

  • Drink 16 ounces of water. Seriously, I found out that the reason I was feeling so crappy was that I was dehydrated. If you find yourself not drinking at least 16 oz. in the morning, you might be experiencing the side effects of dehydration. A protein-ey snack also may help!
  • I've been type 1 for 17 years. I got the pump 7 years ago and LOVE it. it CAN be dangerous if you use it to eat whatever you want when you want, especially if your on a diet, but it can also be AMAZING if you use it the right way. Like many things, it's how you use it that matters. On another note, has anyone had a more…
  • Listen carefully- When I decided to lose weight, I was TERRIFIED because I have Hasimotos (underactive) thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes (onset, not because I am overweight, pregnant, old, etc.). I went on the internet and read literally everything I could pull up on weight loss and thyroid disease. I saw stuff about…
  • Just a response to people who say "don't eat diet foods" the foods I listed are "diet" in terms of being low calorie....they're also higher in vital nutrients like fiber and protein. So "diet" doesn't necessarily mean artificial, but rather diet-friendly and healthy.
  • Edited my original post
  • OK, looked at older posts, I think I generally understand the concept. So now, I'm just wondering how the heck it is possible for someone flabby like me who is 30 lbs overweight (BMI= 27.8, BMR=1,470) to possibly ever be in starvation mode. I guess I am worried that I have messed up my body so badly by trying to eat less…
  • What do you mean it freaks out? I have thyroid problems too. Are you on medication?
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