My Personal Challenge - Anyone want to join me?



  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My weight this morning was 84.7 kg (186.7 lbs) - down by 0.9 kg.

    This means that I am still on track to meeting my goal for the month, and I have just reached my first goal (loss of 10 kg). :happy:

    I believe that many of you have been enjoying festive celebrations recently. I hope you all enjoyed yourself, and had a relaxing time with family and friends. I know that many people have been doing additional exercise to gain the "exercise calories", but even if you went over your calorie limit for the day, it is only one day. :smile:
  • S2012
    S2012 Posts: 15 Member
    I have .2 pounds to go and 2 days to do it....I am shocked I lost over the Thanksgiving holiday, I wasn't even tracking since I was away from my computer all week.

    Now that I think about it, I was busy with the extended family the entire time instead of staying at home with my son and nephew. I think staying at home, and having constant access to the refrigerator, may be part of my problem. I think about food a lot more while I am home. Any tips on how to address this problem would be appreciated.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks for running this Challenge. I was concerned that I was hitting a plateau in my weight-loss, but I have managed to meet my goal for the month, which was a 2 kg loss. I didn't think I would manage this, so I'm really pleased. WOO HOO!!!

    Well done to everyone for persisting with your health/fitness focus during the festive season. It can be quite daunting at this time of the year, and I'm really impressed by the way that people are handling it.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    I want to thank all of you for keeping me in check all month! I definitwly met my goal of 2bs lost and am hoping for another 3 by Christmas...Going full bore now! thank god for shows like the biggest loser that keep me going too! i am getting 30 DS soon and my husband is going to be doing supreme 90 ...this is going to be great...hoping to get into the 120's by March we may be going to Florida!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    I'm really glad to see that others were successful this month as well. It was cool to see others do this along with me. I fell off the logging since last Thursday with many things getting in the way - but I'm sure I'm still at my goal. I couldn't weigh in this morning b/c my dad is here visiting and I just couldn't. So I'll weigh in Dec 1st with a new starting weight to set a goal to at least maintain if not lose for December. I had a fabulous afternoon today trying on clothes that my mom sent to me from a woman that works with her. There was one size 12 pant - too big. About 8 pairs of size 10 or 8's - all nice dress pants and they all fit me! Woo hoo! I remember 4 years ago I went out to buy a pair of pants that made me feel good for new years - and they were size 16. Never again will I wear size 12 let alone size 16. There were even a couple of size 6's I'm keeping just in case=)