S2012 Member


  • I enjoy them. I like the different exercises that can be done from home. It is hard in winter to get enough exercise. My 2 year old has even started "doing" them with me. My thighs are killing me. I am not so into squats so I am definitely using muscles differently. Thanks and keep them coming! I want to be down 3 more…
  • Like the change up :) Exercise: done Cardio: 2 hours of chasing my kid around a play gym. Not running but man, dancing on the light up floor counts as cardio...seriously.... Water: Need to drink some more real quick but will get to 2 liters Food: over ate protein by 28 grams Whole grains: granola and whole wheat bread…
  • Late on the checking in but here was my Monday Exercise: done Fruit: orange, pear Veggies: corn, peas, carrot, spinach, acorn squash
  • Completed Fridays exercise challenge today since nothing posted for Saturday yet. Thanks for the motivation and ideas.
  • I have been off since on a short vacation. I am ready to get back. Thanks for keeping the challenges coming.
  • Did the exercise first thing this morning and I have been working on the food. Fruit: clementine, green grapes, and olives Veggies: spinach I have a stir fry of carrots, broccoli, and zucchini packed for dinner tonight (I work evenings on Wednesday) As for feedback, I loved the exercises this morning and am pretty sore…
  • Exercise done (modified since I have a cold but I did each rep) Fruit x3, veggies x5 water as of now 54 ounces.
  • Lots of water but also had caffeine free herbal tea because my throat is sore! Stayed below my calories and tried quinoa a new way.
  • Exercises done :) It was nice to get my heart rate up first thing in the morning. For fruit and veggies, I have only had breakfast but in an effort to curb my snacking throughout the day (stay at home mom/part time college instructor leaves a lot of openings for fridge hovering) I have started planning out my day ahead of…
  • Well, I saw Challenge 2 yesterday and my internet was out this morning so I already did 30 jumping jacks and 30 squat jumps before it came back on. I did the 20 squat and 10 star jumps on top of it. It is good for me because it is way to cold to go for a run this morning. I have to admit I am going soft on the drinks…
  • Done, but a tip to myself for next time, wait until at least one of the 2 babies are napping. I had little monkeys laughing and crawling all over me. :happy:
  • I have .2 pounds to go and 2 days to do it....I am shocked I lost over the Thanksgiving holiday, I wasn't even tracking since I was away from my computer all week. Now that I think about it, I was busy with the extended family the entire time instead of staying at home with my son and nephew. I think staying at home, and…
  • I will join you. 2 pounds by the end of this month. 30 minutes of moving for the sake of moving (I have a 20 month old so I am always moving but not necessarily for me.)
  • I just started 2 months ago. The first day I only made it .5 miles and it was HARD. I now have a 5K race under my belt. What helped me was signing up for a race so I knew I was committed and had to keep at it. You can search for race training schedules and they help guide your training. All the websites I have seen…