batalina Member


  • i do reward myself with food, and i'm ok with that. it is not necessarily junk food! earlier this year, i came to terms with the fact that i'm a "Live-To-Eat"-er, and i will NEVER be an "Eat-To-Live"-er, so instead of trying to do the impossible, i learned to do the best i could do with who i am. rewarding myself with food…
    in Rewards? Comment by batalina June 2012
  • yay, science! and cats! =^_^= i'm a 26 year old community college student... when i'm on campus, i love to take the long way to walk everywhere, and i always take the stairs to my 3rd-floor classes! i bring my own food to avoid questionable cafe offerings!
  • my first thought was "how the hell does she carry heavy stuff?" (my pouch-y sisters know EXACTLY what i'm talking about!)
  • i know one thing -- my husband hates protruding bones! one time i was laying on my back on the bed, disrobed, and there happened to be a bit of blanket under my butt, so it kind of pushed my hip-region up -- ergo, my hip bones were sticking out MUCH more than they otherwise would. when my husband walked into the room and…
  • INFP hard-core. haha, and i just read this, here: and it's freakily true of me. "INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where…
  • i agree to some extent with the OP: usually i reject almond milk for the reason that it doesn't have very much protein compared to soymilk. if the store is out of the unsweetened soymilk i prefer, i'll grab a carton of almond milk, but just to tide me over until the store gets more of the soymilk in. i need to take my…
  • i think this is the only thing i've seen in this whole thread that i've coveted, so far. simply beautiful!
  • i have lots of casts of my teeth -- had braces for 4 years, and i saved all of my impressions!
  • probably no one else has a huge Alice in Wonderland collection... and if they do, i want to be their best friend! i currently have 137 copies of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found There", some very old, and lots of other assorted Alice paraphernalia, from art to…
  • i think dress 1 is my favorite, but dress 4 is also nice. i think they're both suitable for an evening wedding :)
  • yes, and naked, and i take off my rings and glasses!
  • the BMI is somewhat junk science. they came up with it in the 1800's, based it on the weights/heights of people in a particular area, and it doesn't consider things like your frame, how much muscle you have, etc. it isn't a very accurate tool, it's just something people use to kind of lump people into categories and make…
  • i, too, eat ice cream. it's one of my must-have foods! sometimes if i eat too much, it makes me work out more so that i can gain back some calories to cover it!
  • i like truvia better -- that's actually my favorite of the various stevia sweetners available. i used to use splenda, but i didn't like the taste. truvia tastes a lot more like real sugar to me, and it's actually in little granules like sugar would be. i drink a lot of sweet iced tea, which would mean LOTS of sugar…
  • reportedly, scrubbing can help, because it gets blood flowing to the area and that has some kind of positive effect on it... but i don't know the specifics of how that works, and i can't attest to it myself. (for me, i've just learned to deal with it. pretty much everyone has cellulite, and i also found that it doesn't…
  • i do think it's funny that veg*ns get all kind of crap for being uppity at omnivores, because i am a vegan and i have NEVER just come out of nowhere and started ragging on someone for what they're eating, but it happens to me coming from meat-eaters ALL. THE. TIME. makes it a little hard for me to understand this…
  • i almost always have to eat before bed, or my hunger will actually wake me up in the middle of the night! i usually try to have some fruit or, like, some peanut butter toast or something. nothing too crazy, and usually just a little something.
  • i second the idea of a womens' shelter. best of luck to your friend :(
  • this, this, a thousand times, this! the MOST crap i've gotten for my weightloss is from a good friend of mine who has always struggled with her weight. we were weightloss buddies a few years ago, but... she got frustrated and gave up, and i kept going. now, most of the time when i see her, i usually get to hear some…
  • do you rub your eyes? if you do, eye-rubbing can stimulate the blood vessels so they look bigger and more pronounced and are closer to the skin. as someone else mentioned, allergies can also be a culprit. but i don't think there's any magical cure. i came out of the womb with mine -- the doctor took one look at me and told…
  • it knows! let me show you something: a fitbit day to show someone by ash-k, on Flickr you see that one pink spike in the 12pm hour? that's when i jogged to a class i was about to be late for! that was the most active i was that day! also, you can see that after that pink spike, there's no real activity until 2pm-ish...…
    in FitBit Comment by batalina April 2012
  • i feel great being a vegetarian (a vegan, actually). not to be gross or tmi, but... you know how awesome you feel when you take a really good crap? a lot of vegetarians report having awesome craps pretty much all the time. in general, i feel like my body works more the way it's supposed to. my skin's better, i feel icky…
  • i think it does pretty well -- i'm not that sedentary, i'm a student so i sit in classrooms for long periods of time, then run across campus to get to my next class, and i'm on my feet all day at work, but i think it's pretty accurate. if i've got a day off and i lay in bed all day, i don't burn too many calories. if i'm…
    in FitBit Comment by batalina April 2012
  • just wanted to say my heart goes out to you, and i wish you the best of luck in your weightloss journey and for your family, now and in the future :)
  • anyone else getting banner ads for docs since looking at this thread? :laugh:
  • i don't log 0-calorie beverages, yellow mustard, or supplements (i'd been logging my tums that i take as a calorie supplment, but i just got so tired of it >_<)
  • lol, yeah, my strategy was "be vegan and buy the synthetic ones" :D completely broken-in in about a week, and i wore them all day on one of my walk-all-over-my-college-campus days the day after i got them, without complaint. none of this "wear them for a little bit and beat them with a hammer" stuff.