dragonfly1120 Member


  • not sure what I did here. Didn't mean to reply to this or quote it. :blushing:
  • Be careful with that. Sniffles and scratchy throat sound like food allergy and may surprise you one day with a full blown anaphylactic reaction.
  • More information from the CDC site: How common are the health problems caused by HPV? HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer in women. There are about 11,000 new cervical cancer cases each year in the United States. Cervical cancer causes about 4,000 deaths in women each year in the United States. About 1 in 100 sexually…
  • Please teach your daughter that the only safe sex is abstinence. Total abstinence. That's intercourse, outercourse, and round-about-course. And when she decides to become sexually active, to make sure her partner is safe by being tested. That is the only safe way to prevent her from being exposed. Those who got the vaccine…
  • http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/gardasil.html Here is a link to the CDC discussing the reported minor reactions vs. serious reactions and deaths. Considering the number of vaccines that have been administered the serious/ death numbers are very low. Compare them to other vaccines we have been giving our…
  • I'm a school nurse and I see a lot of kids getting the vaccine. They are giving it to the boys now too, which I think is great, since they can carry it and transmit it also. I haven't heard any parents say they have had any bad side effects from the vaccine. The kids don't even complain that their arm hurts, like with the…
  • That's my baby girl talking! I'm so proud of her. She is my inspiration. Having family working on it together makes all the difference in the world. Keep going ladybugg YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
  • I've had 2 herniated discs in my lower back with surgery twice. I was to the point where I couldn't walk without dragging my foot. I could't sit or stand for any length of time at all. I found that the only relief is rest. Don't do anything to aggravate the flareup. Ice packs sometimes helped. I found a lot of relief with…
  • Your pics actually brought tears to my eyes. You look amazing.
  • Been working on this for about 6 weeks now. My clothes are loose and I just measured 1 1/2" loss in my waistline!!!!
  • I'm a nurse too and I think the meanest thing is when someone tells me what I should know because I'm an RN and what they know because they know someone who did something in the medical field or sports. And then procede to tell me how to do my job and how they can tell what kind of infection it is or isn't or if there is a…
  • @ Krystonite.....that's hilarious!
  • I'm a little neurotic too. I weigh every day on my Wii Fit. I like to see the graph. If I gain, it motivates me to try extra hard to eat healthy foods. And encourages me to exercise. I hate exercise! LOL
  • I'm a school nurse. The day I couldn't run to the football field when there was a student down was the day I wanted to fall into a hole and never come out. I'm not extremely overweight, but with asthma, even 30 pounds overweight just takes my air. I was embarrassed and felt like a failure. I was halfway there and had to…
  • I love to work out to Wii. Also, I use the body test to graph my progress. Quick and easy. We have Wii fit and sports. I like the running, boxing, advanced step, and hula hoop. The yoga is great too. All around so much better than stepping outside in the 100 degree temps.
  • I was wondering too. LOL NSV = Non Scale Victory. ( just saw the answer on another thread)
  • I have fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, mitral valve prolapse, and asthma on top. My energy levels most of the time are low. I have found my stamina has been horrible lately and the heat/ humidity do me in every time. For several years I was on the pain meds, antiinflammatory, and antidepressants along with birth…
  • Thanks ya'll. I'll def check out the website. I've got a pilates/yoga video I can workout with. I love doing yoga. I've got glucosamine/chondroitin....but keep forgetting to take it. I'll try to get started on that. No room for an eliptical right now, but am hoping to start walking when the temps start to go down. Just too…
  • Amen to that!
    in Hello Comment by dragonfly1120 July 2011
  • Don't give up!!! I've failed for many years. I love food!!! I was 110 when I got married. 2 kids later, my heaviest was 167. That's horrifying! Please don't give up. Don't be me. You can do this. Well if I had read ALL the posts, I would have seen you're staying! Yay!
  • I'm really new to MFP...but I've lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I NEEDED pizza the other day. So, I ate some. Just eat a slice - chewed really slow (lol) and not the whole pizza. The new Fiber One brownies are really good for the chocolate cravings. They're very small...and 90 calories, but have lots of fiber. If I deny myself…
  • I had trouble with my heals a couple years ago, and off and on still. What I felt was a burning pain within my heals - especially the back with any type of pressure, and pain when I walked. It turned out to be plantar fasciitis, but I also had 2 heal spurs on each heal...one going up and one going down. Ice, good arch…
  • Make sure you're eating frequently 3 meals with snacks in between. Bananas are a good way to add a few calories and good for muscle cramps too. Nuts and avocados are good too. If you're still having trouble, you may want to look at Ensure or one of the drinks they give people to help them put on weight. They are nutritious…