What was your last straw?



  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    When I went from looking like this at 180 lbs (still overweight, but lookin' hot)


    to looking like this at 220 lbs (really overweight and lookin' not-so-hot)

  • Mine was when my son said, "Oh mom, you can't do that because your fat, right?" Those 10 little words was my last straw.
  • Xoe4
    Xoe4 Posts: 38 Member
    Stepping on the scale and being 280 pounds. I never ever wanted to get to 300, so I'm set on losing. I've gone astray (I moved away to school, struggled with depression, etc) but now my life is sorted out, and everything is back on track. :D
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Last November, when I was featured in a corporate video that I still can't watch because of how huge I looked (this was about 35lbs ago). Knowing that every person I worked with, as well as thousands of people nationally were watching it embarased the hell out of me. I had no idea I had become SO huge.

    Also, not being able to completely comfortably fit in an airline seat. I was never big enough that someone would think I need 2 seats, but I could feel the armrests digging into my hips.
  • saw a picture of myself and I thought "THATS what I look like?!?"

    also, my nephew called me fat. He's young,,, young people are pretty darn honest.
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    October 2011. 230 lbs and having a stomach that made me look like I was a prego. Not sexy for a dude...
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    Jean shopping for the winter. I'm very petite and have been size 1-2 all through high school. Not being able to pull my usual size past my thighs was heart breaking. I refuse to go jean shopping until I see a drastic change in my hips and thighs! :)
  • After realizing that EVERY time I wanted to simply change my shirt, or pants, or change into my nightgown....I would run my fiance out of the room. I realized that here I am, getting ready to marry this man and go on a honeymoon.......but I will not remove ONE stitch of clothing in front of him. Boy thats going to be a FUNNNNNN honeymoon...NOT. Have to FIX THIS right now! I started last week and weighed in at 250 lbs. Today was my first weigh-in and I have lost 8 lbs....so I am motivated to continue losing and exercising! Hopefully by the time I actually set a date and have a honeymoon, I wont have to worry about pants, shirts OR nightgowns! Hahahaha!!!!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I was reaching my 25th birthday and starting noticing that without any exercise whatsoever, I'd feel sharp stabbing pains in my heart which was a sign of arteries being clogged up.

    I decided that I made an excuse out of almost everything to do with my lifestyle, but I was NOT going to make an excuse about my heart having stabbing pains at my age.

    My last straw - not making an excuse for a bad heart for a lifestyle that would result in me not having a life.
  • October of last year I tried on a super adorable dress at Forever 21 and I couldn't fit all the way into a large. Before that at some point I realized I was 15lb off of being 200lb. . .I said NO WAY! I am going to get down to my goal and wear all the cute dresses i want! So I started to learn to eat healthy. . .then in November I started to add exercise. Its the only thing that has stuck. . .not those silly diets that I have tried. . .or starving myself. I am becoming very healthy and exercise makes me happy. I never want to go back to my old habits!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    BMI 29.99 So close to obese.
    and my face is disappearing into my neck.
  • Being made fun of every day in the halls at school.. -_- High school sucks.... Especially when you're overweight... Having to shop at Lane Bryant for 5 years..... Health issues I might have if I continued gaining and gaining.... Being mistaken as a teacher or an adult multiple times... Bottom line, it was time to change! :)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Mine came last year right before Christmas. I knew I had gained weight, and planned on doing something after the holidays. But, I was walking past windows and could see reflection and thought to myself, holy crap have I gotten big. I definitely need to cut out junk food and soda. BUt, from that point until I went on vacation I was either working double duty and jobs everyday and/or had school work to do. I figured that was not the best time to eliminate soda. I needed as much caffeine as I could. As soon as I was done with vacations beginning of January, I started cutting back on soda. Then I found this site. This site has really given me the motivation to keep doing this and stick to it.
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Finding out that I was busting out of size 18W clothing....had to make a change to be around for my grandchildren. Now, I am a size 8, and even those are loose. Feels fantastic to be so full of energy. Saw others who had had gastric bypass and never seemed to lose an ounce....decided that I would have to put the work in to get lasting results. At my highest, I was 232lbs.....now weighing in at less than 150.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Mine was definitely when I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself anymore. I became less and less interested in looking nice but being comfortable. I started to just throw my hair back, skip showers sometimes, not shaving as often, wanting to stay home instead of going places and having health problems for the first time in my life. One day I just looked in the mirror and said "Ok, That's it!". So, here I am.
  • larat71
    larat71 Posts: 60
    My husband and I were talking (very seriously) about what was wrong and why we weren't working out. We were being very honest with one another and admitting what was bothering us about the other person. He told me that my weight bothered him and had been bothering him for some time. He said he didn't want to watch me die from a heart attack because of my weight. I broke down crying because that's when I realized how much he really loved me! :love: I went in the kitchen and threw away all the junk that I had gotten and went to the store the next day with a list of healthy foods only! That was in September, I have lost 23 lbs ans am only 7 lbs away from my goal weight.
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    My last straw... well it could have been my kids' "HONEST" comments, or the fact that I felt completely unattractive, or the fact that I started finding fatter people to hang out with and I was STILL the fat one in the group... I'm not sure.

    All I'm sure about is that my hubby and I and our two kids are moving to the place we plan to live in until we die, and I want to make a fresh start. Not to mention the fact that last time those people (the ones that live where we're moving) saw me, I was a size 8 and I'm in size 20s....
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Realising that my shirts no longer fit because they were too tight in the sleeves. I knew my bum was big, I knew I was getting a belly, but realising that I had fat arms was the last straw.
  • BrittanyH8588
    BrittanyH8588 Posts: 77 Member
    The last straw for me was when I was out with my friend and her 11 month old son. My friend looks amazing for having a baby she gained a lot of weight with the pregnancy but now you could never tell she even had a baby if he wasn't with her all the time. That day while we were out she was walking around in a shirt that showed off her nice stomach and perfect abs. while walking down the street to the shopping center we were going to 1 car full of guys pulled over to tell her how beautiful, gorgeous, absolutely amazing she looked and then as we were going through the shopping center people were looking at her and checking her out and then as we were getting ready to leave a guy about in his 20's came over and said to her "ma'am no disrespect but is this your son?" and she said yes and then he says "No way that is your baby you look amazing do not ever let him have friends or they will be all over you!!! I for sure thought that this was her baby (he pointed at me) because she looks like she has definitely had a baby." that was it I could not believe he had just said that yes I knew I was over weight and not as attractive as I used to be but I did not realize how bad it had gotten. So right then and there I had a choice I could be upset with my friend for not even a valid reason because she was healthier and more in shape then me and I could continue eating like **** and feeling like **** OR I could change my life around go on a diet, work out and be healthier. So I did I changed the whole way I eat and now I work out every day and I feel so much better and healthier no for me it is not about getting checked out by guys or being told I am beautiful by random strangers I am doing this because I want to be healthier and more in shape and look in the mirror I think "Damn I look good!"
  • nyyrule
    nyyrule Posts: 28
    Mainstream mens pants go up to size 42. After that, you need to go to specialty stores or get really lucky. When size 42 jeans started to feel a bit tight, I knew I had to turn things around. That was only 2 weeks ago, and they are a bit loose now.