How did you get proposed to? <3



  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    mine was a treasure hunt starting at my family home with hints and little gifts along the way.....ending in a different city an hour away at his family home with more hints and gifts finally finding my engagment ring hanging on the Christmas tree on my favorite disney character ornament :) Eeyore of course ....when I turned around he was on bended knee and that was 11 yrs ago ;)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I proposed, drunk, right before my head hit the table. CLUNK!
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    we had just bought up the rings (my engagement and wedding band) when i had to go down to the family bathrooms to nurse our daughter (she was2 months old) he stepped in the room with our son and asked me then and there but with the wedding band because the store was still setting the rock in the engagement ring
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I knew he had the ring. But that didn't matter:

    Pelican's Warf, Austin Texas 1984:

    HE: takes table napkin with a flourish and puts it on floor. Kneels on one knee. Produces box from right pocket. Says "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"

    SHE: tears up like an allergy patient; takes other table napkin and starts dabbing eyes and blowing nose, and says, "UH, HUH" or something equally intelligent.

  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    I have a funny story about that! My husband had the most elaborate plan ever - a walk to a beautiful waterfall, a table set for two with a picnic dinner, champagne, candlelight and a violinist playing on the rocks above the waterfall. It was going to be epic! All of this was going to be a total surprise to me. I had no idea he was anywhere close to proposing.

    But the day he picked up the ring from the jeweler, he got so excited and could not wait another minute. He called me at work and asked if he could bring me lunch. I said 'Of course'! He hopped on his bike, stopped by Arby's for roast beef sandwiches and curly fries (yes, really!) and showed up 15 minutes later. He handed me a bag of fast food and said 'Damn... I can't wait another minute to ask you... will you marry me!?'

    I said yes, and we shared a good laugh about how the proposal went down.

    I was smiling when I read this. I can imagine you're husband's excitement in his face!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    We were planning on getting engaged after his brother's wedding in July, but I found out we were expecting our "happy accident" in April. Oops!

    We went and picked out rings, so I knew it would be coming soon. One night I was crying hysterically because "there wouldn't be any surprise! No surprise about getting engaged, a boring wedding, no trying to get pregnant..." (darn hormones!)

    So, at the end of May, he was giving the end of the year speech for the 8th graders at the middle school where we both teach. I'd listened to his speech multiple times and it was about taking advantage of opportunities as they're presented in life because you don't want to miss out, etc.

    Then, his speech went off on a short tangent and he asked me to come on front of 1300 kids, and all of the school staff. When I got there, he handed me 2 dozen red roses, got down on one knee and proposed. After I said yes, we hugged and he said, "is this a big enough of a surprise for you?"
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    We ere laying on my bed he looked over and said wanna get married
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Well I was going through a divorce and she was a self employed attorney. I was in her office and I had my divorce attorney fax me my final divorce papers. As they came through I said, hey look honey I'm divorced! I then said I got health insurance want to marry me? Of course she said yes..I mean who could resist free health insurance. Anyway never got her a ring but thinking of getting her one for our 20th when we renew the contract. Yep we had a 20 year contract for our marriage....just kidding but we always tell our friends that.

    No kids with her but I have 3 boys from my first and she has 1 boy from her first. Happy now!
  • I love all these. haha. Keep 'em coming :)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Proposal from first husband: couple of hours before getting ready to go out to a nice restaurant, I jumped on my ex's lap while he was on the sofa. After a minute, he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and said, "here, you were going to find it anyway."

    Proposal from second husband: my favorite holiday is the 4th of July, he almost proposed under the fireworks. Instead, he waited until the next day when he took me back to the same bed & breakfast in a little town where we had our first get away as a couple and is a special place to both of us. He proposed in front of the courthouse on the town square.

    Both proposals were memorable but I much prefer to remember the second one.
  • jen0731
    jen0731 Posts: 59 Member
    From my 1st husband right after doing the "deed" he got down on one knee butt naked. Even though we still aren't together, we still have a good laugh.

    This time around, my fiance was out of town on business. He was out of town for 1.5 months at this time without being able to come home. It was pretty rough. He couldn't come home for my bday, so he shipped his dad my ring. I went to his dad's and had to call my man while I opened it. I dropped the ring in the couch. After getting it, I started crying. He never really asked and I told him to pretend to get down on one knee for me. Even though he wasn't here, by far it was my best birthday. We are to be married in April. We had been talking about it for months so I knew it was coming but didn't know when. I was definitely surprised!
  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    A week before he proposed, I was eyeing a cute little stuff toy in a toy store. He asked me a couple of times if I want that stuff toy and I said yes. When the proposal day came (celebrating our 32nd month), he asked me to go out for a lunch in a resto. When the food came, he then pulled out the cute stuff toy from his bag and put it on the table. I was so happy and laughing because I knew from the start he will buy that stuff toy. But never I did notice that tiny thing sparkling on the necklace of the stuff toy. And I was wondering why he was looking different like he wanted to tell something. Then he told me to look at the stuff toy "closely". Then I saw the ring and asked him "what's this?" (because I'm not really aware of that proposal thing in my entire life). Then he asked me to marry him.

