Blowing it at dinner

Does anyone else have this problem? I wake up, eat a healthy breakfast, healthy lunch, snack throughout the day on healthy stuff so that I don't get hungry, and then it hits: Dinner time. My boyfriend suggests a restaurant, or makes a huge dinner (he's not a believer of healthy eating, but that's a whole 'nother topic) and I BLOW it. I eat way too much of way unhealthy food, and I have no idea why. Why can I eat great throughout an entire day, and then completely undo all the good work with dinner?

Anyone else struggling with this?


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Yep, I struggled with that when I was married, my ex husband was the same.

    1) You have to get him on board. You are setting yourself up for failure if you aren't supported and people who love you are putting crap in front of you.

    2) If you can't, you have to suck it up and stand up for yourself and get some willpower. If losing the weigh is important to you, you will learn to say "No" to the huge unhealthy meals and keep your promise to yourself to get to a place where you are happy.

    When I first started, I honestly didn't eat out or eat with anyone (other than my children) for a month, just to avoid the temptation. I don't know if I could have done this when I was married because my ex was SO unsupportive and that is a HUGE obstacle. You've got to figure out a way around it or you won't meet your goals.
  • dalessi123
    dalessi123 Posts: 22
    I was. Up until a week ago. I don't really have any scientific reasoning as to why I was, I think it was more that I was at work during breakfast and lunch but then I would get home and relax and just stuff my face because I was 'comfortable'. My bf also wasnt'/isnt a huge healthy eater BUT I've just started making healthier meals for myself and something different for him. It's more work but it's worth it.

    You just have to keep your mind occupied. Realize that being healthy and losing weight is something you WANT. Keep it in the front of your mind all throughout the evening and hopefully that will help.

    I also sat my bf down and explained to him what I was doing and how important it was to me and he's been very supportive and understanding. I'm making chicken tonight and we will all be eating chicken and green beans and he gets a side of mashed potatoes for being a good boy LOL.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I have the same problem. I think it's because we were trained to believe that dinner should be your biggest meal of the day. Other countrues use lunch as they biggest meal.
    Maybe try some new cuisines, I fell in love with Indian food and it uses a lot of veggies. Cooking at home for me is much better tasting than eating out. I have to have good tasting food, no bland salty stuff.
    If you do go out to eat, maybe seek out a restaurant that is more healthy. A local bar where I live started offering food about a year ago and they have things like Jerk Skewers, Lamb burgers, grilled tofu, all at reasonalbe portions and great prices.
  • jazzrose007
    jazzrose007 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, I completely understand what you mean. I try to have a snack with lots of water before dinner time.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    For eating at restaurants, often I will look up their menu & the nutritional info of the various dishes, decide what I am going to order, and how much of it I'm going to eat. Most restaurants serve huge portions, so usually half is enough. I log the meal before I even leave the house, and then stick to what I planned to order, divide it in half as soon as it is set before me, and then I stop at half.

    Something about planning it, logging it, and making those decisions ahead of time keeps me from stuffing the whole meal in my face, and I avoid that miserable, over-stuffed feeling!

    At home it's more difficult, but smaller portions can sometimes be handled by giving yourself a smaller plate. When you set the table, or dish the food, don't get a big dinner plate - use a small lunch plate or bowl so you can't overfill it.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    For eating at restaurants, often I will look up their menu & the nutritional info of the various dishes, decide what I am going to order, and how much of it I'm going to eat. Most restaurants serve huge portions, so usually half is enough. I log the meal before I even leave the house, and then stick to what I planned to order, divide it in half as soon as it is set before me, and then I stop at half.

    Something about planning it, logging it, and making those decisions ahead of time keeps me from stuffing the whole meal in my face, and I avoid that miserable, over-stuffed feeling!

    At home it's more difficult, but smaller portions can sometimes be handled by giving yourself a smaller plate. When you set the table, or dish the food, don't get a big dinner plate - use a small lunch plate or bowl so you can't overfill it.

    ^^^^ I came to post almost exactly this, so instead I will just say... THIS!