becca_and_cats Member


  • I had two minor setbacks on June 13 and June 16. I traveled to Brazil for business. I successfully said NO to all sweets on the flights... But at dinner on June 13, I CAVED and had a slice of chocolate cake. I immediately felt guilty. For the rest of our stay at the hotel, I had fruit (watermelon and pineapple) when I felt…
  • One little slip up won't bring you down, you can easily get back on track! I feel great overall! Cutting out soda has not been as difficult as I thought it would be. Same with candies/sweets in general. I am much less irritable and bloated feeling. And the steady weight loss is great :) I am traveling this week and the…
  • Yes, you are making the right choice! The cake may sound good, but just think about how you'll feel afterwards! You'll feel so guilty and disappointed for caving in. You can totally do this :) Maybe instead of cake for your MFP anniversary, get yourself something nice for reaching your first goal weight! Like some new…
  • I feel the same way! It has not been as difficult as I expected.
  • Watermelon is amazing too! A sprinkling of salt makes it taste even sweeter :) I am feeling great! Still going strong. I notice that I'm less irritable (though I am still a bit irritable due to PMS right now...). I also notice I am sleeping better. I think the soda with dinner would always keep me from getting a good…
  • It was HARD, but I was able to stay strong! These 6 days have been a bit difficult, but rewarding. I think having a steadfast rule (nothing over 5 g of sugar, for me) makes it so easy to follow.
  • A Fresh Market just opened up near me, so I'll have to check it out! Thanks :)
  • That sounds so good! Like a better-for-you version of a Reese's cup. Where do you find the Stevia sweetened dark chocolate?
  • I'm a bit late in responding, but the first two days have gone great! The only "artificial" sugar that I have comes from a sugar-free dark chocolate pudding that I eat after dinner. This has only 4 g of sugar alcohol. Other that this tiny treat, no sugar AT ALL. No candy, no soda, no ice cream, no baked goods etc. As for…
  • Hi, everyone! I'm becca_and_cats, joined this group after reading a /r/loseit post. My weight loss journey has been very tumultuous. I stick to a very healthy regimen during the work week (healthy food, gym), but I destroy all of that hard work during the weekend (eating very unhealthy, not working out). I know my…
  • becca_and_cats F, 22. I gained ~20 during college, and now that I've graduated it's time to start fresh! Feel free to add me, and I'll return the request!