How do I reset "full"?

I've been overeating for years and I honestly have no idea when I'm full. I can eat and eat and it's only after I stop eating that I realize I've completely overeaten and usually feel sick and overly full.

By counting my calories, will my body eventually reset "full" or is there something I need to do?


  • omgitzlis
    omgitzlis Posts: 2
    Have you tried 5-6 small meals a day? When I was doing weight watchers that's what I would do in compliance w/ my allowed points.

    Also, try to find the cause for your over-eating.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    You will reset "full". It takes time, patience, practice. Anything in life has a learning curve. It's like a bike. You'll likely fall off it a few times trying to stay upright.

    Your body's hormones are out of whack due to your overeating for so long, so your brain doesn't acknowledge the hunger/full signals as it should. Try to cut back on sugar, fruit, potatoes and bread products - things made with grains, like cereal, crackers, pasta, cookies donuts, cake. You don't have to quit eating them, but don't let them be the bulk of your foods. Get lots of protein and vegetables. That will make this easier and faster.
  • Logsv
    Logsv Posts: 36
    Have you ever been truly hungry? What works for me is taking a day to clense my sytem. I wake up have some water and go about my moring routine not eating breakfast until after my stomach is grumbling. By the time I've prepared my breakfast I am super hungry, I have more water and eat slowly, chewing every bite. I find that I am always way more appreciative of my breakfast when I take the time to really enjoy it and part of that enjoyment of food is actually feeling the hunger. They say you can't experience happiness without experiencing saddness. Its the same thing for experiencing fullness and hunger.
  • darnnells
    darnnells Posts: 37
    Buy yourself portion size plates and bowls. It's like training wheels for eating until you can do it on your own. It will also force you to eat more small meals a day.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I'm sure many will disagree with me here, but in order to remind myself of both real hunger and real satiety I did a mini fast (sleep, coffee for breakfast, then work for 6 hours without a solid meal). By the time I finished work and went for food I had been hungry, the primary stomach rumbling had passed and I was left with true hunger. I ordered my food, ate it slowly, sipping water and talking, and stopped when I felt full. I felt much more satisfied than usual and more aware of my body's needs.
    I won't do it again unless I feel I have lost touch once more.