

  • I think you just need to find the time that you are most motivated to go. I like working out at night and if I try and switch it up I think the quality of my workouts suffer. I'd LOVE to be able to workout in the morning and just get it done with but my body fights me pretty hard on that... Exercise is exercise no matter…
  • I'm in, too! It's kind of fun that we're beginning this challenge when this season of the show is coming to a close. Seems like good luck to me if we can carry on their success :)
  • I second (third? fourth?) that Old Navy runs big! I'm finally in 14s and a pair of Old Navy 14s HANG off me in the most unflattering way. Also, many fits at Banana Republic tend to run large.
  • It could be the type of foods you're eating. Try upping foods with protein and fiber because they help you feel full faster/longer. Also avoid really processed (white) carbs because they don't do much to fill you up. Also, it could potentially that you are not really hungry but stressed, bored, anxious, etc. Those type of…
  • My mom always tells me you can't exercise away a bad diet. It's so true. I struggle with stress eating and even though I work out a lot (min 90 mins a day - elliptical, running, p90x, etc) if I don't watch my diet I'm right back where I started.
  • Also, there is a website called SoulCyster that is chock full of information for PCOS sufferers, it might be worth checking out!!
  • I just wanted to say good luck with whatever you and your doctor decide because I know PCOS can be a difficult thing for people!! I have it but was not put on anything more than birth control to help control some of the side effects. Even before I went on birth control I still managed to lose 80lbs with just changes in…
  • If you honestly aren't hungry than I wouldn't worry about eating more than you are already. If you aren't suffering from dizziness, lethargy, constantly growling stomach, etc, etc, and are losing a healthy amount of weight, then I would just keep chugging along if I were you. I agree with Sparkles that for most people…
    in Sooo... Comment by Emorriso165 May 2010
  • I don't have a TV so I downloaded mine off iTunes because I'd have to use my computer to watch it anyways. Love it :)
  • I'm totally down for this! My cheat days always become cheat weekends and I end up undoing all the work I did during the week! This is exactly what I need!!!
  • I agree with LPNLauren! The DVDs themselves are awesome, Tony totally makes you feel okay for modifying things and doing things at your own pace. Also, even if you don't do the whole program they are still great DVDs to pop in just to add variety to your own workout program. It's expensive, but it's such a well-done…
  • I think if you are eating only 1,300 calories (which probably is too low..) you need to eat more throughout the day. Saving 800 calories for dinner means your body is doing most of its work off of only 500 calories!! Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for breakfast :) I would also think that…
  • Go to NBC.com and look up biggest loser transformations :) Always gets me encouraged! I can't watch an episode of biggest loser without feeling like I need to hit the gym!!
  • I'm with many of you, I had a significant weight loss (45 pounds) but slowly saw the weight creeping back on in a few months lapse of effort. I'm hoping that 21 days of toughing it out will turn it around! Hope everyone had a good first day. I sadly had a terrible caffeine withdrawal headache (I stopped drinking soda…
  • Sounds like everyone has some good goals! i had my last diet pepsi for the last 21 days (hopefully.. it's such an addiction! :ohwell: ) and I'm ready to get started on this! Good luck you all, make sure to check back in to brag or if you need some support!!
  • I honestly think you'll see better results when you do pick it back up again. You just gave your body a break from restricting and exercise and it was probably something you actually needed, even if you didn't feel like it. The first couple days getting back into a workout routine and healthy eating routine after a…
  • Thank you guys for all your tips and advice! I have read this post like six times because it is fabulous just knowing that I'm not alone! I'm going to give some of your guys' tips a try and stick-it out with MFP. I know restriction makes me want to eat more, but I think that's normal and it's so easy to give in and binge…
  • Mm, I have one and I honestly think you will have just as good of results with MFP for free as with an expensive bodybugg. The bodybugg food diary is obnoxiously bad and the whole set-up just lacks any of the charm or support of MFP. It was a fun toy for a week or two, but I really don't think it gives you anything that…
  • I'm a lazy vegetarian, so if I'm doing heavy workouts (such as P90X) then I'll supplement with whey protein powder. It curbs my appetite and I actually love the chocolate protein powder mixed in with silks almond "milk", it's kind of my reward for a workout :)
  • The joys of being big and tall - I weigh 215 and am nearly 6 feet (female) and I burned 1250 in exercise today. :) That's not normal for me, but I had the day off and it was bright and sunny so I took the dog for a stroll (~40 min @ 3.0 mph) and then I did an hour on the elliptical and a 1 mile run on the treadmill. Over…
  • I'd go crazy if I had to eat 1,200 calories a day as MFP calculates, so that is one of my main motivators for exercising. Take today for example, I started out with 1,200 calories allotted and by the end of the day had earned an extra 1,200! I didn't eat it all back, but I still like that it gives me the leeway to eat more…