

  • Oh, and I forgot one more thing (See what you started?!) The gym I used to go to offered a personal trainer for the first three times you went to help you get started. After're on your own...EVEN if you forget how to use something or have a question about the proper way to use a piece of equipment....I mean, I…
  • I actually quit going to the gym years ago because of a comment someone made to me. I had JUST begun my weight loss journey and was at the gym for the first time. This lady walks up to me while I was trying to remember how to use one of the machines (the thigh thingy) and says "You really should try something else...this…
  • Pico de Gallo with Black Beans! YUM and full of protein. 1 can Black beans, rinsed 1 can sweet corn, rinsed The juice of 3 limes 1/2 C chopped cilantro 1 Tbsp cumin 2 (10 oz) cans of tomatoes and green chilies (drained) 1/2 C finely chopped red onion Mix together and serve with tortilla chips! Enjoy:)
  • Strawberries Grapes Bananas Zuchini Yellow Squash Onions Red, Yellow and Green Bell Peppers Mushrooms Mozzarella cheese Yogurt Granola Mahi Mahi Tilapia Chicken Breasts Whole grain rice ...I'm sure there's more, but I haven't finished the list yet:) (Can't wait to make my veggie lasagna!)
  • I log anything that is out of my normal set of activities. So, a trip to the zoo, park, etc would be logged, but not my weekly shopping trip. I know that you do burn calories shopping, but I figure if I do, then that's just a bonus:) Hope this helps!
  • I was having the same problem and went out and got the Weight Watchers digital scale and have not had ONE problem since! i absolutely love this scale and you can get it at K-Mart or Rite-Aid for like $25!! TOTALLY worth it and it is incredibly accurate!
  • I am proud to tell everyone that the lovely lady that wrote this topic is my cousin:) She is also the reason I started my journey on here last September. I saw what she was accomplishing and knew that I could do it with her I joined MFP. To date, with her help (and many others on here), I have lost 23 lbs and I…
  • Here! Here! I completely agree:) I usually go over a little at least one day every week to keep my metabolism going. If I do happen to go over quite a bit, then yes, I back up a little the next few days and take an extra walk or do some extra chores around the house to "make up" for it. But really, don't worry about…
  • Oh, my! Everything looks scrumptious!!! Here's one that I use when my sweet tooth starts begging for something: (This recipe says it makes 8 servings, but I usually get 9-10 out of it.) 1 cup Fat Free Sour Cream 2 tbsp Light Brown Sugar 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract Mix together the brown sugar and vanilla until it is a smooth…
  • Hey:) I am always looking for more support buddies! My original weight loss goal was 30 lbs and I have lost 23 of it so far. If you want, feel free to add me! And good luck!
  • I can tell you that I have found that if I only weigh myself once every two weeks, then I feel more of an accomplishment when I see a bigger loss than one or two punds. And, that way you can make sure that you are NOT weighing yourself during your time. Hope this helps:)
  • My husband and I were talking (very seriously) about what was wrong and why we weren't working out. We were being very honest with one another and admitting what was bothering us about the other person. He told me that my weight bothered him and had been bothering him for some time. He said he didn't want to watch me die…
  • You can't give yourself a pedicure anymore:(
  • Apples, apples, apples! I peel one, cut it into bite sized chunks, put 1/4 tsp of butter on it and microwave it for 2 minutes. Take it out and sprinkle it with ground cinnamon and 1 tsp of light brown sugar. Nuke it again for 2 minutes and let it sit for a sec before you eat it. It is SUPER yummy and only 129 calories!!!
  • I can't do any of the training (medical condition that prevents it), but I am trying to eat healthier and get back to feeling better about myself. I would love to support you in your journey! I'm on here daily and i keep my diary open so everyone can see my choices. It makes it easier for my friends to help me AND it holds…
  • You know....I haven't felt sexy in a VERY long time, but the other day in the grocery store, a man walked up to me and asked me if I was married. I told him yes and he said, "Well now, that's a damn shame" and then he winked at me and walked off! It made me feel soooo sexy! I told my husband and he said, well you are! NOW…
  • Can't wait!!! I started this journey in September and I am down almost 20 lbs so far!!! My goal for the last 10 that i want to lose is February 1st, so this is great!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • Hey there! First of all...WELCOME TO THE FAMILY:) We're all here to support one another in this journey and you can feel free to add me if you like! Having supportive friends on here is key. I started about 3 months ago and have lost 20 lbs and I can honestly say that without my friends...I would have failed:( It's…
  • Copy and paste the whole thing in the browser window at the top of the page.
  • I just saw this....I' M IN:) Just sent a request to join!!!!
  • I think it's a GREAT idea! That one thing alone had me ready to quit almost immediately after joining. I thought, "What's the point in doing this if the data is wrong?" And Daydream is right, if we all pull together and edit a couple of things a day, we can make a HUGE difference! This site is for support and knowledge…
  • Awesome! That's a great feeling, isn't it?!?!?!? Keep it up!!!
  • Oh, my! You look fabulous!!!! You are a GREAT inspiration!!!!
  • We were out to dinner with my parents and he kept fidgeting around. I kept kicking him under the table and mouthing for him to be still and stop being weird:) When we got home, we were sitting on the couch and he pulled the ring out of his pocket and said "So, are you going to marry me or what?" I love my story!…
  • I have a medical condition that prevents me exercising, but I have lost 14 pounds so far just eating my 1200. It's possible! Good luck!
  • You go girl! I had a similar NSV the other day so I KNOW how good that feels! Keep it up and if you need another friend, feel free to add me! We're in this together!
  • A GREAT "bed" exercise is some easy sit ups. The cushion from the mattress helps support you so you don't end up straining the hurt area of your body while it heals! Hope this helps and that you are feeling better soon!
  • Welcome to our little "family"! We're here for you! Feel free to add me if you want more people in your support system....i truly believe that the more people you have on your side, the better you will do:)
  • It is hard to get all the exercise in when you are trying to run your own business. My only suggestion is that you actually pencil in a work out every day or so on the ole' fridge calendar and tell your husband you ARE going to go work out and he needs to take the helm for just 30 minutes or so. And that candy…
  • We're all here to help each other and I can tell you that since joining about 6 weeks ago, I have lost 13 lbs, so it CAN be done:) If you need more support, feel free to add me:)