

  • I challenge you to go six weeks with this goal: Don't drink any other beverages each day until after you drink your needed 48 ounces of water a day. If you do not have a desire for water it will help you develop the taste for it. It takes six weeks to break a bad habit or develop a good one. If your desire for diet soda…
  • No, I've always had the same problem. You can avoid seeing strangers if you choose, but family will know if you try and fail. However, I learned my son never even noticed after I'd lost 35 pounds. My daughter was extremely proud and began to pay attention to eating healthy herself. My children were old enough that I could…
  • I found that when I shop in stores which sell more expensive clothing, the sizes which fit are always smaller than less expensive stores. But I never realised the same brand would size their clothing differently to get you to buy the more expensive versions. Note to self: Rely on the tape measure instead. It has no…
  • Congratuations and Best Wishes on your new marriage. It's understandable that you're having a bit of trouble getting back to your routine since you've gotten married. You're probably setting up your home and having fun with your new husband. So maybe you don't have time available to give to working out as you did in…
  • Joined MFP a few weeks ago. I've been keeping my food and exercise diaries daily for about 3 weeks now. I'm 50 now and would rather change what I eat than begin to have to depend on meds. In the past 3 weeks, I've lost 8 pounds. More importantly, I'm getting back to regular exercise each day. Love how fast it is to look up…
  • I have been having alot of difficulty with that myself. I've learned so much in the past two years about the health benefits of certain friuits. For instance, how healthy it is to eat an apple a day. Now that I am using MFP, I see on the lable that apples have 25 grams of sugar. That alone takes me over the daily limit.…
  • I have three of them. They were very helpful to me when I was getting started.
  • Regarding the issue of your husband not liking whole grain speghetti/pasta. I also had that problem in my family. My daughter did the shopping one day and bought the Kroger brand instead of the name brand. I found they liked this brand, so it was a good compromise. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks to change your taste buds, so…
  • responding to "arewethereyet"........The greek yogurt instead of sour cream is a good idea. I tried eating Greek yogurt instead of regular yogurt, but just didn't like the taste of it. I ended up giving up yogurt altogether and since I don't drink much milk because of the sugar content, I was always lacking in calcium. I'm…
  • It helped me to also think of it as a weekly budget. If you exercise too much one day for the amount of calories you've taken in, increase the nutritious calories you take in the next day. You just want your body to have enough fuel for your workouts,
  • Thanks for sharing! What a great idea to write that number down on the calendar and see how you're doing. Going to do that right now.
  • Your exercise routine is very intense so I imagine your weight gain is the result of the fact that muscle weighs more than fat but is more compact. At this stage, I think you should pay more attention to your tape measure and how your clothing fits than your scale. With that kind of exercise, you probably need more…
  • Welcome Friend! It is so worth the effort. Keep in mind as you start that just like exercise you must build strength and knowledge before you look and feel the way you desire. While you're figuring out what works best for you, try ommitting one high calorie item from each meal. Or choose water instead of a high caloric…
  • Welcome! I also encourage you since you're just starting to remember that while you're figuring out what works for you, just try cutting out some calories each meal. That way it's not overwhelming. For example, the meal at Chili's that you mentioned. If you ordered that same meal, but left off the fries and/or ranch…
    in Wow! Comment by farr2fun June 2010
  • MFP feedback each day is that I'm not getting enough calories. I do not want to start losing muscle. I'm finding it hard to get my calorie count up to 1230 and still keep my nutrition breakdowns at the recommended levels. My fiber count is always too high, is that because I choose whole grain foods? I need to increase…