eleeseeC Member


  • Good advice from Liz. Maybe even skip the rice all together. And watch your portion size.
  • I've been wearing a pedometer for the last year (my company has an incentive program) and it does help me be more aware of my steps, but it doesn't make a huge difference in my overall activity. It's a little easier in summer when it is light out obviously, but winter just does not inspire me to get outside or even get in…
  • I'm like Denise, the weekend is easier than being at work. At work, I sit at my desk bored out of my skull and think about (and eat) food. Not to mention that someone is always bringing in baked goods. At home on the weekends, I'm busy with the kids and don't think about it as much.
  • I love your prom pic! I am shocked and appalled everytime I see a picture of myself. I delude myself when I look in the mirror and think I don't look that bad, but the photos don't lie (too much). We went to a wedding a few months ago and the photos of me from it nearly brought me to tears. And still I use junk food to…
    in Marco Comment by eleeseeC January 2014
  • You can adjust your calories by changing the "pounds per week" you want to lose in the goals section. It defaults to 1 pound per week. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/my_goals
  • I think you can safely eat less than the recommended MFP number as long as you don't go below 1200. Use the MFP number as an upper limit.
  • I feel you, Liz. After Caroline was born, I managed to drop the weight I gained but since having two, I just can't get it together. Finding time to exercise and make healthy food without resorting to convenience stuff is an equation I haven't figured out yet. I always managed to give my kids healthy stuff (mostly) and then…
  • Man, do I need this challenge. I just can't stop nibbling after dinner. I'm 2 weeks late getting in on this challenge but better late than never.
  • Congratulations on your little one! It took me a year to start losing weight after my first child, just in time to get pregnant again. This time I am also determined to lose the weight sooner rather than later. I had a 10+ lber myself, but not such an easy delivery. Good luck.
  • Awesome, sending you a request.
  • Welcome and good luck. I gained way too much with my pregnancies and am now also wanting to get rid of it once and for all. It's not easy but worth it in the long run.
  • Great job. You should be very proud of yourself.
  • Hi, congratulations on your baby. I just had my second child in February and am really looking forward to getting back in shape. Good luck to you.
    in hi :) Comment by eleeseeC March 2012
  • Hi, I have a 1 month old and am just getting started trying to lose the weight. I set my calorie range to lose 1 lb per week and then add breastfeeding as cardio burning 500 calories. That seems to give me a good calorie range where I don't get too hungry.
    in I'm new! Comment by eleeseeC March 2012
  • I feel you. My daughter was born at 41w5d- and that was with a c-section after 4 days of induction. If she had her way I would still be pregnant with her.
  • I am due the day after you! I also gained too much during my first pregnancy. I am setting my calorie range to maintain my weight during the first trimester and then to gain .5 pounds per week for the second and third. MFP allows you to select those options. Because I am still carrying around extra weight , I am…
  • Hello Everyone, I hope you will allow me to join your group. I am 38 and currently 9 weeks pregnant with my second child. I gained WAY too much weight during my first pregnancy and had finally started to shed the weight and return to running, which I did regularly for most of my adult life. I really, really want to keep my…