a week and weights/pilates/yoga 2x a week. by the end of summer I was about 145 lbs BUT my body fat % went down from 28%-21%! It was a huge difference, my legs were leaner, my stomach smaller and my arms were toned. I felt great, even…
Just started doing this to keep me full and its working!! Love it :)
This is my worry as well...but then I come on this website and see what people are saying and how THEY are getting through their humps and it helps alot. It's wonderful to see "good job!!" pop up on my phone after im done logging in dinner. or "great work!" after I lose even ONE pound. Really..we can do this together :)…
Nice job!!!!
You look great!!! Keep up the good work!!!
I LOVE ZUMBA!!! Was also disappointed it wasn't on here. What a great workout!
I'm from Chicago! Feel free to add me anyone..looking for more supporters :) Thanks!
GREAT JOB!!!!!! You are an inspiration & you look great!