Dealing with Back Pain....

I have 7 herniations in my back...along with bone spurs, arthritis, and degenerative disk disease. On 5/16/11, I had gastric banding and began walking again. Exercise has gone well for a couple of months, but now, my back is right back to the level of pain that I had before. I am scheduled for more pain injections in September, but that seems so far away when I am trying to continue with my weight loss. The exercises I have been doing include walking, recumbent bike, weights, and pilates. I have already had to call my husband once to rescue me while I was out walking and the spasms in my back became too much to deal with. I currently use pain medications, pain patches, and a tens unit to control the pain in my back. I am asking for any suggestions from those who also suffer from back pain. What exercises have helped and caused less pain? What methods have you used for dealing with the pain?


  • dragonfly1120
    dragonfly1120 Posts: 29 Member
    I've had 2 herniated discs in my lower back with surgery twice. I was to the point where I couldn't walk without dragging my foot. I could't sit or stand for any length of time at all. I found that the only relief is rest. Don't do anything to aggravate the flareup. Ice packs sometimes helped. I found a lot of relief with heating pads. Gentle stretching while lying on my back helped to loosen up the muscles that became tight from compensating for the pain. Even physical and massage therapy were too much to bear before I had the surgery. They went in and removed the part of the disk that was buldging and putting pressure on my spinal cord. It was through day surgery and made a huge difference. I wouldn't push the exercise right now. Just gentle stretching, only to where you feel it and not feel pain. Otherwise you will really make it worse. Good luck and God bless.
  • laurie_s16
    laurie_s16 Posts: 1 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your back pain! In May 2010 I began having back pain. After xrays, months of physical therapy, 2 rounds of oral steroids, I finally insisted on an MRI. I found out I had 2 herniated disks in my back. I then went straight to a back surgeon. Lucky for me, I had a discectomy in December. I slowly started exercising again in the Spring when I was sure I was healed. To exercise now, I walk, ride a bike, and do exercise videos. Unfortunately, I still cannot do certain stretches, nor any type of sit-up or cruch. Hang in there! Is back surgery a possibility for you? Back pain is the worst!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    dragonfly has some great advice for you. I can't really think of anything to add except to reinforce the idea of rest and ice. Ice will help bring down the inflammation and irritation. Just be kind to yourself and heal. If anything you do causes pain, then please stop. :flowerforyou:
  • wanderingwest
    IMS therapy has helped me. (Intra-muscular-stimulation) It has really helped with the spasms in particular. It involves needles like acupucture though so be prepared for that. Losing weight made a huge difference as well. So keep up the great work there. Good luck. Back pain is not fun!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I do water aerobics and swimming. Lower impact works well for me. Yoga has helped to stretch the muscles. Plus a really weird one that works for me. Liquid B12. I also do Bio-feedback and meditation. Rest is a big key. That along with my pain med. usually works ok. Heating pad and/or hot bath helps me too.

    I have a Genetic defect in L2,3,4. Now there is arthritis in those going out into right hip and messing with the sciatic nerve. I am doing research on Radiofrequncy Rhizotomy. It was recommended to me by my husbands Pain Specialist.
  • pippy1973
    Thanks so much for all the replies. To answer one question, I went to a neurosurgeon and the first thing I told him was that I wanted to try all avenues before having back surgery. I had already started the process for bariatric surgery and we decided to wait a year on any other decision about surgery. My treatment plan was to start going to a pain clinic for injections and to lose weight. I do use heat to help the pain as well. i soak in hot baths and use a heated rice sock on my lower back which is where the majority of the pain is. It radiates through my hips and down my right leg and when it becomes too severe, it will also radiate up into my neck and cause migraines. I gained 90 lbs in between injuring my back and when I had surgery. I am so scared that if i let up on the exercise, I will again regain the weight and I do bounce up and down on the scale when the pain is bad. Again, I so appreciate all the advice.