

  • I save my wine drinking for just before bed, that way by the time I finish my first glass I am way too sleepy to go for a second glass :D
  • That's exactly what I was thinking too. I agree 100% :D
  • Every day counts though. Try not to make excuses and just push yourself harder in your workout. When I have a cheat day I use it to motivate me and it makes me work that much harder to burn the calories. Think of the food a fuel not as a reward.
  • Put in the extra time the day before you go to work the next day to make your own lunch. Not only will it keep your hands busy but you will appreciate you lunch and the way your food tastes so much more if you make it yourself.
  • I do 12 miles a day on my bike which usually lasts around an hour plus strength and weights afterwords so I can easily do 2 hours a day when I'm very motivated.
  • Same here! I still have the giant decorated wine glass I got as a gift for my 21st birthday and I love to pull it out from time to time to treat wine like a big gulp soda lol Wine is one of my favorite luxuries in the world I would never give it up completely. I have gone 4 days without it since I am on a ton of pain…
  • Sea Glass Sauvignon Blanc is my new favorite for summer. Very crisp, light and refreshing. It costs 9-11 dollars-ish per bottle
  • I never eat mine back just to meet the MFP suggested goal. Sometimes I drink them back after a long day but thats a different story :P
  • Dude, switch to Wendy's. Their spicy chicken sandwich is literally the greatest thing on the planet.
    in McDonalds Comment by Logsv July 2012
  • I believe more in just indulging when the time is right. I will always try to hold off on a craving or a cheat food for as long as possible and then only buy a small quantity so I can't over do it. Another thing I like to do is buy the cheat item and then stash it in the freezer. Skittles, gummy worms, bagels, chinese…
  • Amen to this!!! Great post!
  • Have you ever been truly hungry? What works for me is taking a day to clense my sytem. I wake up have some water and go about my moring routine not eating breakfast until after my stomach is grumbling. By the time I've prepared my breakfast I am super hungry, I have more water and eat slowly, chewing every bite. I find…
  • Lots of water! And make sure you aren't replacing water with soda or juice which will be full of empty calories. I add a splash of lemon juice to my water to give it a kick without extra sugar. Drinking water should help with the feeling of being "full"
  • You don't have to give up TV but keep your hands occupied while your watching TV. Do a crossword puzzle, learn to knit, write on the boards here on MFP :) if your hands are busying doing something they are not free to deliver food from the table to your mouth. As I write this I am postponing an afternoon snack. By the time…
  • Just focus all those thoughts into your workout and let all the feelings go. For me it always helps to get my heart rate up and just feel my body working. It will take your mind off everything and help you zen out. Good luck!!
  • yummmm greeen beans!!! I'm suddenly craving them after reading your post :)
  • For me a cheat meal was eggplant Parmesan. Instead of having it at a restaurant, which would make it high in both calories and fat I opted to make it myself. Not only was I able to cut down on the calories and fat but using all healthy ingredients but I also had a blast in the kitchen. I cranked up the music, danced around…
  • Make sure you are keeping your sodium levels under control as well. Salt makes us retain water weight and I noticed in your diary you had Chinese food yesterday which is notorious for containing high levels of sodium and msg. Don't fret the gain, its probably all water. Watch your sodium today and you should be fine :D…
  • Excellent point! Couldn't have said it better myself :)
  • Scale arrived today, yes it syncs weight and %body fat to fitbit. Very helpful because I am lazy with my logging and the less time i have to spend manually imputing numbers the better. It was super easy to set up, I couldn't be happier with it.
  • I posted a similar topic on this forum earlier today :D I'm a 22 year old college grad, feel free to add me!!
  • Hello!! I have had a fitbit since December and I LOVE IT!!!!! I take it with me everywhere and I am completely obsessed with it. Just last week I accidentally left it on a shirt that went through both the washer and dryer before i realized my fitbit was still attached and I almost had a panic attack. Thank god two days was…
  • Hahaha as long as you still feel like your in your 20's that's what counts right? :D
  • Happy Birthday!!!!
  • I just got a yorkie puppy a month ago and it was the best thing I've done in a while. She's a handful but she makes me so happy. If you have the time to dedicate to a puppy, definitely get one.
  • I just got out of a very serious relationship a couple of months ago with my ex of almost three years and you just have to focus on you. When you are a positive, active person, people will flock to you! Best of luck, don't give up yet. Some of the best things in life happen when we least expect it :D
  • That's what motivated me! I started to actually feel my clothes get looser than the other day I actually stared at myself in the mirror and I thought I could see the difference. I told my mom and she pushed my to just take the step on the scale even though I didn't want to. I'm so glad she pushed me because now i have the…
  • Thanks for the responses everyone!