Here we go AGAIN!

Hi all! I am new to the community and wanted to say hello. I heard about this from our church pastor's wife during a women's retreat this weekend. She is doing great and is a great role model! I am really excited to see how much info is on here and the wonderful tools. I have been fighting with my weight for a very long time. As I get older I feel myself teetering on the edge or "going back over to the darkside" lol. Wish me luck please, I need it! Stephanie


  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome Stephanie - It's a joy to meet new MFP friends with common goals. If you need support, add me as a friend:smile:
  • rcharest8
    rcharest8 Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck Stephanie! Add me if you like. We all need all the friends and support we can get!
  • We're all here to help each other and I can tell you that since joining about 6 weeks ago, I have lost 13 lbs, so it CAN be done:) If you need more support, feel free to add me:)
  • Good luck Stephanie and when you're having down days hang in there because you'll have a ton of great days!!!
  • pangela13
    pangela13 Posts: 172 Member
    Here we go to success. Keep poistive. You can do it and there is lots of support here,
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Welcome Stephanie!! You will do great with your attitude! This place is wonderful for the support and for the ease of use. My biggest tip that I can give is to check the calorie count of something before you eat it. You may decide that there are better ways to "spend" your calories!