    We are getting married next year October 2012, 4 years after he proposed.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    We meet online 18 years ago. A few weeks in he asked if I would marry him over the phone. But it wasn't an obvious proposal to me so I asked "If you are proposing I would say yes." He mailed me a ring. When I flew out to Orlando he dropped to one knee and proposed in the airport! 18 years and one daughter later we are still going strong. :love:

    A local magazine did a story on it and the ring last year.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    the first one said: "you want a ring or a house" *sigh* divorced.

    the second and last one took me to our favorite mexican joint and proceeded to take me to the beach after where apparently he had called our "favorite radio station" earlier in the night and told the DJ the scoop and had him play Jack Johnson at a particular time, wherein he got out of the car and i said, "What, you have to pee here??" and he opened my door, got down on a knee and proposed...typical april move iwth the whole you gotta pee here comment...but it is what makes it "our story"

    and the earlier part of the day is i spent the afternoon with my mom and sisters at a casino celebrating their birthday and got all ****-faced and then came home, took a nap where he had to wake me up to go out to eat...while i was feeling not so ****-faced, this, again, makes it a typical day in the life of us kind fo story :)
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    We were in California visiting his parent over the Christmas holidays. It was Jan 30th and we were sitting at a little hole in the wall bar playing pool and just hanging out. We were sitting at the bar and he suddenly looks over at me and says, "Let's go get married". I said yes, and on Jan 3rd we drove to Vegas and had a very relaxed and fun wedding. It was awesome!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Mostly depends on the husband, mine is not very on the romantic side. . According to him.. because he was waiting for me to finish my studies in my home country and move with him.. so he would see that I was serious, according to me because he's too perfectionist and would never find the "perfect" ring, or "perfect " moment to do it. I was soooo frustrated, I had to give him an ultimatum.. either he proposed on Holidays or he would go back to England alone. And the proposal itself wasn't very romantic either. I felt sometimes like I was spoiling my own chances of having a successful marriage, and one could think he was pressured to do it.. blah blah blah.. but to be honest, one year and a bit after the wedding.. he sends things like this.. so I can say he's even more in love now than ever.

    "Hi my queen of awesomeness, my beautiful, perfect wife! Missing you loads and only 1 night gone, still 16 more to go :(
    I woke up with a very painful stiff neck this morning. Still have to put all the bins out. You would be having your breakfast in bed here now! Love you so much. Have a great halloween. Hope to see you on Skype tonight before you go out. Take care of the little prince and yourself. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LOVE YOU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    A VERY IMPORTANT TIP: set a date right after the proposal, some guys are happy to be "engaged" forever. I was lucky and he came up with the idea of "when", but I see other women that say that are engaged and when you ask them, they say "we haven't talk about it yet".. sounds pretty awful.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Ups and I forgot.. the proposal itself came on our first day of holidays, he planned to do it while dining out, but we woke up too late after our siesta, and all restaurants were closed, there were local parties and the music in the street was so loud that we decided to drink at home and get merry given that we couldn't sleep with such loud music, so he went to the lou, came back gave a loooong kiss and while kissing me he put the box in my hand. (I knew he had the ring as I saw it on his suitcase... lol). So yeah, I opened it, tried it on, it was a bit big for my finger and he hated to get it wrong, but yeah, then he asked "Will you marry me?" and of course I said yes, as I mentioned above the only thing I needed from him was the question in itself. :D
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    My now husband was so romantic in his proposal. He had me thinking he was planning us a mini-vacation and I would find out where we were going on Christmas. He really had me going, I was even doing research into what places were within 200 miles of us (that's the range he gave) and even had my co-workers convinced! So Christmas Eve came and he came to my parents house before Church, downed a couple of beers which I thought was strange but I let it go and we went to Church. Afterwards we were home first and I tried to convince him to exchange gifts before everyone got home but he wouldn't let me. Our tradition is everybody gets to open one gift on Christmas Eve so we always exchange one gift then.

    So everyone finally got home and of course I had to be the last one to open my gift. He tried to get me to sit up on the couch but I was comfortable on the floor. So in front of my entire family I opened a big gift bag and there was a decorated box inside that said "The very best vacation" inside of that was another box that said "that I could ever take" and inside of that was an envelopes that said "would be with you..." Now keep in mind I'm completely clueless still, I'm expecting tickets to somewhere or hotel reservations inside the envelope!! So I open the envelope and there are a few pieces of paper, still looking for tickets, and there was a piece of paper in between two others that said "forever" and the ring was taped to it!

    The waterworks started IMMEDIATELY, I was so happy! He later told me he had a whole speech prepared but he couldn't get any words out without crying so he just asked, "Will you marry me" and of course I said yes!

    It was amazing, we've now been married about 5 months!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    we were on vacation in CA, on a hike overlooking the ocean. wasn't really a surprise. I'd found the ring 3 weeks earlier. :blushing:
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    We meet online 18 years ago. A few weeks in he asked if I would marry him over the phone. But it wasn't an obvious proposal to me so I asked "If you are proposing I would say yes." He mailed me a ring. When I flew out to Orlando he dropped to one knee and proposed in the airport! 18 years and one daughter later we are still going strong. :love:

    A local magazine did a story on it and the ring last year.

    Cool story. I'm from Orlando and know about Church Street Station. My husband proposed to me at a cemetery. I know, weird, right? Well, we had gone to a wedding earlier and then we went to the cemetery to put flowers on my mom's grave for her birthday. While we were there he dropped to his knee and read me a poem he had written about a frog and a princess or something kind of corny like that and then asked me to be his princess forever. I said yes and we're still together 26 years later.