Looking for more friends!!

Hey everybody!!! My name is Nicole. I'm not new just looking for more friends/support. A little about me I'm 24, 5'5", and 155 lbs. My goal is 140 or even lower if my body allows it. I'm also looking to get fit, toned, and healthy not just lose weight. I'm a mom to a wonderful 4 yr old boy and a nurse although I am not working rigjt now. My goals for the new yr are to get in shape, eat clean, and train for a 5K. I'm very interested in eating clean/organic foods. Not sure quite where to start with it. Please add me if you are also looking for support and have similar goals!


  • My goals for the new yr are to get in shape, eat clean, and train for a 5K. I'm very interested in eating clean/organic foods.

    minus the 5k thing (i still have a cast on one leg), those are always my goals. sure i'll be your pal. :smile:
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for the add!
  • larat71
    larat71 Posts: 60
    I can't do any of the training (medical condition that prevents it), but I am trying to eat healthier and get back to feeling better about myself. I would love to support you in your journey! I'm on here daily and i keep my diary open so everyone can see my choices. It makes it easier for my friends to help me AND it holds me accountable for what I eat.
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 26 and have a fair bit more weight to lose but am also starting the train to 5k in the morning :) I'm a stay at home to 2 boys and a girl :) Feel free to add me too!
  • feel free to add me.. Im a 34 year old women from australia.
    I train 5-6 times per week..
    Ive lost 27kg and have another 13-15 to go, which will not budge.!!!!

    the more support on our journeys the easier the joourney is :_)