

  • I like the Taco Bell fresco items. I ate them occasionally when I did this thing before (I've been off the wagon for about a year and recently started back). They're a great option when you need to grab something quick and/or you just have a Taco Bell craving. If it keeps people like me from having a "Big Mac Attack", then…
  • I'm hurting less now that I've lost a few pounds and look forward to getting more relief as I continue to lose!
  • Spray pan with non-stick spray. Spray fillets with i can't believe it's not butter spray, squeeze a little lemon on it, splash of worcestershire, salt & pepper, bake at 400 until it flakes with a fork.
  • How much is a serving? 21 fat grams would be nearly half my daily limit! Sounds good, though!
  • I love water. And it's free in most restaurants so it saves $ when you eat out. How good is that?
  • My sanity was threatened a little bit last night when my boyfriend and I went to McDonald's drive through. I got a grilled chicken sandwich but he got chicken mcnuggets and his daughter wanted chicken tenders and fries. The whole way to his house I wanted to get into the fries but I didn't. I did eat one chicken mcnugget,…
    in HELP! Comment by froggirl October 2008
  • Welcome! My daughter, who lives over 100 miles from me, introduced me to this website and we have kept in closer contact than ever because of our common goal.
  • I feel for you. I quit smoking using nicotine gum and now I'm addicted to nicotine gum! My doc says I need to get off of it but it's not as bad as smoking and I can do it just about anywhere, anytime I please. It just looks kinda tacky to be chewing like a cow all the time.
  • My birthday is April 14, too, but I'm 27 years older than you! I started last month and, although I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, I can tell a real difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel. My daughter is doing this also and she's doing great. You've taken the first step in the right direction and you should be…
  • Yeah but those Biggest Losers will pack it back on just as fast when it's over.
  • I did one of those where you actually weighed in on-site and it was observed and written down by someone else to keep everybody honest.
  • That first one reminded me of my boyfriend's logic. He's overweight and he blamed his belly on the way his recliner is made. He said it was making all his fat settle in his gut. I laughed so hard I cried.
  • Salad is usually a safe choice but watch the high fat dressings. Avoid casseroles and fried foods. Grab up the fresh fruit and stash it for a snack.
  • the phase of your periodization?
  • I had no idea there are 500 calories in a Sonic Strawberry Smoothie!
  • I made some pizzas on Tumaro's multigrain, low carb tortillas topped with turkey sausage, mushrooms, black olives and weight watchers mozzarella cheese. I went ahead and made four of them, since that's how many tortillas I had and I was going to take three of them with me for lunch tomorrow to share with my boyfriend, who…
  • A little olive oil would be tasty and the fat in it is the good kind.
  • I feel your pain. I'm in private practice and in my field there is no insurance to pay your fees and nobody seems to have any money. I'm low man on the totem pole when it comes to getting paid. People pay their rent/mortgage, utilities, food and put gas in their cars. Pay a lawyer? That can wait. So, I'm behind on MY bills…
  • I saw the Fiber One Poptart things in Walgreen's yesterday. I was tempted. The blueberry ones were calling my name but they do have more calories and less fiber than the bars.
  • Don't give up! Start eating one at night or when you're not going anywhere. You might be lucky like me.
  • Maybe try some Beano?
  • Absolutely! That's half the fun of eating them! (Just kidding!) Seriously, the first couple of days you eat them, you will have that problem. After your system gets used to them, it goes away. I have one for breakfast almost every morning. I love them! Of course, if you eat the whole box in one sitting, you could blow the…
  • I chew nicotine gum CONSTANTLY! I'm addicted to it and really want to stop but now I'm afraid I'll gain more weight if I quit burning the calories! LOL!
  • If it's an evening wedding, wear something black & semi-sexy. If it's a day wedding, a simple dress or pants outfit. Have fun!
  • I am so glad to hear all of you say this! It gives me hope. I just started less than 2 weeks ago and was doing okay until I had to call AT&T about disrupting my internet and, after 30 minutes on the phone, I was ready for a pizza, ice cream, greasy cheeseburger, anything bad! I took a few deep breaths, got a handful of…
  • I have it in my right hip. The pain is worse in the mornings and is affected by the weather. I take alleve, which helps some.
  • I love the bartender song! You can find it on rehab's myspace page.
  • Their salads are huge! Eat half and take the rest home for lunch the next day. They have great olive oil and apple cider vinegar, go light on the oil. The chef salad is awesome. Tell them to leave off the bacon, eggs and cheese (or ask for them on the side, if you want to take them home for Gracie).
  • I'm Suzanne's mom! My name is Didi and I echo everything Suzanne said about the motivation. I was telling some people earlier today about this website and inspired another person to check it out!
  • Next time get the grilled chicken wrap. It's really good and I actually crave them sometimes. Heck, get two of 'em, you'd still be better off!